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One person injured in apartment

today at 09.34 Nelly Kronstrand

A person has been found injured in an apartment in central Södertälje.

The person has had to be taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter. The extent of the damage is unclear.

– There is not much more I can say at the moment, says Tove Hägg, press spokesperson at the police.

The police are investigating the incident as a suspected attempted murder.

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    There are currently no suspects, according to the police.

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  • Four trucks on fire

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    The alarm about the fire came in at 11 p.m. on Sunday evening.

    – It spread to the forest as well. But no one is hurt. Arson is suspected, says Thomas Söderberg, officer on duty at the police in the South region, to the news agency.

    The police are investigating the incident as aggravated arson.

  • Two dead found after the house collapse

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    Earlier on Sunday evening, the rescue service stated that eight people were missing after the house collapse.

    The rescue work has been made more difficult by difficult-to-extinguish fires in the race masses and it will take time to reach the bodies, the rescue service says. The two deceased have not yet been identified.

    Five people in neighboring houses were injured when the building collapsed. The cause is unclear but could be a gas explosion. Several witnesses state that they were awakened by a loud bang during the night towards Sunday. (TT)

  • Man shot and robbed

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    The police were alerted at 10.20pm on Easter Sunday evening. The place was cordoned off for a technical investigation and the police knocked on doors in the area.

    – He was taken to hospital, but has no life-threatening injuries. Initially, the crime classification was attempted murder, but we added aggravated robbery. The plaintiff got rid of something at the scene, says Sebastian Börjesson, officer on duty at the police in the West region, to TT.

    At 03.30 the restrictions were lifted. At that time, no one had yet been arrested.

    – At least two people were brought in for questioning, but not as suspects, who were at the scene, says Börjesson. (TT)

  • Was looking for truffles – died in a mine explosion

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    The BBC writes in a statement to CNN that they are discussing with Twitter to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

    “The BBC is, and always has been, independent. We are funded by the British public through the license fee,” they write.

    Twitter has previously used the label “state-affiliated” media about news sources such as Russia Today and China’s Xinhua – both of which are tightly controlled by the state.

    This week, the US public service company NPR was branded with the same label. It sent the company into a frenzy, whereupon Twitter changed the label to “government-funded”.

    They have not answered how Twitter defines that term.

  • Two migrants dead in the Mediterranean – 20 missing

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    The boat was on its way from Tunisia to Italy.

    22 people managed to be rescued, the German volunteer group ResQship told the AFP news agency. They were taken to the town of Lampedusa in Italy.

    The survivors are men, women and children from Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Mali.

    The dead were two men.

    A total of around 40 migrants were on the boat when it sank during the night between Saturday and Sunday. They had been in the water for two hours before the rescue boat arrived.

  • Big step towards cancer vaccine thanks to the pandemic

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    This is stated by several pharmaceutical companies for The Guardian.

    According to several pharmaceutical companies, several new vaccines could be in place within just ten years. This is reported by TT.

    Some researchers have stated that upwards of 15 years of research was earned in just 12–18 months during the intense pandemic years.

    The pharmaceutical company Pfizer says it has gained many important experiences and has been able to streamline its vaccine research after the pandemic.

    In a statement it is written:

    “The lessons learned from the covid-19 vaccine development have given us broader information about our overall approach to mRNA research and development, and how Pfizer conducts research and development more broadly. We gained a decade of scientific knowledge in just one year”.

  • Eight are missing after the house collapse in Marseille

    A fire has complicated the rescue work. Photo: AP

    A four-story building in the southern French city of Marseille collapsed early this morning after a suspected explosion.

    A fire broke out after the landslide, which has complicated the search for people. As of Sunday afternoon, more than 100 firefighters were still battling the flames.

    Eight people are missing and are feared to be trapped under the rubble, reports say The Guardian.

    – Not all those who should have been in the house…have been looked after. Families are worried, says France’s housing minister to Franceinfo.

    Five people in neighboring buildings were injured in the landslide. A further 33 were taken care of by paramedics.

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  • There is a police helicopter circling in Haninge. What happened?


    According to the police, it was a burglar in Haninge who was caught red-handed by the residents and then fled from there.

  • Why are housing prices in Västerås cheaper than in Enköping? – Västerås, which is a significantly larger city, has training courses etc


    Do not know. But a small guess here from the editors is that Enköping is closer to Stockholm. More attractive commuting distance, etc.

  • Has the ferry docked yet?


    Hello Eva!

    The Gotland ferry went into port at 2 p.m.

  • Will there be any text by Jan Guillou today?


    Ride Arthur Strömberg

    Hi Ake! Yay, now it’s out! Here you can read!

  • Saw on tiktok that there is a fire in Hamburg in some warehouse building or chemical plant. I don’t see any info about it


    Hi Patrick! Exactly, there is a fire in a warehouse in Rothenburgsort, and a warning to the public has been issued. You can read about the event here.

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