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Obesity among children increased during the pandemic

today at 11.00 Anna Sjögren

Overweight and obesity increased among three- and four-year-olds in three Swedish regions during the pandemic.

It shows a study that SR Ekot reports on.

According to the researchers, it may have to do with children moving less during the pandemic, when many were home from preschool more.

The greatest increase was seen among children in vulnerable areas.

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  • Why don’t you write anything about all the chaos in Paris?


  • Swedbank works again, I see!

    T Thiger

    Ah! Wonderful to hear! ?

  • When are you fully vaccinated? Took 2 doses, should I take more?

    Good continuation!

    Mr. Viktor


    It depends a little on how old you are, and if you are otherwise perfectly healthy.

    Here you can read what the Public Health Agency recommends.

  • Why don’t you write anything about what is happening in Nagorno-Karabakh and that Azerbaijan has closed the road there for supplies?


    Hello Erik,

    We have noticed this and you can read more here.

  • Hey! There have been many colds now, I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that many people have taken the corona vaccine, so sometimes I wonder if that is what affects the fact that many people have colds.

    Nadire Dzeljily

    Hi Nadire! It is true that many people have colds now. The Public Health Authority writes on its website that “several systems show that many people in the country are sick with respiratory symptoms or fever”.

    The Swedish Public Health Agency explains that this may be due to the increasing spread of influenza as well as covid-19 and RSV.

    Hope you stay healthy!

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