Latest news – Norway faces new sanctions against Russia

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Norway introduces new sanctions against Russia

today at 15.40 Oskar Forsberg

Norway is now introducing new sanctions against Russia. This is stated by the Norwegian government in a press release.

– It is absolutely necessary to react against Russia’s brutal warfare in Ukraine. Norway therefore continues, together with the EU, to increase the sanctions against Russia, says Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt in a press release.

The new sanctions deal with additional restrictions on goods and services that are important to Russia, according to the press release.

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    During the past two decades, Magnus Thorén has, among other things, led news and community programs on Sveriges Radio and SVT.

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  • Man arrested on suspicion of attempted arson in Malmö

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    The man is now under arrest for an attempt or preparation for damage by fire, which SVT News Skåne was the first to report on.

    – The man acted suspiciously at a garbage can when the police were out on a routine patrol. At the moment, it cannot be ruled out that the man has something to do with several of the fires earlier this week, says Nils Norling, press spokesperson at the police and continues:

    – The information we have indicates that it should be more than one perpetrator who started the fires of the last few days.

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    – Sweden is Finland’s closest partner in security and defense policy. Finland’s line has not changed.

    He says that after Erdogan’s actions yesterday, they had contact with Turkey, but also with Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström and NATO’s Secretary General.

    In conclusion, he says that he is looking forward to the NATO summit in July, and that he hopes that both Sweden and Finland will be accepted as NATO members then.

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  • Warns of “imminent” terrorist attacks

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    It states The Time of Israel.

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  • If I don’t want to open an account in Swedbank, will I still get the money?

    Nathalie Thor

    You do not need to open an account with Swedbank, just register your bank account (regardless of which bank you have), to receive the electricity subsidy.

    If you do not want to register your account, and do not receive a general pension from the Pensions Authority, you will receive a payment notice sent home.

    You can read more about it here!

  • Is it true? Noticed that an account with the pension authority is ok?


    That’s right, if you have an account with the Pension Authorities, the electricity subsidy is paid out in connection with the pension.

    “You who receive a general pension from the Pensions Authority do not have to do anything, you receive the money into your account as you usually receive your pension,” Swedbank writes on its website.

  • Yes, so I’m going to register in Swedbank’s account register for electricity support, but how do I do it then?

    Lillemor Gunnarsson

  • Amanda Hällsten wrote that Handelsbanken works now but it doesn’t


    Hey! It worked temporarily, but as you write, the bank’s services seem to be down again. We are looking for Handelsbanken’s press service and hope to be able to update you soon on how things are going.

  • Do you have to have an account with Swedbank in order to be paid out?


    No, but you must register your account, depending on which bank you have, in Swedbank’s account register if you want the electricity subsidy money as soon as possible.

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