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No one arrested after Rinkeby shooting

today at 11.39amBeri Zangana

No one has yet been arrested after the shooting death in Rinkeby in northwest Stockholm on Christmas Day.

– We have investigative work that will continue over the weekend, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

The police will have an increased resource in the area.

– We continue to follow up information that needs to be checked and talk to those who we think may have information to provide, says Towe Hägg.

Any cameras in the area will also be inventoried.

According to information to Aftonbladet, the man who was shot to death belonged to the criminal network Dödspatrullen. He was also suspected of having tricked “Einar” Grönberg, to the place where the artist was murdered, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

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  • Avalanche near St Anton ended in Christmas miracle

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  • Picasso’s daughter dead – was 87 years old

    Maya Ruiz Picasso, daughter of Pablo Picasso. Photo: Lionel Cironneau/AP

    Pablo Picasso’s daughter Maya Ruiz-Picasso is dead, TT reports.

    Maya Ruiz-Picasso worked as an art historian and was often called upon as an expert on her father’s artistry.

    As a child, she also modeled for her father’s paintings.

    Ruiz-Picasso died on Tuesday in Paris, according to the New York Times. She was 87 years old.

    Maya Ruiz-Picasso was born as the daughter of Picasso’s mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter while he was married to his first wife Olga Chochlova.

  • Several shots at apartment buildings in Falkenberg

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    Police can ascertain that several shots have been fired through the door and several empty shell casings were found at the scene.

    During the night, the police cordoned off the crime scene and carried out a technical investigation. They have also knocked on doors and searched the area with dog patrol.

    The police are investigating the incident as a serious armed crime.

    The police currently have no suspects.

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  • Regarding the fire in Orsa. It says that no people were hurt, but how many birds burned inside?


    Hey Ollie! According to Mora Newspaper there were roughly 150 chickens that unfortunately could not be saved.



    Thanks Anthy! Merry Christmas and good luck!

  • I also had a power outage but a UPS saved Christmas Eve and Donald Duck! Completely pitch black in the house but the TV and internet continued to work!


    Smart to be ready Nicklas!

    Good tips!

  • Are you working tomorrow?

    Merry Christmas!


    Here at the editorial office, there is someone who works every day, all year round! Merry Christmas, Harald! ?

  • Are price increases on food habits reasonable in relation to inflation or are the stores salting the prices to make more profit? Think, for example, butter prices!


    Hey! The Norwegian Institute of Economic Research has investigated this, and concluded that prices did not rise unreasonably much. However, I don’t know how it is with butter, and of course there can be exceptions.

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