Latest news – Moscow-linked network was infiltrated by agent

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Moscow-linked network infiltrated by agent

today at 16.15 Niklas Gustafsson

Moldovan police have arrested seven people from a network “staged by Moscow”, reports TT.

According to the Moldovan police authority, the network’s goal was to destabilize the country through protests critical of the regime.

An agent allegedly infiltrated the neighborhood and collected ten hours of video and audio material, police chief Viorel Cernauteanu says.

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  • Billström about the Swedish-Iranian sentenced to death: Working intensively

    Foreign Minister Tobias Billström. Photo: Björn Lindahl

    Now Foreign Minister Tobias Billström is commenting on the Iranian death sentence against Habib Chaab.

    “The Foreign Ministry and the Swedish Embassy in Tehran are now working intensively to create further clarity around the information,” he writes in a comment to TT.

    The Swedish Foreign Ministry has previously said that it is in contact with representatives of Iran in the case, and that it has unsuccessfully requested consular access.

    “We have also expressed our concern about our citizen’s situation and requested to be present at the trial,” continues Billström.

    Read more here.

  • Iran and the US agree on a prisoner exchange, according to Reuters

    Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, spoke today on Iranian state television. Photo: Darko Vojinovic/AP

    Iran and the US have agreed on a prisoner exchange, reports Reuters.

    The news agency refers to a statement made by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Iranian state television.

    – With regard to the issue of prisoner exchange between Iran and the United States, we have reached an agreement in recent days and if everything goes well from the American side, I think we will see a prisoner exchange shortly, he says.

  • Car on fire after collision with fence

    Police, rescue services and an ambulance are on the scene at highway 42 in Vårgårda municipality after an alarm about a traffic accident.

    According to early information to SOS Alarm, one has driven into a fence and started to burn.

    – Then information comes in that there is another vehicle involved. There are two cars that are supposed to burn there, but it is a little unclear what has happened, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press spokesperson for the police region West.

    An ambulance helicopter has also been called to the scene.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    – The road will be closed for a couple of hours in the future, says Fredrik Svedemyr.

  • Smet from the police – almost ran over several people

    A police car in Malmö tried to stop and check a car at Sankt Knutstorg in central Malmö during the morning.

    – The police meet the car, which immediately drives away. Then the patrol makes a U-turn and follows, says Sara Andersson, police spokesperson.

    When the road is closed, the car drives onto a footpath.

    – It’s very narrow there, the car just fits between a house facade and parked cars, says Sara Andersson.

    One couple must hide in a gate to avoid being hit, another couple must throw themselves onto the hood of a parked car.

    – They would have been hit otherwise, says Sara Andersson.

    During the escape, the car collides with a parked car, before driving into a fence. Three people then abandon the car and run from the scene.

    – But we manage to catch them, says Sara Andersson.

    The driver, a man in his teens, was arrested and is now suspected of negligence in traffic, attempted aggravated assault, aggravated illegal driving, contamination from the scene of a traffic accident and drugged driving.

    The police are now very keen to get in touch with the couple who were close to being hit.

    – We lose them, but are very keen to get in touch with them as they are plaintiffs, says Sara Andersson.

  • Bloody hamburgers can knock out children’s kidneys

    The bacteria ehec has increased recently and can, among other things, cause permanent men in children. Now it is believed that the trend of bloody hamburgers may be a reason, reports SvD.

    Bloody diarrhea and complications with kidney damage are consequences of the bacteria that is spread via undercooked minced meat. Marie-Louise Danielsson-Tham, professor of food hygiene, tells SvD warns against eating pink burgers.

    – The entire hamburgers must always be heated to 70 degrees, then the bacteria die immediately, she tells SvD.

  • Iran establishes death sentence for Swedish-Iranians

    On January 18, 2022, the trial against Habib Chaab began in Iran’s capital, Tehran. Photo: MAJID AZAD / AFP

    Iran confirms the death sentence for Swedish-Iranian Habib Chaab, reports Reuters.

    Chaab has both Swedish and Iranian citizenship and has been sentenced to death for alleged terrorist crimes.

    According to Turkey, Chaab was kidnapped by Iranian agents when he was in the country.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has previously said that they worked intensively on Chaab’s case.

  • Relatives of criminals leave Sweden

    Criminals move their family members abroad after several relatives become targets, it reports Svenska Dagbladet.

    In the latest wave of violence in the Stockholm area, relatives have been blown up and shot at, something that stands out.

    – Those who have been killed are relatives of people who are seen as perpetrators, shooters, says a person from the criminal environment in the south that the newspaper spoke to.

    According to the police, other methods are also used to protect themselves. More and more relatives have started to register at a different address than where they live, and younger criminals can stand guard at their residences.

  • American bomber flew over the Gulf of Finland

    An American B-52 bomber. Photo: JOCKEL FINCK / AP

    An American B-52 bomber flew over the Gulf of Finland on Saturday night, reports EPN.

    According to Flightradar24, the plane should have deviated from its route and turned a bit outside the island of Hogland.

    Hogland, which is Russian territory, has been used for several Russian military exercises in recent years.

    On Twitter, Mika Aaltola, head of the Finnish Foreign Policy Institute, comments on the incident.

    – The flight with the US B-52 plane over the Gulf of Finland is a clear mark. The Gulf of Finland is one of Europe’s most strategically important straits where Russia has increased its activity, writes Aaltola.

  • Two Swedes dead in avalanche in Verbier

    Two Swedes have died in an avalanche in the Swiss ski resort of Verbier.

    The accident occurred on Saturday.

    The men were natives of Norrland and Götaland, according to the Foreign Ministry.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • Few shelters in Sweden approved

    A shelter in central Stockholm. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

    Since the war broke out in Ukraine, only seven checks of shelters have been carried out by the responsible authority MSB, the Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness, reports TV4 Nyheterna.

    In total, there are currently 64,000 shelters in Sweden, during the last five years 4,805 checks have been carried out. Of those, 34 were approved. Signs are missing and shelters cannot be prepared within two days as they should according to the rules. Spare exits were also missing.

  • Several arrested in Västerås – suspected serious weapons offences

    When police check two men in their 20s in the Haga district, a weapon and ammunition are found.

    During a search of a home, more ammunition and narcotics are found.

    There are three people in the home, one of whom is arrested and taken in for questioning.

    The crime classification is currently serious weapons crime and drug crime.

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  • Stab injury what is it?

    Knife stuck maybe?



    Hi Thor! It could be, but as we currently cannot confirm that it is a knife in particular, we cannot write it – it could be some other sharp object.

  • Aftonbladet’s front page is almost exclusively about crime. Maybe time to change the name to Kriminalbladet?


    Hello Johanna! It is true that we write a lot about crime, in part it is a reflection of a serious wave of violence that has hit Stockholm in recent times. But there is plenty of other entertainment, sports, politics and lighter talk for those not interested in crime. We also welcome tips at [email protected]!

  • I read somewhere that Jesper Söder died in Ukraine two weeks ago… is this correct?


  • In London, they are abolishing the stupid requirement that you can only have small bottles of liquid in your hand luggage. Will Arlanda do the same?


    Not that I know of. Sweden follows the same rules as all airports within the EU when it comes to liquids in hand luggage.

  • the reporting of murders and explosions knife cuts will soon be as annoying in TV radio and newspapers as advertising Do the people really demand this news every eternal day?


    Hello! First and foremost, it is our job as journalists to report on what is happening. Would be very strange otherwise.

    The fact that there have been a lot of shootings and explosions now is largely due to the fact that Stockholm is in an intense wave of violence.

    Then we try to do our best to mix different kinds of news on the site. You can scroll past to the news you want to read about!

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