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More expensive to take public transport in eleven regions

today at 07.21 Johanna Sundbeck

Starting next year, it will be more expensive to travel by public transport in eleven regions in Sweden, reports Echo.

The increase is estimated to be around five percent, and overall a 30-day county card for adults will be between SEK 30 and 100 more expensive in the month in which the increase is made.

Increased costs for, among other things, fuel and the global situation are behind the increase.

There is a model that shows that a price increase of ten percent leads to approximately four percent fewer travelers in general, says John Hultén, director of K2, which is Sweden’s national center for research and education on public transport, to Ekot.

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    By half past four the fire was out.

    – At the scene it was difficult to get a handle on where the fire started, but it is probably a refrigerator that is the cause of the fire, says Morgan Wass, duty officer of the rescue service to the newspaper.

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    It is unclear if the driver is among the injured.

  • New robotic launch from North Korea

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    It was in March last year that a police officer carried out the body search in a town in Sörmland. Among other things, the boy was asked to take off his pants.

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    It is now clear that HD grants leave to appeal – and that the case will thus be heard in the highest instance.

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    It must be at least five people who stole a “significant amount”.

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  • Car got stuck on the tracks – was hit by a train

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    – The car had skidded and got stuck on the railway crossing. In the collision, the car was pushed about 30 meters, says Hans Lindmark at the police command center to the newspaper.

    There are no reports that anyone on the train was injured.

    – There are people on the train. The coffee shop in the train is open, says NSD’s reporter on the spot.

  • Beautiful Finnish donkey found

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    A passer-by had encountered the donkey near a grocery store.

    “In Lojanatten we were met by a donkey, but not by three wise men,” the police write on Twitter.

    The donkey turned out to be twelve-year-old Judit, who had run away from a Bible society.

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    The donkey had only managed a few kilometres. At the course yard, they hadn’t noticed that she was gone before the police came back with her.

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  • All this misery. How are you coping?

    The sandwich

    You have to try to take advantage of the small flashes of light that appear at regular intervals! A tip to keep hope up is to read the articles from “Swedish heroes”, which you can find here!

    Can also tell you about the “Svenska hältar gala” which will be broadcast tonight, which you can see here on Aftonbladet and TV4 at 8pm!

    We keep the positivity up together!

  • Why do you have a pinned post from October 3rd?

    Pinned post

    The Coast Guard: The gas release is increasing

    October 3 at 12:29 p.m

    Emil Forsberg



    It should not be pinned down by us at the editorial office. The post you click on is automatically pinned to the top of Aftonbladet Direkt. So maybe you accidentally clicked into it somehow? 🙂

  • Stockholm journalists don’t know the difference between Helsingborg and Helsinki?


    Ouch! Brainstorming… Changed now!

  • How do they measure the increase in covid cases when the common man cannot take a test that is registered?


    Among other things, there has been a general increase in corona in the waste water.

  • Hello, you wrote yesterday that Donald Trump would release something huge today. Have you heard anything about it yet?

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Hi Tobias!

    We haven’t heard anything new from Donald Trump yet, but we’re anxiously awaiting word from the former president! We will update as soon as we know anything more!

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