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Many are missing after a shipwreck

today at 04.11 Johan Edgar

At least 17 people are missing after a cargo ship sank off the coast of Japan overnight. Five crew members have been rescued, the coast guard says.

The ship, under the Hong Kong flag, already sent out a distress signal late Tuesday evening local time. The crew consisted of 14 Chinese nationals and eight from Myanmar.

Rescue services had difficulty reaching the accident site as the ship sank approximately 110 kilometers west of the remote and uninhabited Danjo Islands. (TT)

Latest news

  • New decision: Mexico’s military can arrest suspects

    Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled that the country’s military should be able to arrest people without first consulting the police.

    The issue is sensitive because the involvement of the military in the law enforcement work should only be a support for the police. Now the military can arrest suspects at its own discretion, provided that the arrest is subsequently registered with the police.

    Mexico’s armed forces have been repeatedly accused of human rights abuses. (TT)

  • Brå: Police forensics too few

    The part of the police that secures and examines digital and physical traces has such long processing times that investigation managers sometimes refrain from contacting them, shows a new evaluation by the Crime Prevention Council (Brå).

    Between 2017 and 2021, the number of IT forensic investigations increased by 38 percent, while the number of IT forensics increased by 17 percent.

    Nine out of ten IT forensics think that the workload is a major obstacle to the efficiency of the business. (TT)

  • Criticizes the phone in the corridor of forensic psychology

    The Ombudsman for Justice (JO) criticizes the forensic psychiatric regional clinic in Sundsvall for not allowing the inmates to speak undisturbed on the phone, writes Dagens Juridik.

    The review particularly concerns a telephone in a corridor where both staff and other patients have been able to hear what is being said.

    JO states that there is a lack of legal support for staff to listen to the conversations and that the placement makes it difficult for inmates to have confidential conversations with, for example, lawyers. (TT)

  • Person found dead – being investigated as murder

    One person has been found dead in Kiruna municipality on Tuesday afternoon.

    It is unclear what caused the death and police cannot rule out foul play.

    A preliminary investigation has been launched into murder.

  • 124 have frozen to death in Afghanistan

    The worst winter cold in ten years is currently affecting Afghanistan.

    In the past two weeks, at least 124 people have died, the Taliban regime says BBC.

    Many of them live in rural areas, far from healthcare and often in mountainous areas where helicopters cannot land.

    Around 70,000 livestock are also said to have died in the cold weather.

    Many aid organizations have suspended their activities in the country because the Taliban banned women from working for NGOs.

    But despite the many deaths, there are no plans to lift the ban.

    – Men from every single family are already working for us in the relief efforts, there is no need for women, says Mohammad Abbas Akhund, Acting Minister for Disaster Management, to the BBC.

  • He helped Rasmus Paludan with the permit

    It was provocateur Chang Frick who paid the administrative fee to the police for Rasmus Paludan’s Koran burning in Stockholm this weekend.

    He should not have paid anything else.

    He says so in Aktuellt.

    Chang Frick, who runs the website “Nyheter idag”, tells SVT that the government has a mandate from the voters.

    – But it does not stretch to crawl for Erdogan, he says.

    Frick does not believe that by helping Rasmus Paludan he has ruined Sweden in its application to join NATO.

    – If I, by paying 320 kroner in an administrative fee to the police, sabbatical the application, it was probably on very shaky ground from the beginning, he says.

  • A knife cut after a traffic accident

    Two cars collided at a roundabout in Hylte in Halland on Tuesday evening. In connection with that, the police were alerted to a fight.

    – The basis is a traffic accident that has escalated into a fight. In connection with that, a person is said to have been stabbed, says police spokesperson Fredrik Svedemyr Hallandsposten.

    The police tell TT that there are reports that 20 people participated in the fight.

    The person was taken by ambulance to the hospital and has injuries to, among other things, the shoulder blade and the neck, according to the police.

    A person has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

    Update 22:00: The police have changed the crime classification to attempted murder.

  • Two cars in a head-on collision

    Two passenger cars collided head-on in Fagersta on Tuesday evening.

    – One has then crashed into a house wall, says the Bergslagen rescue region.

    Two people have been checked by paramedics, but no one has had to be taken to hospital.

    One of the drivers is suspected of drunk driving.

  • Woman abused with affection

    The police were alerted on Tuesday evening to an address in Huskvarna. A woman had been abused with affection.

    Her injuries are unclear, but she was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    Two men, in their 35s and 40s, left the crime scene. They were later arrested and are now suspected of aggravated assault.

    The police will carry out a technical investigation in a residence, and interrogate the person involved. It is not known whether the people knew each other.

  • Teddy, 4, member of Mensa

    As a two-year-old, Teddy Hobbs learned to both read and write by playing games on his tablet.

    Now he is four years old and has become Britain’s youngest member of Mensa, reports TT.

    Today, Teddy Hobbs can count to 100 – in seven different languages.

    At first his mother thought he was just making noises while playing on the tablet, but then she realized he was counting – in Chinese.

    – He chooses a new subject to be interested in every two months or so, it seems. Sometimes it’s numbers. During a period it was timetables – it was a very intensive period – then countries and maps and learning to count in different languages, she says.

  • Drilling oil – EU critical

    Drilling at the Kingfisher oil field is operated by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). Photo: Hajarah Nalwadda/AP

    Uganda has started drilling for oil at the Kingfisher Lake Albert oil field in the Kikuube district in the western part of the country, TT reports.

    Because of the large amounts of oil believed to exist beneath the country, the Chinese oil company CNOOC has invested aggressively. Among other things, they are to start building a pipeline between Uganda and the city of Tanga in Tanzania.

    The EU has criticized the project and asked both Uganda and Tanzania to protect the environment and sensitive ecosystems.

    However, Uganda believes that the project is crucial for the country’s economy and will be able to lift millions out of poverty.

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  • Freedom of speech, ok, but when does it cross the line. Hang a lifelike doll, burn book revered by millions.

    Is there no legal scope to prosecute them for blasphemy, personal persecution, etc.?

    gunner current sheet

    The blasphemy law was abolished in 1949.

    The Freedom of Religion Act was abolished in 1970 because freedom of expression weighs more heavily.

    Unlawful persecution means committing several criminal violations against one and the same person.

    The burning of the Koran has been investigated for incitement against a ethnic group, but in Sweden you can express strong disrespect for a religion. It is not the same as expressing it to the believers.

  • Hello,

    Wondering how often you “check in” and respond to the posts here? Sees that only one person has received an answer since 11 pm yesterday. Surely you have received several questions from readers since then? Grateful for answers.


    Hi Vivian!

    We receive a lot of questions and we always try to answer as many questions as we can, but sometimes there is not enough time as there is a lot of news we have to report on!

    All’s Well!

  • Maybe it’s me who just can’t find it, but where is the info on the alpine para WC??


    Hi Maria! Sportbladet usually updates regularly about the Alpine Para WC, so just keep an eye on their page here!

    Here you can read about Ebba Årsjö’s latest WC gold!

  • Instagram is down for me and my girlfriends give us more info please


  • Hello,

    Can we extradite Paludan to Turkey?

    The hustle

    Updated answer: Rasmus Paludan is Danish, but also has Swedish citizenship.

    Sweden does not extradite Swedish citizens.

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