Latest news – Many employees want to leave the Correctional Service

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Many employees want to leave the Correctional Service

today at 07.01 Anna Sjögren

Correctional service staff testify to threats, increased violence and an unsafe work environment, and a third of staff want to leave the agency.

That’s according to a survey from the trade union Seko which SVT Nyheter has taken notice of.

According to the union, the authority must invest in better working conditions.

– It is serious if it is that way. Here, we need to work a lot on being an attractive employer that can offer good working conditions, says Susanne Wedin, department director for prison, detention and probation at the Correctional Service to SVT.

Latest news

  • Details: Only 10,000 Wagner soldiers left at the front

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    This is stated by a Russian human rights organization the news site Meduza.

    The 40,000 soldiers have either been killed, are missing, have deserted or been captured, according to the organization.

  • Brå: Youth robberies continue to decrease

    In 2022, the number of notifications was at the lowest level since 2016, according to figures from Brå.

    The gloomy trend from 2015 to 2018, when reports of robberies against people under the age of 18 more than doubled, thus appears to have reversed, TT reports.

    Last year, 1,428 robberies against people under the age of 18 were reported, a decrease of over 40 percent compared to the peak in 2019.

    When the increase slowed in 2020, the pandemic was given as a reason for the trend break. However, since the restrictions were lifted, the number of notifications has continued to decrease.

    – Young people were not out and at school in the same way, so every now and then it definitely contributed. But since then it has continued to drop, and there are certainly other explanations than the pandemic, says Sara Jonsson, investigator at Brå.

  • Former Kremlin summit: Can appoint Putin’s successor

    There is a growing consensus within the Russian power elite that the war in Ukraine was a mistake.

    That’s what Abbas Galljamov, political analyst and former speechwriter to Vladimir Putin, says. to SR Ekot.

    Putin now appears more and more like a loser, according to Gallyamov, who admits that there is uncertainty about the Russian elections next year.

    He does not rule out the possibility of appointing a successor to the Russian president.

    – That Vladimir Putin is planning for another six years in power is not at all certain, he tells Ekot.

  • Sweden deepens defense cooperation with Ukraine

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    “We are to help Ukraine defend its country and they have asked for support with the purchase of equipment, among other things. The government’s authorization to FMV makes it possible for Ukraine to speed up procurement by using FMV’s competence and established procedures to carry out its own procurements. We will begin this work immediately,” says FMV’s director general Göran Mårtensson in a press release. (TT)

  • Seven dead in new mass shooting in California

    Seven people were killed on Monday afternoon local time when a gunman opened fire at two different locations a few miles south of San Francisco.

    Zhao Chunli, 67, was later arrested in his car and is now suspected of carrying out the crime.

    “There is no motive yet for the incident,” the police said in a statement.

    It is the second mass shooting in a couple of days in California. Over the weekend, a 72-year-old man killed 11 people outside of Los Angeles before shooting himself.

  • The police: He ordered a double murder

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    Eduardo Fontes, head of police in the Amazon region, said the suspect has been arrested and that the crime is basically solved.

    Several people have previously been detained for involvement in the crime, the motive of which is suspected to be connected to illegal fishing in the area. (TT)

  • Swedish kraftnät may donate to Ukraine

    Swedish power grid gets the green light from the government to donate materials to Ukraine that can help build up the country’s energy supply.

    The government writes that in one press release.

    “In the past, the government has given a support package aimed at air defenses, which strengthens Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against attacks against, for example, the energy system. The support from Svenska kraftnät contributes to the reconstruction of the electricity system. Together, these supports provide protection for society,” says Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch.

    Russian attacks in the fall have damaged much of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

  • Two dead after school shooting in USA

    Police on site in Iowa, USA Photo: Charlie Neibergall/AP

    Two students were shot dead at a school in the city of Des Moines in Iowa on Monday, according to TT, which refers to the local police.

    A teacher was also injured in the incident.

    The police received the alarm at 1 pm local time. The students were found with life-threatening injuries and later died in hospital.

    Twenty minutes after the shooting, the police stopped a car 30 kilometers away and arrested “several suspects”.

  • School remains closed after rumor of shooting

    A high school in Nacka outside Stockholm is closed on Wednesday, due to a rumor in social media that a school shooting will take place then.

    It reports TV4 News.

    Tomorrow the school will have police protection.

    The school’s principal has written in an email to the guardians that the probability that the threat would be carried out is small, but that they take it seriously and therefore set up a “home study day”.

    The incident has been reported to the police.

  • Police chase on E4 – one arrested

    The police tried to stop a car on the E4 north of Stockholm this evening.

    – The car did not stop so there was a short pursuit, says Carina Skagerlind, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    The police patrol stopped the car at the Haga norra exit.

    – One person could be arrested on suspicion of drug offenses when we found drugs in the car, says Carina Skagerlind.

    The Haga norra exit is currently closed.

    The alarm came in at 8:46 p.m.

  • Police chase in Södertälje – had weapons in car

    During the evening, the police had an operation in Södertälje.

    Several patrols and helicopters have been in the area.

    A search has been made for several people who disappeared from a car.

    – We have searched for a car that we wanted to stop. We have found that car and we have arrested a person, says police spokesperson Carina Skagerlind.

    According to the police, the car departed after one of the people was arrested – then the car was found abandoned.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, there were weapons in the car.

    Later, the police announced that they had opened a preliminary investigation into serious weapons offences.

    The police do not want to go into why they wanted to stop the car in the first place.

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  • Do you know anything about when, among other things, Telia’s services will start? In Malmö it is already out of order


    The latest word seems to be that it may take until tomorrow, Tuesday, before everything is back to normal.

  • Hello! There are rumors in the media that Putin is no longer president. Is it true?


    Hey! There are no rumors we have been contacted by.

  • Hey!

    Do you know what has gone wrong with the employment agency’s website? Unable to enter/log in as a job seeker to get in touch.

    Elisabeth Larsson

    Hi Elizabeth! Arbetsförmedlingen is one of several authorities that have been affected by disruptions during the day. Work is underway to resolve the issues. You can read our article about it here.

  • Hi Lina, Do you think we would have reacted the same if it was a Bible that Paludan burned?


    Don’t know Peter. So probably don’t think anything special about it.

    But if that happens, we will report on any reactions ?

  • Hi, I know you can’t deny Rasmus Pauldan burning the Koran, but you can’t deny him protection now that there’s such a shortage of police officers. We have to put a stop to the Danish pig.

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Joakim Nergelius, professor of jurisprudence, explains how it works in this article.

    Oisín Cantwell pondered the question in this column last spring.

    Peter Kadhammar has also written about it, here you can read how he reasoned.

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