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Man with knife arrested for aggravated assault

today at 22.18 Alexander Bönke

The police received a call about a man armed with a knife in Jakobsberg in Stockholm.

The man allegedly tried to attack another man with the knife, but was stripped of the knife before the police arrived by the victim and several other people.

The perpetrator was arrested and is suspected of attempted aggravated assault and aggravated violation of the Knife Act.

Latest news

  • Suspected election fraud in Gothenburg is being investigated

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    The categorization is grossly inappropriate when voting. A person is suspected of a crime and has been questioned.

    – The person denies, that much I can say, says prosecutor Johan Lindmark, who is otherwise reticent.

  • Ten students are treated for suspected “overdoses”

    At least ten students at a Los Angeles school are being treated for suspected “overdoses,” reports say ABC7.

    The students are between 12 and 15 years old.

    The circumstances are unclear and it is still unknown what caused the incident and what the students are said to have suffered.

    The emergency services in Los Angeles write on Twitter that they responded to a medical alarm during Thursday morning local time. According to the alarm, at least five people were affected. The number then increased rapidly.

    At least six students have been taken to hospital, according to CBS News.

  • Large fire at school – risk of spread

    There is a fire at a school in Åtvidaberg.

    The police and emergency services were called to the school just before 8pm on Thursday evening and there was heavy smoke at the scene.

    – It is a building divided into two parts. An older part and a newer extension. There is a fire in the older part of the roof, says Niklas Nyrén, alarm and line operator at the Östra Götaland Rescue Service.

    Around 30 firefighters are on site. The emergency services are currently focusing on preventing the spread to a newer part.

    – We have a large crew on site and working on it, but it is always troublesome to access these types of fires, he says.

    There are no reports of personal injuries. The police are on the scene to assist the emergency services and have drawn up a report of arson.

    “As there are a lot of people moving in the area, the police will help the emergency services by blocking off the area so that the emergency services can work undisturbed,” the police write on their website.

  • The police warn about the newspaper man – is a thief

    The police in Sundsvall warn of a certain theft method using a newspaper trick. The public is now being asked to keep an eye out.

    On Thursday, a man allegedly entered a salon in Sundsvall. He was carrying a couple of newspapers.

    “With the help of the newspapers, he then allegedly hid the theft of a mobile phone. He then left the scene,” the police write on their website.

    Now the police want the public’s observations and warn of thefts with a similar approach.

    “If you have seen anything that may be related to the case, contact the police on 114 14 or leave a tip via police website. In the event of a crime in progress, call 112,” the police write.

  • A-kassa exposed to a suspected cyber attack

    A Swedish social security fund has been subjected to a suspected cyber attack, writes the interest organization Sweden’s social security funds in a press release.

    The organization is investigating a “cyber security-related incident in the Social Insurance Agency’s environments”.

    – Together with operating suppliers and other experts, we analyze what has happened and work to minimize the risk of possible consequences. At the moment, we cannot see that the incident has any impact on the business, says Tomas Eriksson, head of office at Sweden’s a-kassor.

    The incident has been reported to the Swedish Privacy Protection Authority (IMY).

    Sweden’s unemployment insurance crisis management team has been activated and MSB, the Norwegian Agency for Social Security and Preparedness, has been informed.

  • Police seriously injured during intervention

    A police officer has been seriously injured in connection with an intervention in Ljusne, Söderhamn.

    A police patrol checked a car that was suspected of being stolen and in connection with the check a commotion broke out.

    The suspect was placed in the back seat of the police car and then attacked one of the officers who was bitten and hit on the head, among other things.

    The man tried to take the policeman’s weapon, but failed and the police colleague moved in and then the suspect also tried to take her weapon.

    “But thanks to a wise intervention by a female member of the public, the man can finally be brought under control,” the police write on their website.

    Both officers were injured.

    Read more here.

  • Illness wave in the preschools – children may have to stay at home

    Illness means that Uppsala municipality is missing up to 100 substitutes in the preschool, it says SVT Uppsala.

    A wave of illness has struck the preschools’ staff, which has meant that some preschools are missing up to 40 percent of their staff.

    To save the situation, some preschools may have to appeal to parents to keep their children at home, something the municipality informed in a letter on Thursday.

    – We don’t force anyone, but some guardians manage to let the children go for shorter days or not at all, says preschool director Jan Aili to SVT.

  • Men in car molested girl at school

    Two men in a car have stopped a girl outside a school in Mellerud.

    The one man allegedly got out of the car and asked the girl if she wanted candy.

    The girl then reportedly left the scene and contacted school staff, who in turn contacted the police.

    – We have classified it as harassment in order to be able to investigate it further. At the moment, it is unclear why they tried to contact the girl, says Anna Göransson, press spokesperson for police region West.

    The men in the car have not yet been found.

  • Police charged with child pornography offences

    A male police officer in Uppsala is suspected of having received and viewed an image that documented sexual abuse of children, reports SVT Uppsala.

    The picture was sent in a private chat in March last year.

    “Likes skinny skinny people” writes the policeman in the chat.

    The police deny a crime and admit the course of events. He also states that he did not “search for any child pornography or engage in any child pornography”.

    The man is charged with minor child pornography offences.

  • Report: Pensioners drink more

    Alcohol consumption among people over 65 has increased by 30 percent. It reports Sweden’s Radio Echociting a report from the Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotics Information (CAN).

    The increase may be due to the fact that older people today have better finances and health than previous generations have had, according to Ulf Guttormsson, head of analysis at CAN.

    – Those who are older today grew up knowing that it was common to drink alcohol when they were young, and those habits have followed them through life, he also says.

    Overall, however, alcohol consumption has decreased by 15 percent in Sweden. The biggest decrease is seen among younger people.

  • Boy Didn’t Get VR Headset – Shot His Mom

    A 10-year-old boy in Milwaukee is facing charges after shooting his mother to death on November 21st.

    The mother had refused to buy the boy a VR headset, causing him to kill her, reports say Sky News.

    In questioning, the boy first told that it was an accident. He later changed his mind and said he was aiming at his mother.

    The boy reportedly told police he found the gun in his mother’s bedroom.

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  • Thought I’d ask about the latest on the Tove case, because you don’t see any posts about her or information about what happened in the case??


    Hey! The investigation is still ongoing and the two women are still in custody on suspicion of murder, violation of grave peace and kidnapping. So the situation is the same as before.

    Currently, prosecutor Adam Rullman estimates that charges can be filed sometime in January at the earliest.

  • In December last year, the war in Ukraine had not started, so you can stop defending electricity prices with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


    We have no intention or reason to “defend” any high electricity prices.

  • Hey!

    How old are you when you write “at the age of 55”?

    Are you 55, 51, 59 or does everything between 51 and 59 fit in?

    Why not just write the correct age?


    People aged 55 are older than 51 but they are not 59 ?

    Sometimes we write like that because we don’t know exactly.

    It can also be for publicity reasons. To protect the person’s identity a little extra.

  • Hi, just want to urge everyone to wear reflectors.many are wearing dark clothes and can’t be seen, especially now when it’s dark and rainy! You are terrified of running over someone when they are just stepping out into the street!


    Thanks for the reminder, Eva!

  • Why is it that every single event – which is normal year after year – is predicted to send electricity prices soaring? Everything so far happens regularly?


    Even if something happens regularly, there may be reasons to report, for example if many people are affected.

    New for this year is the war in Ukraine, which means that Europe no longer receives gas from Russia.

    That is one of the reasons why electricity has become expensive in Europe – and thus in Sweden, because we have a common electricity market with other countries.

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