Latest news – Man robbed on bicycle

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today at 07.33 Anna Sjögren

A man in his 60s has been robbed on his bicycle in Västerås.

At 06.41 a security guard in the hospital area in the city calls out that the man has been robbed at knifepoint.

The police are looking for two suspected perpetrators.

The man was not physically injured in the incident.

Latest news

  • Missing man found in shark stomach

    The 32-year-old man went missing on February 18 after going out with his all-terrain vehicle in the Argentine province of Chubut.

    Two fishermen raised the alarm after finding three sharks where his all-terrain vehicle was found two days after his disappearance, reports Sky News.

    The man’s remains were found in one of the sharks’ stomachs.

    The 32-year-old could be identified by his tattoos.

    The police will investigate what happened to the man.

  • The stabbed man was found in the car

    During the night, the police received an alarm about a stabbed man in Skövde. The man was found in a car and had injuries to his chest. The extent of the injury is currently unknown.

    Police and an ambulance were sent to the scene and the man was taken to hospital.

    There are no arrests or suspects in the case.

  • Botkyrka’s S-top about the petting: There have been threats

    Ebba Östlin, was voted out at a high-profile members’ meeting at the end of January where people with gang connections attended, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

    Now she talks about the time after the poke.

    – There have been threats against me after the members’ meeting. As an individual and a person, you can feel very vulnerable, she says an interview with SVT Stockholm.

    According to her opponents, she was voted out for her leadership style, while she and her supporters claim that the decision to close ABF’s leisure centers caused a split in the local party leadership.

    – Somewhere it’s about where you have your loyalty. That loyalty lies in the fact that we must turn over every stone and when we discover irregularities, you must dare to act even if it is an uncomfortable decision.

  • Fire at the campsite for the second night in a row

    The reception building is on fire. Photo: Per Svensson Borrud /Pelles Phot

    The emergency services went to Pinnarp camping in Kisa around one o’clock last night after an alarm about a fire, Corren reports.

    When the emergency services arrived at the scene, the reception building was engulfed in flames.

    It was the second night in a row that there was a fire at the campsite. That fire is being investigated as arson as the police suspect it was arson.

    – We will block off and do a technical investigation when it has cooled down. They will of course look into whether there was any kind of connection when there were fires two nights in a row, says Oscar Öster, officer on duty at the police to Corren.

  • Finland is expected to hammer NATO legislation

    On Tuesday, Finland’s Riksdag can hammer through the legislation needed for the country to join NATO, TT reports.

    For that, the Riksdag must be unanimous. If during Tuesday’s debate there is a proposal to reject the bill, a vote will be held on Wednesday.

    After the Riksdag has decided to approve Finnish NATO membership, President Sauli Niinistö must also sign the decision.

  • Airlines stop flights to Moldova

    The airline Wizz Air is canceling its flights to Chişinău, the capital of Moldova.

    The reason is the increased tensions between Russia and Moldova, reports Sky News.

    “Following the recent developments in Moldova and the heightened, but not immediate, risk in the country’s airspace, Wizz Air has taken the difficult but responsible decision to cancel all flights to Chişinău from March 14.

    The Moldovan government has expressed concern about Russian attempts to destabilize the country.

  • Hong Kong scraps requirements for face masks

    Hong Kong scraps the mouth protection requirement that was introduced in connection with the outbreak of the coronavirus three years ago.

    Hong Kong’s leader John Lee states at a press conference on Tuesday that the requirement will be abolished as of Wednesday both outdoors and indoors – also in public transport.

    The announcement comes a day after the neighboring city of Macau eased the mask requirement.

    For most of the pandemic, people in Hong Kong have had to wear face masks in public. Those who violated the requirement risked a fine of 5,000 Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to around SEK 6,650.

    Hong Kong has largely followed China’s zero-covid strategy during the pandemic.

    John Lee says the return to normalcy is beneficial to Hong Kong’s economic development and international competitiveness. (TT)

  • Banning Tiktok on work phones

    Canada announced on Monday that Tiktok is being banned from all work phones of government employees, as the app “poses an unacceptable risk to privacy and security”.

    The app is to be deleted by Tuesday and the federal government is to block the ability to download it.

    Tiktok, whose parent company is China’s Bytedance, has faced increased concern in the West in recent months. On Monday, the White House in the United States announced that employees have 30 days to delete the app. (TT)

  • Arrested for sexual offenses against children

    A woman in her 40s was arrested on Monday on suspicion of aggravated rape of a child, reports P4 Jämtland.

    In the same case, a man in his 40s has been detained since mid-January on suspicion of several serious sex crimes against several children that allegedly took place over a ten-year period.

    As for the arrested woman, according to the prosecutor, it is a child who is suspected of having been subjected to abuse which is said to have taken place in a place in Västernorrland County. (TT)

  • EU extends sanctions against Belarus

    The EU has extended sanctions against Belarus by one year, due to the country’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and continued repression of the opposition, the Union announced on Monday.

    Since Belarusian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko, among other things, crushed protests against an election in 2020 that was rigged in Lukashenko’s favor, the EU has introduced sanctions in several rounds.

    Lukashenko and over 190 others have been banned from entering the EU and their assets have been frozen. (TT)

  • Record-sized wolf shot in Åre

    A wolf weighing almost 60 kilos with a chest girth that is the largest measured so far in Sweden was shot in connection with protective hunting in Åre municipality a couple of weeks ago, reports Östersunds-Posten.

    The wolf, which was shot during protective hunting from a helicopter after hitting reindeer in an area, is the heaviest that has been killed in Sweden in 46 years.

    During the autopsy of the wolf, half a kilo of reindeer remains were found in the animal’s stomach. (TT)

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  • Is the war in Ukraine over? Minimal news from there! Perhaps more important with the melody festival?

    Otjonsson Otjonsson

  • Hi Anna! Where and how do you see that the electricity subsidy is on its way? Who leaves a message that you wrote that you received? Thanks in advance!


    It seems that the companies do things a little differently, but many seem to be able to see the electricity subsidy when they log on to their supplier’s website.

  • In the article about the police officer Erik and his attitude to cannabis, I think a small mistake has been made.

    In the headline (before you click on the article) it says that he thinks cannabis should become legal. But when you then read the article, it is about decriminalization, which is a completely different matter!


    Good point Caroline. We’ll take a look at that headline.

  • Hello. We moved from Enköping to Västerås on 15/12 2021 and in connection with that changed electricity supplier from Eon to Mälarenergi. The support would be based on the customer in November 2021. Then I wonder how things are going for us? Do we get support for our old house, which we left on Dec 21 and the seller support gets our new house? That would be absolutely crazy.


    Maybe it’s just so completely giddy Roland…

    The easiest is probably if you check directly with the electricity companies, what applies to you.

  • Easy to say that the electricity support is on its way. But after a week, still no one has received it. Is it still late because it would be a million they sent it out to who should then have it on the 23rd? But still no one who has received it or can see that it is coming.


    Hey Skeptic! I have been notified and have been able to see that it is on its way and also know that friends and acquaintances have also received it. However, it has been flagged that not everyone will get it at the same time.

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