Latest news – Man re-arrested – partner found dead in freezer

Man re-arrested – partner found dead in freezer

today at 10.08am Amanda Hällsten

The man whose partner was found dead in a freezer in Värmland is now re-arrested on suspicion of grave breach of privacy and breach of privacy.

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  • Turkish evacuation plane fired upon according to Sudan’s army

    An evacuation plane from Turkey has been fired upon by the paramilitary force RSF, according to Sudan’s army, Reuters reports.

    The plane was due to land at Wadi Seyidna airport, north of the capital Khartoum, when it came under fire.

    One of the crew was injured and a fuel tank was reportedly damaged. The plane was able to land safely and is now being repaired.

  • Norwegian police learn: Three Swedes killed in traffic accident in Norway

    Three people have died in connection with a traffic accident in Norway. It was during Thursday afternoon that a truck and a car collided.

    The dead have not yet been identified, but the Norwegian police learn that the three dead people are Swedes. A man aged 50-60 is seriously injured, he is also Swedish.

    The police are now investigating the cause of the accident and cannot comment on the course of events.

    Relatives of the dead people have been notified according to the Norwegian police.

  • The government and SD agreed on proposals against party lotteries

    The government and the Sweden Democrats have agreed that a proposal to ban party-political lotteries should be drawn up, according to information to Expressen.

    An investigation must be appointed with the task of drawing up a legislative proposal.

    A possible ban could have hit the Social Democrats hard, as lottery sales make up almost half of the party’s total revenue.

  • Tumult in the Riksdag

    The Riksdag’s climate debate on the IPCC’s latest climate report has been interrupted by shouting.

    – Emissions are increasing, shout people in the stands.

    The tumult broke out during Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari’s (L) speech.

    The speaker calls on the guards to remove the people who “disrupt the order”.

    – I ask the guards to immediately remove the people who disturb the order, says Kerstin Lundgren (C), third deputy speaker.

    – This will not be allowed to continue.

    Watch the clip below:

  • Someone has cut down the king’s newly planted tree

    Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

    Yesterday, the king planted a tree at Uppsala Castle.

    Now someone has cut it down, reports P4 Uppland.

    – It was very sad to hear. Tree planting has a strong symbolic value and gives hope for the future, says Margareta Thorgren, head of information at the royal house UNT.

    The king will be informed of the incident.

    It is unclear who is behind the sabotage.

  • Three men arrested and detained after shooting in Eskilstuna

    During Thursday evening, several shots were fired on a pedestrian street in Nyfors in Eskilstuna.

    Now three men have been arrested, suspected of attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

    The men are aged 20-25 and were arrested in connection with a search of a residence on Thursday evening. They were also detained by prosecutors during the night.

    The cordons around the site have now been lifted and the police announce that some items have been seized.

  • Denmark: Russian ship near Nord Stream before explosion

    In September, the Russian vessel SS-750 was photographed near the site where the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up, the Danish newspaper Information reports.

    The ship was photographed four days before the gas lines were destroyed.

    The ship also had a mini submarine of the type AS-26 Priz on board, according to the newspaper.

    – It is incredibly interesting. The SS-750 is a special vessel designed specifically for underwater operations, says the Swedish researcher, Russia expert and intelligence expert Joakim von Braun.

    There should be 112 pictures of the ship in the area.

  • Three dead in helicopter crash in Alaska

    Two military helicopters collided and crashed on Thursday in Alaska, The Washington Post reports.

    The helicopters were returning from an exercise and it is currently unclear what caused the accident.

    Four soldiers were traveling in the helicopters. Three of them died in connection with the accident. The pilot who survived is now being treated in hospital.

    – This is a great loss for the soldiers’ families, for their comrades and for the division, says Major General Brian Eifler, to the Washington Post.

  • Yellow warning for snowfall

    SMHI has issued a yellow warning for snowfall in parts of Norrbotten.

    During the day and until Saturday morning, it is expected to snow up to 10 centimeters of heavy snow, according to SMHI.

    The warning applies along the coast and an area around Kiruna.

  • Russian robot attacks on Ukrainian cities

    According to local authorities, several Ukrainian cities were attacked with Russian robots during the night of Friday, TT reports.

    A woman and a child have died in the city of Dnipro, the city’s mayor writes on social media.

    The capital city of Kyiv was also attacked. Eleven robots are said to have been shot down by Ukrainian air defense, writes the capital region’s military administration on Telegram.

    The robot attack is the first in 51 days against the capital. No injured civilians have been reported from Kiev.

  • Man found shot in parked car

    A man has been found shot in the back of the head in a parked car in Guldheden in Gothenburg.

    That’s what the police say for GP.

    The alarm came just before midnight.

    A witness tells the newspaper how paramedics fought to save the man’s life.

    – They pulled him out and did CPR and then he was driven to the hospital, says the witness.

    The police have launched a major operation. No one is arrested.

  • Prosecutor: Teixeira wanted to kill many

    Jack Teixeira, 21, a suspect in the leak that is rocking the Pentagon, had a large collection of weapons and threatened on social media that he “wanted to kill a large amount of people.”

    The prosecutor stated that as the main reason to keep Teixeira in custody until the trial, AP states.

    Judge David Hennessy deferred a decision on possible remand.

    However, he was unimpressed with the defense’s line that Teixeira, who posted classified documents he came across on the job at a Massaschusetts military base in a chat group, did not mean for them to be disseminated.

    – So someone under 30 doesn’t understand that things they post online can be spread around the world. Seriously? he said.

  • They were beaten several times with wooden planks

    A man was found bloody on the ground on Drottninggatan in central Gothenburg at around 10 p.m., writes GP.

    According to witnesses, the man had been hit several times in the head with a wooden plank.

    A suspected perpetrator was arrested shortly after the incident for aggravated assault.

    The beaten man was taken to hospital.

    – There are serious injuries, we haven’t been able to talk to him yet, says Jon Franzén, officer on duty at the police, to GP.

  • Mike Pence has testified against Trump

    Mike Pence. Photo: Alex Brandon

    Former US Vice President Mike Pence has testified before the grand jury investigating Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, and his role in the storming of the Capitol.

    This is stated by sources for several American media.

    Pence is said to have been inside the court for seven hours.

    Mike Pence is considered to have an important role in the investigation of Trump, given the transparency he had as vice president.

    According to CNN, it is the first time in modern history that a vice president has had to testify against the president he worked with.

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  • Is it a vacuum cleaner or a lawn mower that the police are looking for in Huskvarna? 😂

    Erika Larsson

    It went a little fast there! Robotic lawnmowers are right, we’ve changed that now. 🙂

  • Tired of seeing Pernilla Wahlberg and her children Bianca Benjamin on many channels every single day, right?


    Hi Jolle! Change the channel and scroll on is my advice to you. I imagine that viewing figures show that there is a decent interest in them anyway and that they strike a chord with many.

  • Regarding spies, how many do we have in Europe, all countries have spies, I think it is foolish to say that you and those countries have so and so many spies, then all countries have them.

    Ferko Tan Mercovich

    Hi Tan! Don’t understand the criticism. Shouldn’t we report on what it looks like in our area because it exists in all countries? Sounds a bit strange I think.

  • Is it some Russian hacker attack that knocked out Forsmark?


    Hi Monica! According to Svenska Kraftnät, it is maintenance work that has gone wrong. Read our reporting here.

  • According to, there are stops on the green line, Ldingöbanan and Tvärbanan. Roslagsbanan turns the trains around at Mörby. The red line does not run between Hornstull and T-Centralen and the blue line between Stadshagen and Huvudsta and Solna centrum.


    Hi Alexander! We report on this in this article. It seems that the safest means of transport today is unfortunately a boat.

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