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Man injured in explosion during diving work

today at 14.00 Linnea Nordström

A 45-year-old man was injured in an underwater explosion in Lake Mälaren. He fainted from the pressure waves and was rescued to the surface by workmates, writes TT.

The man was working on a pipe laying at a depth of approximately 25 meters outside Lövholmen, north of Stockholm.

The police have opened a preliminary investigation into work environment violations and causing bodily harm or causing danger to others.

– We do not have a suspect yet, but the investigation must show who is responsible for the work environment, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl to TT.

The injured man was taken to hospital by helicopter, but his condition is said to be stable.

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    Flight MH17 was shot down over Russia, killing nearly 300 people.

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    Ebba Östlin. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

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  • One taken to hospital after diving accident in Järfälla

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    – There is a man who has been injured and the person has now been taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

    According to the police, a minor explosion must have occurred at a depth of approximately 25 meters. The man then became unconscious but was saved by his workmates.

    The cause of the explosion is currently unknown and the police are gathering information about the incident.

    The man who is now in hospital should be awake and talkative.

  • Säpo: Increased number of attack threats against Sweden

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    Säpo writes that the reactions to, among other things, the Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy have been great.

    It is also written that it continuously handles information about threats directed at Sweden and Swedish interests abroad and “acts to avert and prevent these”.

    The authority writes that the situation after recent events is problematic, however, they have not raised the terror threat level compared to before.

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  • Regarding Sweden’s health care being a disaster, I wonder why no one is addressing this? When there are surgery queues of several years, it costs to have all these people unable to work, medicine, home help, travel service etc. Healthcare is rewarded with more money from the state but nothing happens. Wasn’t it right to withdraw the money until the queues are shortened?


    Hello Maria! The care queues are a big problem, but to my ears it sounds a bit counterproductive to pull in the money needed to carry out all the surgeries? However, it is probably important to follow up that the money that is paid out goes to what it is supposed to.

  • “Increased number of threats against Sweden,” says Säpo.

    Who is Sweden?

    Jan Söderman

    Hi Jan! Not sure if I understand your question here. Säpo says that there are threats of attacks directed at Sweden and Swedish interests abroad, then one can imagine that there are threats of attacks within Sweden’s borders or against Swedish embassies, such as an embassy or the like. Here you can read our article on the matter.

  • Where can the Red Cross and other rescue teams be found in Turkey, because there doesn’t seem to be anyone knowledgeable leading the rescue work? You understand if people are scared, sad and upset

    The sun

    Rescue workers are on site in several places, but as I understand it, it is difficult to reach some areas, partly due to the weather and the fact that a lot of infrastructure such as roads and airports have been destroyed in the earthquake.

  • Why don’t you write about the scandal in Botkyrka and the connection between the Social Democrats and criminal gangs?

    Expressen writes a lot.


    Hello Matthias! We have written a series of articles on the matter here, here and here for example and continue to work on follow-ups about it!

  • Hello.

    An 85-year-old man disappeared in Västervik at the beginning of the week. Has he been found yet?

    Kjell Diener

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