Latest news – Man beaten and threatened with gun-like object

Man beaten and threatened with a gun-like object

today at 11.24 Niklas Gustafsson

During Friday evening, a man in his 30s was arrested in Karlstad on suspicion of assault and serious weapons offences.

The man allegedly threatened another man with a gun-like object during an argument.

– There is a fight outside between two individuals. Then one of the men threatens the other with a gun-like object, says Anders Dahlman, press spokesperson at the police.

The police then carry out a number of different investigation measures.

– It leads us to an address near the crime scene. There we arrest a person, says Anders Dahlman.

He is then taken to the police station, but is then released.

– But the suspicions remain against him, says Anders Dahlman.

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  • How many personnel does Sweden have in Sudan?


    Hello! Around 100 Swedish citizens are there.

  • Is Tove’s killer in custody, or in Hinseberg…? Both data have occurred. Or does Hinseberg have a detention center as well?

    Sound cannon

    Hey Sound Cannon!

    Kvinnosanstalten Hinseberg this week opened a detention center with room for 52 detainees, both women and men.

    The new detention center is a so-called restricted detention center and the detainees who are there will not be able to meet those who are in the prison itself.

  • Do we know why the gym killer only got 2 years for murdering a person who was just in the wrong place? Must be a very wrong signal to all gang-affiliated teenagers?!

    Carl Munther

    Hello! According to the district court, the sentence for, among other things, murder was only 2 years and 11 months because he was not of legal age when the crime was committed.

    “His youth has been taken into account when sentencing,” the district court writes in the verdict.

    For a person over the age of 18, the penalty for murder, on the other hand, can amount to life.

  • Why do you insist on calling the gym killer “the boy” in your latest article where he was found? If you are 17 and already a hired killer, you are hardly a boy anymore. Shame he didn’t get a real punishment.


    Hello! It is simply about us writing “boy” or “girl” about people who are under 18 years of age. If the person is over 18, we write “man” or “woman”.

  • Hello

    It said about an “incident” at a school in Umeå (I think) yesterday where two children were injured. How have the children been? What just happened?


    Hello! I am guessing that it is the incident in Luleå that you are referring to. Both children are being treated in hospital now.

    At 1 p.m., the police and the municipality are holding a press conference about it, which you will be able to follow via Aftonbladet!

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