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Man arrested – suspected of planning murder with ricin and cyanide

today at 04.27 Hans Österman

German police have arrested a 32-year-old Iranian national in an anti-terror raid in Castrop-Rauxel, west of Dortmund.

The man is suspected of having acquired the extremely toxic substances ricin and cyanide and planned a crime with an Islamist motive, police and prosecutors say in a press release during the night towards Sunday.

Another man was arrested in the raid, which was carried out at midnight. Police officers in protective gear are now searching the 32-year-old’s home and have seized evidence to be analysed, writes Die Welt.

According to Image the police have been investigating the Iranian for several days following a tip from foreign intelligence about the risk of an imminent terrorist attack with a chemical bomb.

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  • Woman dead after guard intervention

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  • Scooter has overturned: “Serious accident”

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    One person was traveling on the scooter and has been taken to hospital. The police have also been alerted to the accident.

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  • Ships lost cargo in the sea off Härnösand

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    There is a gale warning in the bottom bay and on Saturday the ship ended up in the middle of the storm.

    The Norwegian-owned ship Oslo Carrier 2 is 106 meters long and 18 meters wide. It was on its way from Bollstrabruk to Alexandria in Egypt.

    When the ship ended up in the wind, the idea was that it would enter an emergency port in Sundsvall, but the plans were changed, the newspaper writes.

    The ship passed Sundsvall and has now docked just south in Norrvikssand without being in distress.

    No people have been injured. It is currently unclear how much timber has fallen into the sea.

  • One injured after fire in apartment

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    – There was a fire in a kitchen. We have been on site and extinguished the fire, says Thomas Nordin at the rescue service.

    He states that a person who was in the apartment complex was taken care of by paramedics.

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  • The president peed himself – journalists arrested

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  • Fire in apartment – one injured

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    – A fire has started in the hall and kitchen. It is still burning and we are carrying out extinguishing work, says Hans Eriksson who is a command operator at the Rescue Service.

    At the scene, an injured man was found who was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    – It is unclear how the subject is doing.

    The police have cordoned off an area around the fire-stricken house. But according to Hans Eriksson, there is no risk of the fire spreading in the house.

    It is still unclear how the fire started.

    At 21.30 the police announced that the fire had been extinguished.

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    Photo: Sofia Nahringbauer/Aftonbladet/TT

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  • Church bells rang for hours in the middle of the night: “Sorry”

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    “Sorry! Due to a programming error, the church bells rang Junsele for several hours last night. Thanks to the wise intervention of residents in Junsele, they finally quieted down. We apologize profusely to those of you who have been disturbed and especially to those of you who have become worried and scared,” writes the Church of Sweden in Sollefteå on its Facebook.

    The bells should actually have rung on New Year’s Eve, but it didn’t. At 03:00 last night, the cantor woke up and saw that she had received a text message from a villager who wondered what was going on. Then she heard the bells herself and went to church. At 03.35 she was there and turned off the clocks, writes The newspaper Ångermanland.

    – There was an error in the programming. The New Year’s celebration had ended up on the wrong day. There was no ringing on New Year’s Eve, but it rang last night instead, says caretaker Margareta Bohman, to the newspaper.

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  • Hey! I am a little curious about the arrest of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s son, Ovidio Guzmán, which took place the day before yesterday in Mexico. Have you written anything about this?


  • I saw on the game program bingo lotto that the two Norwegian brothers were going to participate in the Swedish melody festival.

    Isn’t it a requirement that you have to live in Sweden to be able to participate?


    Hi Mikael!

    Nix, you don’t have to be a Swedish citizen or registered in Sweden to participate.

    But, if you are not, then there is a requirement that at least one author in the contribution must be a Swedish citizen or registered in Sweden.

    That’s what it says at Melodifestivalen website.

  • Who the hell is Martin Melin?

    Claes Gilered

    Hi Claes! 🙂

    There may be several Martin Melins.

    But the Martin Melin we sometimes write about is currently a Member of Parliament for the Liberals. He is also a police officer, former winner of Robinson and also ex-husband of writer Camilla Läckberg.

    Here you can read more about Martin Melin.

  • Hey! There is a lot of talk about protective hunting

    wolf, but why isn’t Heby municipality/Uppsala county included, where today there are two large alpha packs, one of which is about 11 individuals

    The ball

    Hey! This is what Alpo Syväjärvi, regional director of the Mitt Hunter Association, says about why you are not allowed to hunt wolves in Uppsala:

    – The Environmental Protection Agency has not given the county administrative board in Uppsala delegation to make a decision on possible wolf hunting this year. The Environmental Protection Agency probably considers that the wolf tribe in Uppland is not extensive enough to be given hunting rights here, he says, to UNT.

  • How is the ceasefire in Ukraine going?


    Hey! Ukraine says that Russia broke the ceasefire in Kherson earlier on Saturday, according to The Guardian.

    Russia is said to have attacked a fire station where several people are said to have been injured or killed, according to the newspaper.

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