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today at 21.54 Josefine Karlsson

A large fire has broken out in a three-story industrial building in Norrköping.

– We are in the process of creating a picture, but it must be some kind of fat that is burning, says Pedher Helmer, officer on duty at the rescue service.

The building completely engulfed in flames. There is a lot of smoke and flames shoot out through the roof.

– It was a fully developed fire when we arrived, says Pedher Helmer.

The fire started at the chimney and the cause is still unknown. A large part of the roof has collapsed and the emergency services have taken out gas bottles that were in the building.

No one should have been injured.

Latest news

  • Canada bans foreigners from buying homes

    As of today, foreign nationals are not allowed to buy homes in Canada, reports CNN.

    Foreign buyers are said to have jacked up the prices and bought homes as investments

    – Canadian homes attract profiteers, wealthy corporations and foreign investors. This leads to a problem with unused and vacant housing and sky-high prices. Housing is for people, not investors, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has previously said.

    Foreign nationals who are permanent residents of Canada are exempt from the law that applies for the next two years.

  • At least four seriously injured after accident

    An accident has occurred on the E20 outside Mariestad and at least four have been seriously injured.

    According to the emergency services, it is chaotic at the scene.

    – It is a serious accident with three vehicles involved and probably four seriously injured. At least one has been trapped, says Simon Rosén, the duty officer of the rescue service.

    A total of ten people are said to be involved and ambulances and an ambulance helicopter have been dispatched.

    E20 has been turned off during the rescue work.

  • Man with bomb arrested when Lula was sworn in

    A man armed with a knife and explosives was arrested before the installation of Brazil’s new president Lula da Silva, Reuters reports.

    The ceremony could continue and during the Sunday evening, 77-year-old Lula was finally sworn in.

    Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro have repeatedly threatened to carry out acts of violence before the installation, and earlier this week military police were able to arrest another person, who is making a bomb “to create chaos”.

  • Imprisoned Iranian journalist released

    The Iranian journalist and dissident Keyvan Samimi, 73, has been released, writes TT with reference to the Iranian daily newspaper Shargh.

    Samimi was arrested in late 2020 and sentenced to prison for “conspiring against national security”.

    He was released on health grounds in February but was re-imprisoned a short time later. From prison, he expressed his support for the regime-critical protest movement in the country.

  • Euro and Schengen – Croatia deepens EU membership

    The border crossing between Slovenia and Croatia. Photo: Armin Durgut/AP

    Starting today, Croatia takes two historic steps as an EU member, writes Reuters.

  • The kuna currency is scrapped and the euro is introduced.
  • The country becomes part of the passport-free Schengen zone.
  • At midnight, the barriers at the border crossing with Slovenia in Bregana were removed and a sign with the text “free passage” was installed.

    Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic expressed pride.

    – If there are historical moments, special moments, which give us great pride and when we witness the realization of strategic goals for the state – then this is such a day, says Plenkovic, according to Reuters.

  • Swedish man dies in drowning accident abroad

    A 79-year-old Swedish man has died in a drowning accident in the Canary Islands, reports Europe Press.

    At 11 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, a woman was rescued from the water in San Agustin and she raised the alarm that a man was in distress. The man was pulled out of the water and life-saving measures were started, but his life could not be saved.

    The Swedish Foreign Ministry states for The Express that the man’s relatives are informed.

  • Mass grave found in former IS stronghold

    Large parts of Sirte were destroyed in connection with the attempts to drive the terrorist group IS out of the city. Archive image from 2016. Photo: Manu Brabo/AP/TT

    The remains of 18 people have been found in a mass grave in the former IS stronghold of Sirte, a city in central Libya, writes TT and refers to local authorities

    At a local hospital, work is underway to analyze the remains to identify the victims.

    After the death of dictator Muammar Gaddafi in connection with the Arab Spring in 2011, several militant Islamist groups gained a foothold in the country.

    The city of Sirte was controlled by the terrorist sect IS between 2015 and 2016. In October, 42 people were found in a mass grave in a school area in the same city.

  • BoJo’s New Year’s Greeting: “Putin Loses 2023”

    Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is confident that 2023 will be a better year after a “tumultuous 2022”.

    He announced this in a New Year’s greeting on Twitter.

    – I am more convinced than ever that Vladimir Putin will lose in Ukraine and that the Ukrainians will achieve their goal of being a free, sovereign and independent country, he says.

    Johnson also predicted an upturn in the economy and a Britain that will be “the best place on earth” once the covid restrictions are lifted.

  • At least 45 cows dead in barn fire

    Early on New Year’s Day, the emergency services were alerted that a fire had broken out in a barn in the village of Långlöt on Öland.

    The barn, where about 80 cows were, burned to the ground.

    A number of animals were able to get out, but at least 45 cows have died in the fire, writes SVT Småland.

    Some cows have been burned and are being examined by a veterinarian.

    The police have launched an arson investigation.

    The farm owner Kenneth Folkemark is devastated.

    – My life’s work is gone and it feels exactly like Ukraine is here, your whole fucking farm is gone, he says to SVT.

  • No one has yet been arrested for the murder in Vällingby

    At 18:40 on New Year’s Eve, one or more perpetrators opened fire on several people outside McDonalds in Vällingby.

    A man in his 20s was shot dead.

    Several people have been taken in for questioning, the police told TT.

    – No one has been arrested and we cannot say anything about possible suspicions, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

  • Woman dead outdoors – police suspect murder

    A woman has been found dead outdoors in Skövde municipality.

    The place has been cordoned off and a preliminary investigation into murder or manslaughter has been established for investigative technical reasons.

    – It was a passerby who found the woman, says Göran Carlbom, officer on duty at the police.

    The police have searched the area with the help of a dog.

    – Technicians must go out to the site. Then we await the forensic autopsy, he says during the afternoon.

    No one has been arrested, the police say.

    Next of kin have been notified.

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  • You do have free legal aid in case of crime, right? How come the man who bit the policeman’s hand had to pay legal fees?


    Hey! According to The Swedish Bar Association do you have the right to a public defender if you are suspected of a serious crime. If you are then acquitted, the state covers the cost, but if you are convicted, you usually have to pay all or part of the legal fees. This depends on your income.

  • Why haven’t you written that more Tate was innocent.? The police did an investigation but that no crimes could be proven?

    the field

    Hey! According to the country’s public prosecutor’s office, Tate will now be in custody for 30 days. He is being investigated for rape and human trafficking, according to prosecutors.

    Any information about Tate being released has not been confirmed.

  • In the last week there have been a lot of shootings and people have been shot, has the gang war flared up in Sweden again?


    Hey! According to our sources, the police fear that gang violence will escalate sharply after the events of the last few days in Stockholm.

  • Hey! Is there any new information regarding the Towe case, have charges been filed yet or when does it look like it will be?


    Hey! So far, no charges have been brought, so at the moment it is unclear if and, if so, when it will happen. Police and prosecutors have also not released any new information regarding how they suspect she was killed.

  • You write that Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human abuse, is this really correct or are you basing this on previous rumors connected to Mr. Tate?

    According to sources, it is a regular Swat that affects many streamers


    Hi Satoshi!

    He has been arrested on suspicion of abducting two women together with his brother, the prosecutor says Antena3.

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