Latest news – Mafia leader shot dead in Italy

  • Mafia leader shot dead in Italy

    The Italian mafia leader Salvatore Prencipe, 64, has been shot dead, Italian media reports.

    Prencipe, who belonged to the Foggia clan, was allegedly killed in an ambush by two assailants on motorcycles, according to La Gazzetta Del Mezzogiorno.

    He died immediately, the newspaper writes.

    The clan in Foggia is considered the most violent in all of Italy and is called the “fourth mafia” after Cosa Nostra in Sicily, the Ndrangheta in Calabria and the Camorra in Naples.

  • Latest news

  • Two arrested for aggravated assault

    The police were called to a local south of Stockholm due to a suspected assault in progress on Saturday evening.

    But according to the police, the people involved must have fled the scene in a car that was stopped by the police some distance from the scene.

    Two people were then arrested and a preliminary investigation into serious assault has been launched.

  • One seriously injured after apartment fire

    One person has been seriously injured after a fire broke out in an apartment in Hallsberg, Nerikes Allehanda reports.

    Another person is said to have been slightly injured in the fire, which according to the police started in the kitchen.

    Later, the police announce that the fire is out, but that they are still at the scene.

    – We will block off and interrogate residents in the stairwell and then we will see what criminal classification it lands in, says duty police officer Torbjörn Roos to the news agency.

  • Police hunt for man who threatened taxi driver with a knife

    A police hunt is currently underway for a man who is said to have threatened a taxi driver with a knife in Björkekärr in Gothenburg.

    The man is said to have gone with the taxi driver and then refused to pay for the trip. When the driver protested, the man allegedly displayed a knife-like object.

    Several patrols are in the area looking for the suspect.

  • UN: Wagner and Mali’s army participated in massacres

    In a new report, the UN states that Mali’s army, together with the Russian Wagner group, participated in a massacre in which at least 500 civilians died in April last year.

    It reports The Guardian.

    According to the report, the massacre continued for five days in the town of Moura in Mali.

    Volker Türk, who is the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, says that rape and torture occurred at the same time as hundreds of people were killed by murder.

    The Wagner Group has yet to comment on the report, but an official in Mali dismisses the UN as biased.

  • He is KDU’s new chairman

    Stefan Sarmes takes over from Nike Örbrink as chairman of the Christian Democratic Youth Association.

    It was clear when a new federal board was elected during a national meeting in Linköping on Saturday.

    “I am very grateful for the trust I have received from the members and am humbled by the task ahead of us. We have to manage a proud tradition of challenging and driving Christian democracy forward – I want to continue that,” writes Stefan Sarmes in a press release.

  • Elon Musk to Italy’s rescue

    Helping those affected by the disaster in Italy. Photo: Benjamin Fanjoy/AP

    Italian insurance company Unipol and Elon Musk have decided to help in the disaster-stricken Emilia-Romagna, reports Reuters.

    With the help of SpaceX’s satellites, the emergency services, citizens and hospitals should be able to connect to the internet.

    “SpaceX, Starlink and Tesla are pleased to be of assistance to Italy and the people affected by the floods,” Elon Musk said in a statement.

    Many people lack electricity in the region after the floods, and access to the internet should facilitate rescue operations.

  • Football brawl in Gothenburg: “Make an exoneration attempt”

    Jönköping Södra won the away match against Gais 1–0.

    In connection with the match, the teams’ football supporters clashed, the police write on their website.

    “The police place themselves between the groups and manage to separate them. The atmosphere is angry, there is shouting and throwing of beer cans between the camps,” writes the police.

    In connection with a takeover, one of the supporter groups must also try to carry out a “release attempt”.

    The incident is being investigated as a violation of the Public Order Act and violent riot.

  • Four released after the murder in Rågsved

    This is where the shooting happened. Photo: Magnus Sandberg

    Four of the five men in their 20s who were arrested in connection with the murder in Rågsved have been released.

    – The suspicions have weakened against them, but they are not dismissed from the case, says Anna Knöfel Magnusson, press spokesperson at the Prosecutor’s Office.

    Tomorrow, Sunday at noon, the prosecutor will decide on detention.

    read more here

  • Man stabs woman in apartment

    A man has stabbed a woman in an apartment in Lund, the police say.

    The woman is seriously injured and has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    A man has been arrested. According to the police, they have known each other for a long time.

  • Rescue helicopter has crashed – one injured

    Photo: Vigili del Fuoco

    A rescue helicopter has crashed in flood-hit Belricetto, Italy.

    The four people on board were injured, according to local authorities.

    A rescue operation is underway, the Italian rescue service says Twitter.

  • Body found in the reeds – suspected murder

    A body has been found at a water’s edge in Halmstad.

    – It was a canoeist who was out paddling when the person thought he saw a body lying in the reeds, says Mikael Novak, press officer at Halmstad Municipality.

    The area is now cordoned off by police and the incident is being investigated as a murder.

  • Three dead in plane crash

    A small plane has crashed in a wooded area in Ponts-de-Martel in Switzerland, reports RTN.

    The plane crashed near the French border in difficult-to-access terrain, delaying rescue efforts.

    According to the newspaper, it was the pilot and two passengers who died. It is not yet clear why the plane crashed.

  • Wagner group: Take control of Bachmut

    A picture from the battles near Bachmut. Photo: LIBKOS/AP

    The Wagner Group has taken control of the Ukrainian town of Bachmut. The leader of the Russian group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, claims that, reports AFP.

    – Today, at 12 o’clock, Bachmut was completely absorbed, says Prigozhin in a video published on Telegram.

    Furthermore, he states that the group plans to hand over the city to the Russian military by May 25 at the latest.

    Ukraine has denied the information.

    read more here

  • SMHI expands the warnings in Norrbotten

    In Saivomuotka, the Muonio River has flooded. Photo: Private

    During yesterday, SMHI announced a red warning for high flows in Norrbotten. Starting tomorrow, the warning will be extended down the Torneälven, all the way to Haparanda.

    In parts of the river, there are also warnings of floods. According to SMHI, these are flows that occur on average every 50 years or less frequently.

    Roads have been closed and several basements have been flooded.

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  • A question regarding the article about the skyscrapers in NY

    “In 2021, Hurricane Ida also bore down on the city, causing several drownings. Scientists say both tragedies were exacerbated by global warming.”

    What are those scientists called? I want to search and read more.

    Gunilla Brolin

    Hi Gunilla!

    The research study can be read here.

    All’s Well,


  • What happened to the elderly man who refused to move his car after having his tires punctured by mats of nails last winter?


    Hi Anna!

    The last I read about him was in The Wermlands newspaper in November.

    Then he would buy a new car after living in the old one for two weeks. He then said that he intended to lift the broken car into the air and leave it at the scene.

    He also told us at Aftonbladet that he would register the old car at the National Police Board.

  • If you throw fags everywhere they will rot and if so how long will it take to empty them please


    Hello! According to the organization Keep Sweden Clean, it takes approximately 1-5 years for a discarded cigarette butt to decompose into microplastic.

    “Microplastic can take 100 years before it disappears, if it even does,” they also write.

  • Why is only one of the spy brothers named and pictured?


    Hello! Both are named in the article. Why we only have one picture of Payam Kia is because the article is about him.

  • What has happened to Aftonbladet directly? Previously, you ended up directly on the news you clicked on, but now you always end up at the top and have to scroll down through the feed to get to the article you are interested in reading. Wish that feature came back.


    Hello! Some readers seem to have had issues with it over the past few days so we’ll check it out! If you haven’t updated the app, you can test with that as well (if you read via the app, that is).

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