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Macron welcomes China in peace talks

today at 14.34 Lukas Jacobson

French President Emmanuel Macron believes that it is good that China participates in peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, The Guardian reports.

– China must help us put pressure on Russia, so they never use chemical weapons or nuclear weapons, says Macron.

The French president announced that he will visit the Chinese capital, Beijing, at the beginning of April, to discuss what China can contribute to ending the war in Ukraine.

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    The police were alerted to the accident at 11.22.

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    Read more here.

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  • His name is Lukashenka or Lukashenko

    Klas Bergström

    Hello! In Sweden, we spell his surname as Lukashenko, but it should be pronounced with an “a” at the end.

  • Have you heard anything more about what happened in the Uppsala mall

    Tobias Ljungberg

    A suspected dangerous object had been found and the mall was evacuated. The national bomb disposal unit was called to the scene and it was later determined that the object was harmless.

    Read more here.

  • Why haven’t you written anything about the Russian ship that docked in Nynäshamn with Russian gas today??

    It is a bigger scandal when all EU countries including Sweden have to follow the sanctions!!!!

    LL Lindqwister

  • Hello, enter the Gym murder and they are released. Is the 17 year old who shot released too?


    Hello! All suspects have been released pending sentencing on March 10.

    The suspected shooter has been placed in SIS home.

  • Hello Hello!

    Why did you remove the post about the police going up with a large number of drones over Sthlm to monitor serious crime/gang criminals? Was the news not true? In that case, it was a great pity.

    Nice weekend!


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