Latest news – Kristersson invited to Turkey: “Has a plan”

  • Kristersson invited to Turkey: “Has a plan”

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has a plan.

    On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be installed in office after the weekend’s election.

    Ulf Kristersson opens up that he might be there.

    – We will return to that issue. We have received an invitation and we have a good plan, says the prime minister without wanting to go into more details, he tells TT.

    Earlier today, NATO’s Secretary General announced that he will travel to Turkey “in the near future” to discuss Sweden’s membership in NATO.

    – I keep close contact with Stockholm, says Stoltenberg.

  • Latest news

  • SD politician acquitted of murder charges – wants 250,000

    A Sweden Democratic politician has been in custody for two months, suspected of murdering a woman, in the fall of 2021 in Sjuhärad.

    When the two months had passed, he was released and then the suspicions against him were completely dropped.

    Now he has applied for SEK 250,000 in compensation from the Chancellor of Justice for suffering for that time.

  • Attempted murder in a cafe

    The police have arrested a man in his 30s at the central station in Malmö.

    – We received the alarm at 15.15 about a threatening situation at Espresso House. We were quickly on site with several units. By then the designated perpetrator had time to leave. He was later arrested at the central station, says Evelina Olsson, press spokesperson in the police region south.

    After questioning the people who were threatened, the police have classified the incident as attempted murder. No one has been injured.

  • Three arrested for murder in May

    Three people have been detained on suspicion of involvement in a murder involving a man in his 20s in Jakobsberg north of Stockholm on May 8 this year, the police write in a press release.

    The men are suspected on probable grounds of murder, incitement to attempted murder, preparation for murder, aiding and abetting attempted murder, aggravated weapons crime and incitement to serious weapons crime.

    The text is updated.

  • Bathhouse closes after alarm about legionella

    The municipality of Lund has discovered traces of legionella in the showers in Högevall’s bathhouse.

    Now the bath is closed with immediate effect.

    An extensive clean-up of the plant and disinfection of the water supply system has begun.

    – We work closely with the environmental administration and Lundafastigheter to ensure that all necessary protocols and guidelines are followed. It is of the highest priority to protect the health and safety of visitors and staff, says Rickard Persson, acting head of swimming in Lund Municipality in a press release.

  • Large police effort in Eskilstuna

    The police have a large police presence at a sports facility in Eskilstuna.

    At least three people have been injured and taken to hospital, according to the police.

    Read more here.

  • Billström has been promised a meeting with Turkey

    Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) has been promised a meeting with Turkey and Finland, he himself confirms to Today’s news.

    No date has yet been set.

    – Such a meeting must be held. As soon as we know that the Turkish government has been reconstituted, it will be called to the meeting, says Tobias Billström (M) to the newspaper.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will shortly travel to Turkey to arrange the meeting.

    read more here

  • Man hit – seriously injured

    At lunchtime, a pedestrian was hit by a car on Gamla Rådstugugatan in central Norrköping.

    The man hit has been taken to hospital by ambulance, and he is seriously injured, the police state on their website.

  • KU criticizes the government for handling electricity subsidies

    The government receives criticism from the Riksdag’s constitutional committee for insufficient handling of the proposal on secrecy for the electricity subsidies, TT learns.

    The preparation was too hasty and the referral bodies, the Legislative Council and the Riksdag had very little time to take a position on the proposal regarding the first electricity subsidy, KU points out.

  • Suspected of stabbing his mother to death – charged

    A 48-year-old man is suspected of killing his mother with a meat ax in Götene municipality in February this year.

    Now he is charged with murder at the Skaraborg district court, reports P4 Skaraborg.

    According to the indictment, he allegedly attacked his mother about 20 times with the ax and also with a knife.

  • The spread of wolves is increasing in southern Sweden

    The spread of wolves is increasing southwards, writes TT, which refers to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

    The wolves have spread to several counties in the southern parts. That when a new area has been formed between Kronoberg and Kalmar counties.

    New territories have also been established in Östergötland, Jönköping, Västra Götaland and Södermanland, while the number of wolves in central Sweden has decreased.

    The number of wolves in Sweden amounted to 450 in the last count, which is roughly the same number as last year.

  • Boy seriously injured after elevator accident

    A boy has been seriously injured after an elevator accident in Gothenburg yesterday.

    The boy was stuck in the elevator at the top of the building and in connection with the rescue effort he fell straight down the shaft, writes The Express.

    He must have fallen five stories.

    The boy was taken to Sahlgrenska hospital. A report of causing bodily harm has been received by the police in Gothenburg.

    Read more here.

  • The government wants to intercept more and more people

    The government and the Sweden Democrats will go ahead with proposals concerning secret means of coercion. Among other things, it is about the police being allowed to intercept more and more in the fight against serious crime, including gang crime.

    – The government will make a decision on a bill concerning secret coercive measures, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) at a press conference and continues:

    – The background is well known, we have had an exceptional crime development in Sweden, exceptional in a negative sense.

    An example that Strömmer gives is secret interception of electronic communications.

    – Opportunities to gain access to the information at a very early stage of the crime is extremely important to be able to prevent and clear up this type of crime, says the Minister of Justice.

    The investigation on which the proposals are based was appointed by the previous government, writes TT.

    The changes to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 October this year.

  • Inflation in the eurozone falls more than expected

    Inflation in the eurozone falls to 6.1 percent in May compared to the same month last year, figures from Eurostat show, TT reports.

    In April, inflation was 7 percent at an annual rate, and the latest figure thus means a decline.

    According to Bloomberg’s compilation, analysts had expected inflation of 6.3 percent in May.

  • The NATO chief: The terrorism law in Sweden makes a difference

    Today, the new terrorism law entered into force in Sweden and it has made a difference to Sweden’s NATO application, says NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, reports Ekot.

    Stoltenberg has said several times that Sweden fulfills the requirements set in the agreement between Turkey, Sweden and Finland.

    In the near future, Stoltenberg will travel to Turkey where, among other things, he will discuss Sweden’s NATO application.

    – I spoke with Erdogan last week and I will visit Turkey again soon, Stoltenberg said at the foreign ministers’ meeting in Oslo earlier today.

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  • Have you written anything about Uganda unfortunately voting for the death penalty for homosexuals? You can’t believe it’s true, 2023! What does the Swedish government say about this? Suffer with those who cannot love who they want without risking being killed


    Hello Emma!

    There is an article about it that you can read here.

    I have not seen any statement from the Swedish government now, but in the past they have spoken out on the matter. Then wrote Swedish Foreign Ministry:

    “If the law is finally adopted, it violates Uganda’s international commitments on human rights and non-discrimination”

  • Do you know why the water in Venice’s main canal, the Grand Canal, has been dyed green?


    Hello! No, it’s actually unclear. In any case, the police in Venice have started an investigation into it.

  • Is Arlanda Express running again? It says they are going to replace approx. 1 km of rail, so does that mean no traffic will get to Arlanda?

    The Ericsson family

    Hello! Earlier this weekend, Arlanda express announced that it may take about a week before traffic is up and running again.

  • How did the little thin man who disappeared?


    Hi Bengt!

    The man was found the same day he disappeared.

    According to the police, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital for a check-up.

    Unfortunately, the police have not shared more information about how the man was when he was found.

  • Regarding the flag day when the king celebrates 50 years on the throne. It is very appropriate. But will it be an annual flag day or will it only happen in 2023?


    Hi Rolf!

    The government’s proposal is for a “temporary public flag day”. It therefore only applies to 2023.

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