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Jeanette was found dead – the prosecutor appeals the verdict to HD

today at 11.26 Josefine Karlsson

The prosecutor is appealing the Court of Appeal verdict regarding Jeanette’s death.

Hälsingland’s district court sentenced her partner to life imprisonment for murder. The Court of Appeal changed the sentence and reduced the sentence to seven years in prison for extremely serious assault.

“The Court of Appeal stated in the judgment that there is a certain amount of room for the death to have been caused by poisoning and that it cannot be considered beyond reasonable doubt that the plaintiff died as a result of the damage to the cerebrum that the suspect inflicted on her,” writes the Prosecutor’s Office in a press release.

Now prosecutor Birgitta Fernlund wants the Supreme Court to take up the case.

“The request for an appeal does not refer to the issue of responsibility for murder, but only to the length of the prison sentence for the crime the Court of Appeal sentenced for, i.e. extremely serious assault,” writes the Prosecutor’s Office in a press release.

The reduced sentence in the Court of Appeal caused a great stir and, among other things, a demonstration in Hudiksvall.

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