Latest news – Heroin becomes legal in Canadian province

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Heroin becomes legal in Canadian province

today at 15.04 Jip van der Tang Eliasson

The province of British Columbia chooses to decriminalize heroin. It will thus be legal to walk around with, among other things, a small amount of heroin, fentanyl and cocaine, TT reports.

The reason for the change in the law is that the authorities want to stop the opioid crisis that has hit the province, where several citizens have died of overdose.

Latest news

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Collision between car and pedestrian

    A car and a pedestrian have collided in Malmö.

    Police have been sent to the scene.

    The extent of the damage is currently unknown, the police write.

  • Milk truck overturned – driven into the ditch

    A milk truck overturned after it drove into the ditch, reports P4 Östergötland.

    The emergency services were called at 2 pm to county road 210 between Mariedal and Söderköping.

    The driver was awake and able to speak and was taken to the hospital for a check-up, according to emergency services.

    Traffic can pass the accident site but at a slow pace.

  • Suspected serial killer arrested in Germany

    A 31-year-old man was arrested yesterday morning. He is suspected of several murders of the elderly in the Schwäbisch Hall area in southwestern Germany, TT reports.

    Several German media report that the police put together a special force, which found the suspect with the help of DNA traces.

  • 21-year-old detained for murder of gang leader

    A 21-year-old has been detained on probable cause on suspicion of murder at a gang leader in Haninge.

    The suspect is still not in custody.

    – I have made the assessment that I need to ask him to be detained in his absence in order to investigate the case further. This is the path you have to take, says prosecutor Patrik Viklund.

    The 21-year-old is suspected of murder, attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

  • Andrew Tate appeals remand

    Andrew Tate has appealed his detention in Romania in court, the BBC reports. He is in custody, suspected of being part of a criminal organization, trafficking and rape.

    Handcuffed with his brother Tristan, he shouted to reporters at the scene that he was innocent.

    The answer to the appeal is believed to be announced later today.

  • Mats Löfving is served with suspicion of crime

    Mats Löfving. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    Prosecutors now announce that police chief Mats Löfving has been served with two criminal charges in connection with the tangle surrounding intelligence chief Linda Staaf.

    Gross misconduct in connection with a service appointment case in 2015, and misconduct in a decision on the allocation of service weapons in 2020.

    Mats Löfving has heard about both suspicions, and denies any wrongdoing.

    Linda Staaf has also been heard about both events, as well as a number of witnesses.

    – I will not comment further on what was said or the state of evidence in the preliminary investigation, says Deputy Chief Prosecutor Bengt Åsbäck in a press release.

    Read more here.

  • Disturbances in the E-health agency’s prescription service

    The e-health authority has a disruption with an operating supplier, which affects the prescription service at the pharmacies.

    – It is currently taking a little longer to get all the prescriptions out, it is not a stop but a stiffness in the system, says Jenny Hellgren, press spokesperson at the E-health authority.

    There is currently no forecast as to when the problem will be resolved.

  • Man in his 30s killed in traffic accident

    A traffic accident occurred during the morning on county road 373 in Piteå.

    The police now announce that a man in his 30s died in connection with the accident. Relatives have been notified.

    The man’s is said to have been hit by a car.

    – We have no information at the moment that he was traveling in any vehicle, but we will investigate how the accident happened, says police spokesperson Marie Andersson.

    The car has been impounded to be examined. There are no criminal suspects at this time.

  • Desecrated Korans scattered in Ronneby

    Several Korans have been desecrated and spread in Ronneby municipality, reports Saint Blekinge.

    – No one should have to feel unsafe in Ronneby. You must not let the emotions take over, but of course we are sad, says Gudlaug Hilmarsdottir at Ronneby’s Islamic association to Svt.

    A total of three Korans have been found, two of them with the text “Die pig” on the front.

    One of them has been lying at a bus stop.

  • Erdogan’s demand: Make it illegal to burn the Koran

    Turkey will say no to Swedish NATO membership as long as it is allowed to burn Korans in Sweden, writes TT.

    Read more here.

  • So the chimpanzees could escape at Furuvik

    The chimpanzee Torsten, who was one of the chimpanzees killed during the escape. Photo: Furuviksparken.

    The chimpanzees at Furuvik escaped through an open lattice door.

    That and a lack of routines were behind the fact that the five monkeys were able to get out, the zoo’s CEO Sandra Wilke told TT.

    Read more here.

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  • Do not understand why such an important thing as information about the war in Ukraine should be a “plus” and I should pay extra to find out, and this from a newspaper that should give us news.

    Please explain how you think here!

    But the easiest thing is to just delete the post, if you don’t have an answer.


    Hi Axel! I’m not the one to decide things like this, so take my words with a grain of salt. But our starting point is that pure news, whether about the war, covid-19, politics or crime, can be read openly, while in-depth information requires a plus login.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s that strange, we’re a private company and not a public service that gets all the funding on the tax bill. And if you compare to the old days – I hardly think that the newspaper was free in the newsstands just because there was a second world war or the cold war…

    At least that’s what I think, but everyone can think differently!

  • Has the Kurdish fox been requested to be extradited to Sweden

    Lillemor Gunnarsson

  • Ozzy says he’s canceling in May?!?

    Extravagant83 Extravagant83

  • Nora, it is worth pointing out that the Nordic countries have like all other countries behind them on the corruption list, so that Sweden would be second worst in terms of corruption in the Nordics is actually not particularly bad at all! You can turn it around, like the fourth country with the least corruption in the whole world. It’s not that bad, is it?


    Well of course, compared to like every other country in the world it’s great!

    What was a little interesting, however, was that Sweden lost and got its worst ranking in 11 years. Although it is of course a very good position internationally.

  • Strange that AB didn’t write a line about Botkyrka’s Social Democrats being taken over by gang criminals…


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