Latest news – Grand theft of benches in Folkets Park

Grand theft of benches in Folkets Park

today at 17.41Beri Zangana

Several chained benches have been stolen from Folkets Park in Malmö, writes Sydsvenskan.

According to the newspaper, it concerns a long row of the park’s benches that are now gone, especially those that stood along the pond.

The benches should cost SEK 15-16,000 each and it is about sixteen benches that have been stolen. In other words

– This cannot be a temporary thief. Someone must have deliberately gone here to do this, says Liliana Ravanshad, area manager in Folkets Park to the newspaper.

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    The man left behind a wristwatch and the recovered jewelry worth a six-figure sum.

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    Correction: We incorrectly stated earlier in the headline that the stolen jewelry corresponded to millions, when it was a six-figure sum – i.e. hundreds of thousands of kroner.

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    No one has been arrested.

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  • Will any Swedish royalty attend the coronation of King Charles III?


    Hi Elin! Yes, the King and the Crown Princess are there for the coronation. We will start our live coverage from the coronation shortly!

  • Isn’t it strange that subsistence requirements for labor immigrants are higher than what a university-educated nurse has in Sweden?


    Hi Jennifer! Where do you find that number? The average salary is in any case a bit over 30,000 kroner for people between 18 and 24 years old from what I can see Statistics Sweden’s website.

  • Why don’t you write anything about food prices? Are you bought by the food companies?

    The cucumber

    Hello cucumber! We have done that, both here and in Aftonbladet Direkt.

  • Why don’t you write anything about shooting in Belgrade????


    We certainly haven’t missed that! Here you can read a whole article about the event in Serbia!

  • Interesting, I had no idea they make champagne in Kalix…

    Always learn something new from you Ab..



    Huh! Don’t you know the famous Kalix champagne?!

    Joking aside. Have changed the notice so that it will be clearer what is meant ;)!

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