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Fully developed house fire

27 January at 23.20 Lukas Jacobson

A villa has started to burn outside Örebro. The alarm came at 22.30 on Friday, reports P4 Örebro.

– When the emergency services arrive, it is a fully developed fire. They have given a forecast of a couple of hours. Extinguishing work is underway, says Linda Bergquist, team leader at SOS Alarm.

One person was at the villa but there are no reports of injuries.

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    – We are sorry to have to announce that, despite the efforts of the emergency services, the man who was seriously injured in the accident was pronounced dead, the police write on Twitter.

  • Fire in leisure park

    A fire has broken out in a leisure park in Malmö.

    According to the emergency services, it is not yet known if anyone was injured.

    – We have just arrived at the scene, said officer on duty Håkan Månsson at around 9.30pm.

    Heavy smoke billows from the building.

    The police and ambulance have also been called to the scene.

    Månsson says to Sydsvenskan that no people were found in the building.

  • Fire in barn

    A fire broke out in a barn in Götene on Friday evening.

    The 300 square meter building could not be saved and the rescue service has been working to protect adjacent buildings.

    The police warned of the risk of explosion as there were gas bottles in the building, but the threat has been averted according to the emergency services.

    – There were LPG bottles in a caravan in there, but there is no danger anymore. We have started winding down the operation, says duty officer Fredrik Skog.

  • Hoping for “super-fast, poisonous spiders”

    Another peacock tarantella. Photo: Dan Olsen/Getty Images

    Five peacock tarantulas have moved into the zoo Nordens ark, writes Bohusläningen.

    The spiders are part of the zoo’s breeding program. But they don’t know how it will go yet.

    – When predatory insects mate, the male is killed. If the mating is not successful, the male will still be killed. It will be exciting to see if we succeed, says Jimmy Helgesson, responsible for insects and spiders at Nordens Ark to the newspaper.

    But if all goes well, each female can produce 150-200 new spiders per mating.

    – The hope is that we will mate them and get a lot of very fast, poisonous spiders. I get nervous just saying it, says Jimmy Helgesson.

  • Seven dead after shooting at synagogue

    The mass shooting took place at a synagogue. Photo: Mahmoud Illean/AP

    At least seven people have died after a shooting at a synagogue in Jerusalem, reports say The Jerusalem Post.

    About ten have been injured, according to the newspaper.

    The suspected perpetrator is said to have been killed by the security forces.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to hold a press conference later this evening.

    Earlier, The Jerusalem Post stated that eight people died in connection with the shooting.

    Read more here.

  • The police shot the knifeman in the leg

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    The man refused to drop the knife even though the police fired warning shots. Then they shot him in the leg.

    When he still refused to drop the knife, police cordoned off the area before they could overpower him.

    The man, who was cared for by paramedics on site, was forcibly taken into custody and will be handed over to the medical service for an assessment, the police write on their website.

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    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson. Photo: BJÖRN LINDAHL

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  • UN warning: Iran on track to acquire nuclear weapons

    IAEA chief Rafael Grossi. Photo: Markus Schreiber

    The UN Atomic Energy Agency IAEA warns that Iran may be on the way to acquiring nuclear weapons, reports CNN.

    IAEA chief Rafael Grossi says that Iran has enriched uranium to 60 percent purity and that it could be enough to build several nuclear bombs.

    Now he is calling on the West to redouble its efforts to prevent manufacturing.

  • Major disturbances at Swedbank

    Swedbank has major technical problems. Among other things, it is difficult to access the bank’s website and problems with logging in to make payments.

    – We are currently investigating this. We hope that it will be remedied as soon as possible. I have no information about what this is due to, says Hannes Mård at Swedbank’s press service to TT.

    Currently, the app works as it should.

    There is still no forecast for when the problems are expected to be resolved.

    Aftonbladet is looking for Swedbank.

  • Entry restrictions to China are extended

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    Travelers must be able to show a negative test result for covid-19 upon arrival, the government writes in a press release.

    “The requirement for a certificate of negative test response came into force on 7 January and currently runs through 18 February 2023”.

  • Fire in apartment building

    A fire broke out in an apartment building in Alby in Botkyrka on Friday.

    The emergency services state that there was a fire in an elevator and that an apartment was also affected by the smoke.

    At 5 p.m., the fire service stated that the fire was out.

    There are no reports of anyone being injured.

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  • Do you have to have an account with Swedbank in order to be paid out?


    No, but you must register your account, depending on which bank you have, in Swedbank’s account register if you want the electricity subsidy money as soon as possible.

  • Hi, I wonder if it is still possible to see the green comet from Gothenburg

    K å Johansson

    Hey! The best chance to see the green comet seems to have been on January 21 and 22. But even now, during the last week of January, it seems you can catch a glimpse of it, if the sky is cloudless and you have good binoculars!

  • Why is it not a crime to buy drugs in Sweden, only to sell them?


    Hey! It is a crime to buy, use and sell narcotics in Sweden.

  • The Kristersson government must be the most pathetic and pitiful ever! Why don’t they dare to face the consequences of their policies? They keep secret who gets electricity subsidies and how much, for 20 years!!! Why!?


    Hey! The government states that it is about wanting to protect “individuals’ personal circumstances”. They have also referred to the security policy situation.

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