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Flight grounding across the US after data error

today at 12.08 Anna Sjögren

An error in the so-called Notam system, the computer system that provides pilots with important information, is creating problems for American air traffic.

According to ABC News no flights can leave the ground.

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  • SD top in Botkyrka takes time out

    Martin Inglot, group leader in Botkyrka and member of the regional council in Stockholm, will resign from his political duties, reports Mitti Botkyrka.

    It was this summer that Aftonbladet revealed that the SD leader was registered with his mother in Botkyrka – but lived in Östermalm.

    In December, charges were brought against him regarding accounting offences.

    At the next municipal council meeting, he will leave all local political assignments.

    – We have talked and we think that when the situation is as it is, it makes sense for him to take a time out. It was his own decision, says local party chairman Robert Stenkvist (SD) to the newspaper.

  • The Ebola outbreak in Uganda is over

    On Wednesday, the 42-day Ebola outbreak in Uganda was declared over, reports the World Health Organization, WHO.

    – Uganda quickly ended the Ebola outbreak by intensifying important measures such as tracing the spread of the infection, prevention measures and control, says Jane Ruth Aceng, the Minister of Health, in a press release.

    A total of 142 cases and 22 possible cases were found as a result of the spread of infection that began in Sudan, writes WHO. 55 died as a result of the infection.

  • Staff missed that the patient had died

    Staff at Helsingborg’s hospital sent a patient who had died on from the emergency room to a care unit, reports HD/Sydsvenskan.

    The staff should not have noticed that the person was dead. The incident that occurred during the Christmas holiday is now reported as an internal deviation.

    – This should not happen. We should not send a deceased patient up to a care unit, says emergency department manager Marcus Larsson to the newspaper.

    The elderly, seriously ill patient was in the final stages of life, which was clear to the staff. But it is not yet completely clear how long the patient was in the emergency department before the decision to admit him to a care unit was made.

  • Teenager taken to hospital after bus accident

    During the morning, a teenage boy was hit by a bus in Kalix.

    The alarm about the accident in central Kalix came at 07.47.

    The boy was taken to hospital by ambulance. According to SVT Nyheter Norrbotten he is seriously injured.

    The police have questioned the bus driver, but not the boy.

  • A man in Kalmar is suspected of having prepared murder

    The police were alerted to a residential area in Norrliden in Kalmar about information about a mysterious person who moved in the area on Tuesday evening.

    The person flees when the police arrive at the scene, but was later arrested on suspicion of aggravated weapons offense and preparation for murder.

    The man, in his 20s, is now under arrest on probable cause, suspected of aggravated weapons offense and preparation for murder.

  • Traffic accident Skinnskatteberg – one person injured

    A driver in his 60s has been pinned down in connection with a single vehicle accident on county road 659 in Skinnskatteberg.

    The emergency services had to cut the car open to get the driver out, who has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The damage is serious, the police report.

    There is a complete stop on the route in connection with rescue and recovery work.

  • GW’s criticism of the police: Not a functioning authority

    On Sunday, national police chief Anders Thornberg spoke at the security conference People and Defense in Sälen.

    Now Leif GW Persson directs harsh criticism towards his speech and the Police Authority.

    – He talked about everything other than what he should talk about. That the police is not a functioning authority, he says on TV4 Nyhetsmorgon.

    GW accuses the authority of a “non-existent investigation” of everyday crimes and says it has failed in the fight against gang crime.

    – The fight against organized crime is going in the wrong direction with falling clearance rates despite greatly increased resources.

  • Fire alarm on ship

    Shortly after eight o’clock the alarm came about a fire on a ship at Stenungsund, writes GP.

    According to the rescue service, there is a fire coming from a chimney on the ship.

    According to the alarm, the vessel must be in a high-risk zone.

    At 8.40, the rescue service announces that the fire has been extinguished by personnel on board the ship.

  • Man found dead – one arrested for murder

    At 5 pm on Tuesday, a man was found dead in a residence outside the Ludvika urban area.

    – There were a lot of unclear circumstances surrounding the death and when we could not rule out crime, we started a preliminary investigation into murder, says Sofia Jigelind, press spokesperson at the Bergslagen police region.

    A man in his 50s has been arrested and detained on probable cause on suspicion of murder, the higher degree of suspicion.

    – He was arrested a short distance from the scene, says Sofia Jigelind.

    The address where the body was found is cordoned off and during the night technicians have been working on the site.

  • Two charged with gang murder in Gothenburg

    Two 20-year-old men are now charged with murder on July 7, 2022, when a 22-year-old man was shot to death on Länsmanstorget in Biskopsgården, in Gothenburg.

    – It is about a settlement between criminal groups, says senior prosecutor Maria Thorell.

    Two men and a 19-year-old woman are also charged with aiding and abetting murder.

    The evidence consists, among other things, of surveillance footage showing the shooting and the interaction between the perpetrators.

    – I judge that the state of evidence is good. It has been a matter of very good police work. The 20-year-old men charged with murder were arrested less than an hour after the incident, and shortly after their arrest, motorcycles, masks and clothing used by the perpetrators in the crime were found, the prosecutor said in a press release.

  • Several injured in knife attack in Paris

    Six people have been injured in a knife attack at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris, reports French BFM TV.

    The attack took place on Wednesday morning just before seven o’clock.

    One person is said to have been injured in the shoulder blade, the other five have minor injuries.

    One person has been arrested by the police. In connection with the arrest, the police opened fire.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

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  • Why does Tove’s investigation feel so strange? Long periods of detention for the girls who are in custody, the police being extremely secretive about the circumstances and a what feels like an unusual investigation? Can you boil down the circumstances so that you keep up with where you are now in the process?


  • Isn’t it the case that if it had been Russia that was behind the Nordstream attack, it would have been trumpeted out!?

    But maybe it’s not Russia and then you have to SILENCE it!

    That’s how the media works!!


    Hey Uff! At the moment there is nothing new to report about who is behind the sabotage. On Christmas Eve, we published an article on the hunt for perpetrators, citing European intelligence sources who are unsure of the Russian trail. You can read the article here.

    But the fact that we would, as you claim, “shut down” something is therefore not true.

  • Hey! Do you have any new info on how Jeremy Renner is doing?


    Hey! According to a spokesperson, Jeremy is said to be on the mend.

    – Jeremy continues to make progress and is now awake. He talks and is in good spirits. He will continue to be cared for in the intensive care unit as the situation is critical but stable, says the spokesperson.

    Here is our latest article about it.

  • Hello, I have a question. Do you know who is behind the attacks on Nord Stream yet?


    Hey! There is nothing that has been confirmed yet, so at the moment it is not known who is behind it.

  • How is Finland’s application to NATO going? Have they received the go-ahead from all countries?


    Hey! Hungary or Turkey have not yet ratified either Sweden’s or Finland’s applications to NATO.

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