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Flight alert all over Ukraine

today at 08.26 Johanna Sundbeck

Flight alarms are sounding all over Ukraine as 60 Russian robots are supposed to be on their way over the country, writes the Kyiv Independent. Residents are urged to quickly get to a shelter in several regions.

Ukrainian officials confirm the data for Reuters.

Latest news

  • Man arrested on suspicion of serious drug crime in Västerås

    The police arrested a man in his 70s, suspected of serious drug offences, on Thursday shortly after 7pm in Västerås.

    – He is now under arrest after a large quantity of narcotics was found. I can’t say more about what type of narcotics it was, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, police spokesperson.

    The man is already known to the police.

  • Trains are cheaper than flights nine times out of ten

    The domestic train is cheaper than flying nine times out of ten, an analysis of the price of 22,000 tickets by Echo.

    The tickets were collected over eight weeks in December and January, without checked luggage but with one carry-on bag.

    The train is still cheaper seven times out of ten even if you make the flight as cheap as possible and only look at the single cheapest ticket every day, reports the radio channel.

    Oskar Fröidh, a railway researcher at KTH, believes that people’s perception of the price picture can be affected by the fact that aviation works more with cover prices, among other things.

    – It is communicated that it is expensive to travel by train, he says.

  • Several dead in fire in Lyon, France

    A violent fire rages in an apartment building in Lyon, France. At least ten people have died, writes TT.

    The house is a seven-storey building and the fire broke out during the night. The reason is still unclear.

    Among the dead are at least five children. Several people have been injured.

    The fire started on the ground floor and the fire then spread upwards, floor by floor, a firefighter told BFM TV according to TT.

  • Several cars in accident on E4

    A major accident has occurred on E4 in Fittja in Botkyrka municipality, south of Stockholm.

    The reports P4 Stockholm.

    Several cars are involved in the accident and three lanes are closed.

    According to the radio channel, there are long queues at the site.

  • Abusive nurse loses license

    A nurse who injected herself while sedating a patient loses her license, reports Eskilstuna-Kuriren.

    The incident was reported in 2018 and the nurse was then removed from duty.

    According to the nurse, she gave herself antibiotics, but the investigation showed that she was addicted to opioids and abused narcotic drugs.

    The nurse has had a three-year probationary period, but when she did not follow the probationary period plan, the Health and Medical Service’s responsibility board revoked her identification.

  • At least nine dead in landslides in Malaysia

    Rescuers are searching the crowds for dozens of people who are still missing. Photo: Malaysian Civil Defense/AP/TT

    At least nine people have died and around twenty people are missing after a landslide at a campsite outside the capital Kuala Lumpur on Friday.

    This is reported by TT, which refers to the country’s emergency services.

    When the landslide occurred, around 90 people are said to have been at the campsite.

    One of the victims is a five-year-old, according to the police. Seven people have been injured and are being treated in hospital.

  • Three out of ten long-distance trains delayed

    Only about 70 percent of the long-distance trains arrived on time during the first ten months of this year.

    It is a clear deterioration compared to last year.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, one reason is that traffic volume increased again after the declines during the pandemic.

    Total punctuality for short, medium and long-distance trains was 87.5 percent during January–October this year, according to Sydsvenskan, which looked at figures from the Swedish Transport Administration and Trafikanalys, among other things.

    It is the lowest figure since at least 2013, if you compare the full-year figures of those years. (TT)

  • Three arrested for aggravated assault

    The police were called to an address in Umeå around 11.30 pm due to a violent fight between several people.

    An injured person has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    Three men in their 30s have been arrested on suspicion of extremely serious assault.

  • Journalists banned from Twitter

    Journalists from several different American media houses have had their accounts on Twitter suspended after “violating the rules”.

    Among those suspended are reporters from CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post.

    Freelance journalist Aaron Rupar, who covers politicians on the right, has also fallen victim to Elon Musk’s wrath. He states that “he has no idea why” he had his account closed.

  • More documents on the Kennedy assassination released

    The US has released thousands of previously classified documents relating to the assassination of President John F Kennedy in 1963.

    According to the US National Archives, 13,173 documents have been made public, which means that 97 percent of the Kennedy documents, which are estimated to include nearly five million pages, have now been published, TT writes.

    US President Joe Biden says a limited number of documents remain classified at the request of unspecified authorities.

  • Eight dead in protests in Peru

    Violent protests have flared up in Peru Photo: Hugo Curotto/AP

    Violent protests have erupted in Peru since ex-president Pedro Castillo was ousted and imprisoned.

    At least eight people have died, the news agency writes AP.

    Yesterday, the government declared the country a police state, in an attempt to calm the protests.

    A judge is currently considering whether the ex-president should be detained pending charges. At most, he can be detained for 18 months.

    Awaiting word, a large group of Castillo supporters gathered in the capital Lima on Thursday evening.

    According to the AP, the protesters have burned police stations, taken over a runway used by the military and occupied the runway at the airport in Arequipa, where many tourists arrive.

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  • How do they measure the increase in covid cases when the common man cannot take a test that is registered?


    Among other things, there has been a general increase in corona in the waste water.

  • Hello, you wrote yesterday that Donald Trump would release something huge today. Have you heard anything about it yet?

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Hi Tobias!

    We haven’t heard anything new from Donald Trump yet, but we’re anxiously awaiting word from the former president! We will update as soon as we know anything more!

  • Who will win the robins?


    We don’t know that yet! You simply have to keep an eye out and check the program when it is broadcast!

    While waiting for the final, there are several articles here that you can read about how things went during this year’s season!

    All’s Well!

  • Hello Hello,

    Are there any known errors on the Swedish Companies Registration Office’s website? I can’t log in or search for cases


    Hey! Yes, several authorities’ websites seem to be down right now. We are trying to find out more about it now and will report on it as soon as we know more.

  • Why are the chimpanzees in Furuvik shot dead instead of being shot with anesthetic darts?


    It’s a bit unclear, the park’s information manager has provided different information about it during the day.

    You can read more about it here.

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