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today at 08.33 Anna Sjögren

Shortly after eight o’clock the alarm came about a fire on a ship at Stenungsund, writes GP.

According to the rescue service, there is a fire coming from a chimney on the ship.

According to the alarm, the vessel must be in a high-risk zone.

At 8.40, the rescue service announces that the fire has been extinguished by personnel on board the ship.

Latest news

  • Person found dead – a murder suspect

    At 5 pm on Tuesday, a person was found dead at an address in Ludvika.

    The causes of the death are unclear and now a man in his 50s has been arrested and detained on suspicion of murder, the police write on their website.

    The address where the body was found is cordoned off and during the night technicians have been working on the site.

  • Two charged with gang murder in Gothenburg

    Two 20-year-old men are now charged with murder on July 7, 2022, when a 22-year-old man was shot to death on Länsmanstorget in Biskopsgården, in Gothenburg.

    – It is about a settlement between criminal groups, says senior prosecutor Maria Thorell.

    Two men and a 19-year-old woman are also charged with aiding and abetting murder.

    The evidence consists, among other things, of surveillance footage showing the shooting and the interaction between the perpetrators.

    – I judge that the state of evidence is good. It has been a matter of very good police work. The 20-year-old men charged with murder were arrested less than an hour after the incident, and shortly after their arrest, motorcycles, masks and clothing used by the perpetrators in the crime were found, the prosecutor said in a press release.

  • Several injured in knife attack in Paris

    Six people have been injured in a knife attack at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris, reports French BFM TV.

    The attack took place on Wednesday morning just before seven o’clock.

    One person is said to have been injured in the shoulder blade, the other five have minor injuries.

    One person has been arrested by the police. In connection with the arrest, the police opened fire.

  • Three people arrested for shooting

    Three people have been arrested by the police on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with a shooting inside the Kungsängen commuter train station on Tuesday evening.

    That’s what the police wrote on their website on Wednesday morning.

    Read more about the event here.

  • The government holds a press conference on nuclear power legislation

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Environment and Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari will hold a press conference at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, where proposals for amended nuclear power legislation will be presented.

    At Wednesday’s press conference, Ulf Kristersson presents a proposal that enables more nuclear power reactors to be built in Sweden. Today there is a geographical restriction which means that reactors may only be located in Forsmark, Oskarshamn and Ringhals.

    – If we are to be able to move from words to action, we must create the conditions for much greater electricity production. The government will increase the conditions for maintaining, developing and expanding Swedish nuclear power, he says and continues:

    – Legislative changes are being made to enable new nuclear power, including through shorter permit processes and administrative fast tracks.

    Romina Pourmokhtari says that the government will increase the conditions for maintaining, developing and expanding Swedish nuclear power.

    The proposal must be sent out for referral for three months. The amendment to the law should be able to enter into force in March 2024.

    The Tidö agreement states, among other things, that the law must be changed so that new nuclear power can be built in other locations than today, that more than ten reactors must be allowed, that it must create a fast track in permit processes for nuclear power and that the state must provide state 400 billion in credit guarantees for investments in nuclear power.

  • The electricity industry is crying out for labor – 8,000 are missing

    In connection with climate change, Swedish electricity consumption is expected to double. Electricity production must increase – but at the same time the industry is threatened by a shortage of personnel, reports DN.

    In the next three years, around 8,000 technicians and engineers are needed, according to a survey from the industry organization Energiföretagen.

    According to Andreas Lepa, responsible for competence supply issues at Energiföretagen, the staff shortage is already a problem today.

    – If we don’t have the right people in the right place, important energy projects can be postponed, which means that it both takes longer and becomes more costly for the whole society, he tells the newspaper.

  • SMHI warns of wind – trains cancelled

    It will be windy both on parts of the west and east coast during Wednesday.

    SMHI has issued a yellow warning for wind in the whole of Stockholm County, parts of Södermanland County, Bohu Coast and Halland Coast.

    Several trains have been canceled between Norrköping and Stockholm via Nyköping during the day as a result of the strong wind, reports SVT Sörmland.

    SJ has not canceled any trains, however travelers between Stockholm-Gothenburg, Stockholm-Malmö and Stockholm-Karlstad-Oslo can count on longer journey times. That when the Swedish Transport Administration reduced the speed on a stretch between Flemingsberg and Gnesta, from 200 kilometers per hour to 80.

    – If you are traveling by express train between Stockholm-Gothenburg and Stockholm-Malmö, you can count on slightly longer travel times, says Dan Olofsson at SJ’s press service.

    According to Olofsson, these are between 15 and 60 minutes longer journey times.

  • Turkey’s NATO decision may be delayed until October

    It can be quick for Turkey to ratify Sweden’s NATO application, according to Turkey expert Paul Levin. But if Erdogan wins the election, it may also be delayed until October, when the parliament reopens after a long summer break, TT reports.

    Sweden’s NATO application still lacks signatures from two parliaments – Hungary’s and Turkey’s.

    Hungary is expected to ratify this spring. However, it is unclear when Turkey will do so.

    Turkey plans for parliamentary and presidential elections in early summer. A date mentioned in the Turkish media is June 18, while President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said last week that the election may be brought forward to May.

  • Children in youth homes are exposed to violence and abuse

    The Inspectorate for Care and Care, Ivo, states that children cared for in the National Institutions Board’s (Sis) youth home are exposed to violence and violations and are isolated longer than the law allows, reports Echo.

    The new report points out that it is girls in particular who are affected.

    It concerns, for example, uncontrolled and dangerous closures and the staff using a disproportionate amount of violence against young people in placement.

  • Golden Globe – no Swedish prize for Östlund

    Despite several nominations, there were no Swedish awards during the 80th edition of the Golden Globe gala, writes TT.

    Director Ruben Östlund, whose “Triangle of sadness”, which won the Palme d’Or in Cannes earlier this year, was nominated in the category of best musical or comedy. Actress Dolly De Leon, who was nominated for her performance in the film in the Best Supporting Actress category, also did not receive an award.

    Cate Blanchett received the award for best actress for her performance in “Tár”. The award for Best Actor (Drama) went to Austin Butler for his portrayal of Elvis Presley in “Elvis.”

  • China introduces rules against “deepfakes”

    China is introducing new rules to limit the use of “deepfakes”, realistically manipulated videos created with artificial intelligence. With the technology, for example, users can replace one person’s face with another’s in a video, or have a person say things they didn’t say, sometimes with very realistic results.

    Read more in TT’s article.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

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  • Why does Tove’s investigation feel so strange? Long periods of detention for the girls who are in custody, the police being extremely secretive about the circumstances and a what feels like an unusual investigation? Can you boil down the circumstances so that you keep up with where you are now in the process?


  • Isn’t it the case that if it had been Russia that was behind the Nordstream attack, it would have been trumpeted out!?

    But maybe it’s not Russia and then you have to SILENCE it!

    That’s how the media works!!


    Hey Uff! At the moment there is nothing new to report about who is behind the sabotage. On Christmas Eve, we published an article on the hunt for perpetrators, citing European intelligence sources who are unsure of the Russian trail. You can read the article here.

    But the fact that we would, as you claim, “shut down” something is therefore not true.

  • Hey! Do you have any new info on how Jeremy Renner is doing?


    Hey! According to a spokesperson, Jeremy is said to be on the mend.

    – Jeremy continues to make progress and is now awake. He talks and is in good spirits. He will continue to be cared for in the intensive care unit as the situation is critical but stable, says the spokesperson.

    Here is our latest article about it.

  • Hello, I have a question. Do you know who is behind the attacks on Nord Stream yet?


    Hey! There is nothing that has been confirmed yet, so at the moment it is not known who is behind it.

  • How is Finland’s application to NATO going? Have they received the go-ahead from all countries?


    Hey! Hungary or Turkey have not yet ratified either Sweden’s or Finland’s applications to NATO.

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