Latest news – Fighting continues in Sudan despite peace talks

  • Fighting continues in Sudan despite peace talks

    Sudan’s military and the private army RSF have begun talks on a ceasefire.

    At the same time, fierce fighting continues to rage in several parts of the country, reports Reuters.

    During Sunday, there were reports of aerial bombings and heavy shelling in the capital, Khartoum.

    During the morning, information comes that a hospital has been subjected to an air attack.

    The fighting broke out on April 15. At least 676 people have died and more than 5,500 have been injured, according to the UN, but the real numbers are feared to be higher.

  • Latest news

  • Woman to hospital after fire

    A woman has been taken to hospital in connection with a fire in Halmstad during the morning.

    The alarm came at 05.52.

    Emergency services, ambulance and police go to the scene.

    The woman has suffered burns and smoke damage.

    A man in the apartment was able to get out of the apartment but has inhaled smoke and is being taken to hospital for a check-up.

    The cause of the fire is unclear, but an arson investigation has been launched and the apartment is cordoned off.

  • Bus evacuated in Stockholm – gas smell alarm

    The police and emergency services were called to Odengatan in Stockholm on Monday morning due to the smell of gas on board a public transport bus, the police report.

    The bus was evacuated on the spot. The police announce that the bus was empty of gas and did not pose any risk.

    No one was injured in connection with the incident.

  • Teenagers suspected of murder still in custody

    Five teenagers are in custody on suspicion of involvement in the murder of a taxi driver in Enköping in March.

    Now the Uppsala District Court has decided on an extended detention period for the young people, writes the Public Prosecutor’s Office in a press release.

    Four of the suspects are boys between 15 and 18 years old, the fifth is a 15-year-old girl.

    According to the prosecutor Moa Blomqvist, they work intensively with large resources with extensive material and try to clarify the motive.

    – Many investigative measures still remain, including analyses, interrogations and phone taps, which are important pieces of the puzzle. They take time and prosecution is therefore not to be expected in the near future, she said in the press release.

    Read more here.

  • Man arrested on suspicion of attempted arson

    A person raised the alarm about strange noises in a stairwell and a burning smell in Jönköping late on Sunday evening, the police announced.

    On site, the police found signs that a person had tried to set fire to an entrance door to an apartment building.

    A 55-year-old man was nearby and has been arrested and detained on suspicion of attempted arson.

  • Mission Review: Chieftain helmets have been sold with a technical error

    The company Hövding has sold bicycle helmets with a known design defect, reveals Mission Review.

    The SVT program has taken part in a hidden recording from inside the company from 2022 where they call the helmets “unsafe”.

    “We ship out what I call… unsafe Chieftains,” a consultant is heard to say in a conversation where both the CEO and deputy CEO are present, according to Uppdrag gränskning.

    The popular Swedish bicycle helmet is sold in a number of countries. Meanwhile, customers have complained that it discharged too quickly and shut down without warning.

    Hövding writes in an email that they expressed themselves carelessly by saying that helmets were unsafe and that the majority of delivered helmets do not have problems with battery life.

    Read more here.

  • Strangled his brother – arrested for attempted murder

    The police were called to a residence in Lysekil late on Sunday evening.

    Two brothers had gotten into a fight. The younger brother, a man in his 20s, had strangled the older one, a man in his 30s.

    The younger brother was arrested by police on suspicion of attempted murder.

    In connection with the arrest, he is also suspected of violence against an official.

    He is later arrested by prosecutors.

  • Residents evacuated after explosion

    The police have started a preliminary investigation into public destruction after an explosion in a stairwell in Kungsbacka late on Sunday.

    Early in the morning, the police carry out a technical examination of the stairwell. Bomb technicians have also been on site.

    The stairwell and an apartment door were damaged in the explosion.

    – There is no known threat to anyone in the house. We have to investigate it further, says Johan Josarp, duty officer.

    The building was filled with smoke after the explosion and residents have been evacuated. At the moment, there is no forecast for when they can return to their homes.

    The police have not arrested any suspects in the explosion.

    Read more.

  • At least 13 dead in traffic accident in Mexico

    At least 13 people were killed when a minibus collided with a truck on a highway in northeastern Mexico on Sunday, local authorities said.

    The serious accident occurred in the state of Tamaulipas, which borders the United States, reports TT.

    The vehicles caught fire after the collision. The death toll may rise, according to a spokesperson for the local prosecutor’s office.

  • Many dead in collision with truck

    At least 13 people were killed when a minibus collided with a truck on a highway in northeastern Mexico on Sunday, local authorities said.

    The serious accident occurred in the state of Tamaulipas, which borders the United States.

    The vehicles caught fire after the collision. The death toll may rise, according to a spokesperson for the local prosecutor’s office. (TT)

  • Several cars on fire in Malmö

    Two cars started burning on Roskildevägen in central Malmö at around 4am.

    – But they are not next to each other, there are about 100 meters between the burning cars, says Patric Nilsson, officer on duty at the rescue service, to Sydsvenskan.

    It is suspected that attempts were made to set fire to two more cars in the area

  • Explosion in apartment building

    Something has exploded in an apartment building in central Kungsbacka shortly before midnight, on Sunday evening, writes Kungsbacka-Posten.

    The police tell the newspaper that there is damage in a stairwell and at an apartment, but no one is said to have been injured.

    After the detonation, the building was filled with smoke and the residents had to be evacuated. At 03:00 at night, the residents had not yet been allowed back into their homes, the newspaper writes. (TT)

  • Detonation at business

    Security guards alerted the police just after midnight after something detonated inside a company’s premises in Hagsätra in southern Stockholm.

    The interior has been damaged and the burglar alarm has gone off. No one is injured.

    The National Bomb Squad has been called to the scene and a technical investigation is to be carried out.

    The police have started a preliminary investigation regarding public dangerous devastation.

  • French combat vehicles to Ukraine

    Ukraine is to receive deliveries of additional combat vehicles from France, the presidents of the two countries said in a joint statement.

    These are various armored combat vehicles for several battalions, according to the statement. Paris will also focus on supporting Ukraine’s air defense capabilities, it said.

    The announcement comes in connection with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi visiting French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Sunday. (TT)

  • Large truck protest in Denmark

    Trucks block roads in several places in Denmark during Sunday evening.

    According to the Copenhagen police, trucks have tried to block motorway entrances to both Denmark and Sweden at Kastrup airport.

    A witness speaks up DR that several hundred meters of the road to the German border at Padborg is blocked.

    Even a roundabout near the ferry stop in Elsinore is blocked by trucks.

    According to the Danish media, it is a protest against the government’s proposal to introduce a new tax for trucks that run on petrol and diesel.

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  • Young people in the SiS homes apparently have access to social media. Restrictions are individual which is strange. Surely there should be the same restrictions for everyone who sits in a SiS home

    exchange email3

    Hello! It may be good to consider that those who are admitted to Sis homes are far from always serious criminals, so completely removing phones and access to social media for all residents may be difficult. However, according to Sis, you can decide on restrictions for individual young people.

  • If Erdogan wins again, is the NATO process over for good then…?

    Sound cannon

    No I do not think so. Several experts believe that Sweden will become a member of NATO sooner or later – anything else would have damaged Turkey’s relations with other Western countries too much.

    On the other hand, the risk for Sweden if Erdogan wins is that Swedish NATO membership will be further delayed, writes Aftonbladet’s foreign policy commentator Wolfgang Hansson.

  • How is the train strike going?


    Hi Ingbritt! Right now the negotiations are in full swing, unfortunately we don’t know more than that yet. Here you can read our latest article about the strike.

  • Is it just me or isn’t Sven Yrvind an exact copy of Bertil Enstöring from Skrot-Nisse? 😀


    There really is a similarity there! Nice scout!

  • So are Cyclones only dangerous for children?


    Hey Dennis! Of course not, but it was Rädda Barnen, which focuses its work on precisely children who expressed their concern about the cyclone. Children may also be considered even more vulnerable than adults as they do not have the same ability to protect themselves as fully grown people.

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