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FHM is commissioned to analyze the corona situation in China

today at 14.28 Jacob Ruderstam

In an interview with Aftonbladet, state epidemiologist Anders Lindblom said that the development of the large spread of the coronavirus in China is being followed closely.

Now the government gives the Public Health Agency the task of “analyzing and evaluating how the epidemiological situation in China can affect Sweden”.

– We need to carefully follow developments regarding the consequences of the spread of covid-19 in China, says Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed in a press release.

The Public Health Agency is also tasked with reviewing how arrivals from China can affect the spread of infection in Sweden.

The authority currently sees no need to introduce testing of travelers from China, according to the state epidemiologist.

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  • Swedish power grid: Promises no refund in 2023

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    The question is whether there will be support for 2023.

    Svenska kraftnät hesitates and does not yet dare to propose any refund to electricity customers for the entire year 2023, writes TT.

    The reason is that the state business agency does not know how much bottleneck fees will roll in during the next year.

    On the last day of the year, a forecast was submitted to the government.

    – It is extremely difficult to assess right now. Partly, the entire energy market is in upheaval and then comes the taxes to be placed on production and we have not seen the effects of that yet, says Peter Wigert, finance director at Svenska kraftnät, to TT.

  • The electricity price continues to fall – negative prices last night

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    Today, the price is 20 öre per kWh.

    A few individual hours during the night to New Year’s Eve, the prices even become negative on the electricity exchange, writes TT.

    For comparison, just a few weeks ago the daily price was regularly above two kroner per kWh.

    On top of the stock market price, the electricity company’s surcharge, electricity tax, VAT and grid fee of just over SEK 1.50 per kWh are added, writes TT.

  • SMHI warns of icy conditions – risk of traffic accidents

    SMHI has issued a yellow weather warning in large parts of central Sweden during Friday.

    From northeastern Hälsingland to southern Västerbotten, as well as northern Värmland, southern Dalarna and southern Gävleborg counties to Örebro, Västmanland and Uppsala counties, warnings are issued for sudden ice slippage.

    Traffic may slow down due to traffic accidents and public transport delays may become a reality for many during the day.

    On the E4 north of Söderhamn, a truck overturned earlier today. The vehicle is across the road and the accident is causing limited access in the northbound direction. The salvage work is expected to last until 6 p.m., according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

  • Man seriously injured after stabbing – woman arrested

    A 45-year-old man has been taken to hospital with serious injuries after being stabbed in the stomach with some type of stabbing weapon.

    The police were alerted to the suspected crime scene in Borås during the morning and are now handling the case as attempted murder.

    A woman in her 40s has been arrested on suspicion of the crime.

    The site has been cordoned off and a technical investigation is to be carried out.

  • Raped and pushed a woman down a mine hole – sentenced in the Court of Appeal

    Drone image of the mine hole. Photo: Andreas Bardell

    The Court of Appeal sentences 41-year-old Taher Amini to life imprisonment for attempted murder and aggravated rape.

    Last spring, he raped a woman before pushing her down a 24 meter deep mine hole in Norberg.

    The District Court sentenced him in the autumn and now the Court of Appeal chooses to follow the same line.

    “Even the Court of Appeal considers that he was thereby guilty of aggravated rape and attempted murder. The Court of Appeal also agrees with the district court’s assessment that the penalty should be life imprisonment,” writes Svea Court of Appeal in a press release.

  • The 15-year-old is wanted in custody after the shooting

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    The Public Prosecutor’s Office announces this in a press release.

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  • Greta’s new cock for Andrew Tate – after the arrest

    In the response video to Greta Thunberg, Andrew Tate is sitting with a pizza box from a local company – which is believed to have led the police in the right direction. Photo: Twitter

    Climate activist Greta Thunberg came into focus after a Twitter fight with influencer and former kickboxer Andrew Tate yesterday.

    Tate, who mocked Greta’s environmental activism, was arrested later in the evening in Romania on suspicion of rape and human trafficking.

    Two pizza boxes that appeared in one of Andrew Tate’s videos for Greta Thunberg may have contributed to the arrest.

    Greta Thunberg has now commented on the events.

    “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes,” she writes on Twitter.

  • A dead person was found in Skutskär – six people were arrested

    Yesterday, a dead person was found in Skutskär outside Gävle.

    The hospital in Gävle turned to the police because there was uncertainty about the death.

    After the incident, the police arrested six people.

    Four were later released and two were arrested, on probable cause, suspected of murder.

    They will be interrogated during the day and then the prosecutor will make a decision about the continuation, writes the prosecutor’s office in a press release.

  • The mayor: Kamikaze drones shot down in Kyiv

    Vitaly Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    During the night, Ukrainian air defense systems shot down seven kamikaze drones over the capital, Kyiv.

    Vitaly Klitschko, the city’s mayor, writes on Telegram that no one was injured in the attack.

    Windows in a residential building and another building are said to have been damaged as a result of falling debris.

    No one has been injured.

    During yesterday, several cities were attacked in a new Russian attack.

  • Police tires slashed in several places within 30 minutes

    During the night, the tires of three police cars at different locations in Gothenburg were slashed. All within 30 minutes. It reports St.

    Four men between the ages of 18 and 30 have been arrested for the incidents. It is now suspected of blue light sabotage.

    The men are already known to the police and linked to the gang milieu at Hisingen in Gothenburg, according to the police, writes Svt.

  • Robbery on the Finland ferry – two arrested

    At 06.08 the police received an alarm about a suspected robbery on board a ferry from Finland that had arrived at Kapellskär in Norrtälje.

    – We have information that people threatened each other and possibly with what was perceived to be a knife, says Ola Österling, press spokesperson at the police command center.

    At least one person has been robbed of money, and two people are now suspected of robbing other passengers on board the ferry.

    – The suspects are now on their way to the police station in Norrtälje, says Ola Österling.

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  • You write that Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human abuse, is this really correct or are you basing this on previous rumors connected to Mr. Tate?

    According to sources, it is a regular Swat that affects many streamers


    Hi Satoshi!

    He has been arrested on suspicion of abducting two women together with his brother, the prosecutor says Antena3.

  • When will we find out who was behind the explosion of the gas pipes Nord Stream 1 and 2?

    Franco Baresi


    It is hard to say. Investigative work is ongoing. This article is about what we know so far and the possibilities of finding answers to who is behind it.

  • Will sickness benefit be increased in 2023?


    Hi Janne!

    Yes. The so-called price base amount is increased by 8.7 percent, which affects a number of different grants and allowances. Including the sickness allowance.

  • How do they know that there are 32,000 fish, did they count them or

    Mikael Jakobsson

    Hi Mikael!

    Counting cod by cod sounds like a real Sisyphus project. The figure is likely an estimate of the number of dead fish.

  • Will the tax-free mileage allowance be increased from 1/1 2023?


    Hello Jenny!

    Yes. The tax-free mileage allowance for work trips with your own car will be increased at the turn of the year from SEK 18.50 to SEK 25 per mile.

    Here The Swedish Tax Agency has compiled which amounts and percentages apply for 2023.

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