Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet – Jan Helin becomes AI manager

Latest news fast news from Aftonbladet Jan Helin
  • Jan Helin becomes AI manager – leaves SVT

    Jan Helin is changing jobs again. Photo: AFTONBLADET

    Media manager Jan Helin is changing jobs. On November 1, he will move to Bonnier News, which includes Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Sydsvenskan, reports TT.

    There he will be responsible for product development, guidelines and use of AI.

    Since 2016, Jan Helin has been program director at SVT. Previously, he was CEO and editor-in-chief of Aftonbladet.

  • Latest news

  • The former Allra CEO requests resignation

    Alexander Ernstberger, former CEO of the pension company Allra, has requested to be removed, reports Today’s industry.

    He was sentenced to six years in prison for aggravated bribery and disloyalty to the principal in 2021. Even then, he made an application for a refund, which was rejected.

    But now Alexander Ernstberger’s lawyers Percy Bratt and Joakim Lundqvist are making another attempt.

    The lawyers believe that they have obtained new information which means that one of the prosecution’s main witnesses lied about a document in court.

  • Tractor overturned – one to hospital

    A person has been taken to hospital after overturning a tractor in Bergsåker in Sundsvall.

    The alarm about the accident came at 11.47.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • One taken into custody during Koran burning demonstration

    The police wrestle down a man who disturbed the demonstration. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

    In connection with a Koran-burning demonstration at Mynttorget in Stockholm, the police have taken a man into custody.

    – A person who has tried to disrupt this demonstration has been taken into custody, says Carina Skagerlind, spokesperson for the police in Stockholm.

    The man ran towards the two men who were demonstrating and shouted “Allahu akbar” and that the men were terrorists but was wrestled down by police and then taken away from the scene, according to Aftonbladet’s dispatcher on the spot.

  • Railway bridge in Norway has collapsed

    A railway bridge in Ringebu in Gudbrandsdalen has collapsed as a result of the floods in Norway, reports NRK.

    The 172.5 meter long bridge has been damaged since a week ago after the extreme weather Hans, but collapsed on Monday at 12 o’clock.

    – The pillar that was damaged last week has fallen down and the bridge elements that rested on the pillar have fallen into the river, says track manager at Bane Nor, Sigbjørn Korsgård to NRK.

    All freight and passenger traffic that normally passes over the bridge is now destroyed.

  • Latvia’s Prime Minister resigns

    Latvian Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš resigns.

    This is reported by the Latvian news channel LTV Panorama platform Xformerly known as Twitter.

    Kariņš announced his resignation at a press conference earlier in the day.

    On Wednesday, he is expected to formally submit his government’s resignation to the president.

  • Hospitals warn of acute blood shortage

    Västra Götaland has an acute shortage of blood. Now they are warning that planned operations may be canceled if more blood does not enter the region’s blood bank.

    During the summer holidays, fewer people are at home to give blood, which worsens the situation.

    – Now, however, the situation is so urgent that we are asking the blood donors who are at home and have half an hour to spare to help. There are several available bookable appointments both at GeBlod in Nordstan and Frölunda Torg, says Anna-Karin Norrman in a press release.

  • The dangerous object was a live grenade

    The suspected dangerous object that was discovered in a residential area in Bålsta this morning was live loaded.

    It was some kind of hand grenade according to the national bomb protection, which neutralized the object during the morning.

    Read more here.

  • Truck full of slaughtered cows has overturned

    A truck full of slaughtered cows has overturned on national highway 30, reports P4 Jönköping.

    There is a traffic jam on the road.

    In connection with the accident, diesel leaked onto the road.

    There is no forecast for when the road may reopen to traffic.

  • Six men are charged with Easter riots in Malmö

    Six men aged 20–42 are charged with gross sabotage against blue light operations in connection with the right-wing extreme politician Rasmus Paludan burning a Koran at Skånegården on the outskirts of Malmö on Easter Eve last year.

    According to the indictment, at least four policemen have been hit by stones and Paludan is also said to have been hit by a stone, bleeding as a result.

    Several prosecutions have been brought for the so-called Easter riots at Skånegården and in the district of Rosengård last year, as well as in other parts of Sweden.

  • A dead person has been found in the water near the parliament building

    A dead person has been found in the water at the Riksdag House, reports P4 Stockholm.

    The alarm came in just after 9:30 a.m., according to the police. The public then raised the alarm about a body floating in the current.

    – Someone has been seen floating in the water. We can confirm that it is a deceased person, a man, says Carina Skagerlind, press spokesperson at the police in Stockholm.

    The man’s identity has not yet been determined.

    – That is what we have to work on. After that, we have to work on what has happened, says Carina Skagerlind.

    It is too early to say whether the person has been the victim of any crime, according to the police.

  • Details: Girl kept hand grenades in her room

    On Sunday, a police operation took place in a residence in Nynäshamn at around 4:30 p.m.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, a relative should have raised the alarm to the police after finding several hand grenades in the girl’s room.

    According to information to The Express the girl must have kept them for a man.

    The police are now investigating violations of the Act on Flammable and Explosive Goods.

    The police are very secretive about the operation.

    – We have been on site and collected a dangerous object and we have, among other things, had bomb technicians on site, says Carina Skagerlind, press spokesperson at the police in Stockholm.

    Has anyone been arrested?

    – Not that I know of.

  • Man arrested after major fire in Malmö

    A 38-year-old man has been arrested and detained on suspicion of being behind the large attic fire in an apartment building in Malmö on Thursday, TT reports.

    In the fire, the attic and two floors with apartments were damaged, and this weekend it was clear that the property had to be demolished, writes Sydsvenskan.

    The man is suspected of aggravated arson.

  • Several vehicles in collision on the E4 – the road was closed

    Several vehicles collided on the E4 south of Norrköping at around 9am. The road was initially closed completely in the northbound direction, reports P4 Östergötland.

    Six people in three cars are involved in the accident. One of them was in pain after the accident. However, it is unclear whether the person needed to be taken to hospital, the police write on their website.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, access to the site is limited until 10.40.

  • Opposition parties: Demand vote on Jomshof

    The legal policy spokespersons for the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Center Party and the Green Party held a joint press conference on the security situation. Photo: STEFAN JERREVANG/TT

    The opposition is now holding a press conference where they are harshly criticizing mother Richard Jomshof (SD), chairman of the justice committee.

    They accuse him of spreading hateful messages and harming Sweden and Swedish interests during a serious security situation.

    – He endangers Sweden’s security, says Ardalan Shekarabi, legal policy spokesperson for S.

    S, V, MP and C will demand a vote on Jomshof’s chairmanship of the justice committee.

    – We would have liked Ulf Kristersson to take the problems more seriously, says Ulrika Liljeberg, legal policy spokesperson for the Center Party.

    Read more here.

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  • Does not say anything about today’s match between England and Columbia

    Kjell Gunna

    I know it was out on the site both during and after the game yesterday. You can read more about the match here

  • hasn’t the reporter realized that bibby Stockholm has no connection to Sweden apart from the name, the barge is owned by an English company, so why follow this barge?

    Mats Hjort

    Hi Matt!

    It has actually been in Sweden before. In 2018, it was anchored in Piteå and served as housing for workers.

    The Piteå newspaper then paid a visit to the boat, you can read the report here.

  • Does the match itself start at 08.30 or 09.30 today? Or later?


    It starts at 9.30 today 🙂

  • Are all fires under control in Rhodes?


    Yes, the fires are now under control for a while. You can read more about the situation here

  • Who do you contact if you want to know if your doctor has previously been investigated or received warnings for malpractice? Is there a register that the public can access?


    I am not sure if the information you are looking for is there, but according to the eHälsomyndigheten you can look in the ID register. There must be information about the authorized professional groups. It means anyone who has the right to prescribe medicines, for example doctors, nurses and veterinarians.

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