Latest news – EU extends sanctions against Belarus

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EU extends sanctions against Belarus

today at 02.28 Johan Edgar

The EU has extended sanctions against Belarus by one year, due to the country’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and continued repression of the opposition, the Union announced on Monday.

Since Belarusian leader Aleksandr Lukashenko, among other things, crushed protests against an election in 2020 that was rigged in Lukashenko’s favor, the EU has introduced sanctions in several rounds.

Lukashenko and over 190 others have been banned from entering the EU and their assets have been frozen. (TT)

Latest news

  • Record-sized wolf shot in Åre

    A wolf weighing almost 60 kilos with a chest girth that is the largest measured so far in Sweden was shot in connection with protective hunting in Åre municipality a couple of weeks ago, reports Östersunds-Posten.

    The wolf, which was shot during protective hunting from a helicopter after hitting reindeer in an area, is the heaviest that has been killed in Sweden in 46 years.

    During the autopsy of the wolf, half a kilo of reindeer remains were found in the animal’s stomach. (TT)

  • Large power outage north of Stockholm

    Thousands of households north of Stockholm were without power this evening.

    This applied to Solna, Sundbyberg and Jakobsberg, among others.

    At 23.08, roughly 20,000 of Vattenfall’s customers were without power, and 2,000 of Eon’s customers.

  • Wall Street turned up again

    Today the indexes on Wall Street turned back up after last week’s crash.

    Just last week was the worst stock market week in New York since the beginning of December last year.

    The Dow Jones rose 0.2 percent, the S&P 500 rose 0.3 percent and the Nasdaq composite index closed at 0.6 percent plus.

    It was also up in Stockholm.

    The index OMXS30 closed at plus 1.29 percent.

  • Elderly man charged with aggravated rape of a child

    A 75-year-old man has today been charged at Uddevalla district court on suspicion of aggravated rape against a child, writes Bohusläningen.

    The man allegedly performed sexual acts against the girl, who is ten years old, and caused her to perform sexual acts on him.

    According to the lawsuit, the girl’s age and the fact that she has a disability mean that the crime should be considered serious.

    – They have no close relationship, but I don’t want to go into how the plaintiff was there, says prosecutor Josefin Pernmyr about the fact that the girl was alone with the man.

    The man is said to have photographed parts of the rape, but he is not suspected of child pornography offences.

    He has admitted large parts of the course of events but denies any crime.

  • American citizen killed in the West Bank

    An American citizen has been killed in the unrest in the West Bank.

    This is reported by AFP and refers to the US Foreign Ministry

    “Unfortunately, I can confirm that an American citizen was killed in one of the terrorist attacks in the West Bank this evening. I pray for his family,” Ambassador Tom Nides writes on Twitter.

    On Sunday, two Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank were shot dead in the town of Hawara. The shooting led to protests and attacks on Palestinian targets, and around 30 homes and vehicles were set on fire in the worst outbreak of violence in decades, TT writes.

    Around 100 people were injured in the unrest, most of them from inhaling tear gas.

  • The EU wants to introduce B driving licenses for A tractors

    Today, an AM driving license is required for A tractors. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT

    The EU Commission wants to tighten the requirements for driving an A-tractor.

    On March 1, the commission is expected to propose that you must have a B driving license to be able to drive an A tractor from the age of 16.

    This is what the responsible EU commissioner Andia Valean tells Ekot and TT.

    – We propose that A tractors should be able to be driven with a B1 driving license and we will then lower the age limit to 16 years, says Andia Valean.

    However, this does not mean that ordinary cars should be able to be driven by 16-year-olds – it only gives them the right to drive an A-tractor.

    Today, only an AM driving license is required for an A tractor and the age limit for it is 15 years.

  • Alarm about suspected dangerous object

    The police were called to Sundbyberg in northwest Stockholm during the evening due to a suspected dangerous object.

    There, an intervention was made in a residence.

    Bomb technicians were also sent to the scene.

    – It was a police patrol that was in the apartment next door and made the observations, says Ola Österling, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    The police do not want to go into the background further at the moment.

    No person has been detained.

    The alarm came in at 5 p.m.

    The text is updated here.

  • Bloody man in stairwell – big police hunt on Södermalm

    At 5 p.m., the police received an alert about a bloody man in a stairwell on Södermalm in central Stockholm.

    The man has been taken to hospital. According to the police, he was awake and the police were able to talk to him.

    – It is a young man who was found covered in blood. It is judged that the damage was done with care. It could be a stabbing weapon, says police spokesperson Ola Österling.

    Several police patrols and dog patrols are now on the scene looking for the perpetrator.

    The crime scene has been cordoned off and the police are securing clues.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

  • Two cars in collision – car has caught fire

    Two cars are involved in a collision in Sollentuna north of Stockholm.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been sent to the scene.

    – It is a crash and two passenger cars that have collided with each other. A car has caught fire, says Ola Österling, spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    The extent of the damage is initially unclear.

    The alarm came in after 4 p.m.

  • Thornberg JO-notified after press conference about Löfving

    The national police chief during Wednesday’s press conference on the investigation of Mats Löfving. Photo: BJÖRN LINDAHL

    National Police Chief Anders Thornberg is JO-reported after last week’s press conference on the investigation of Mats Löfving, reports the news agency Siren.

    “Insulting a subordinate in a press conference is a work environment offence,” writes a reporter to the Ombudsman for Justice (JO).

  • Serious crime at police station – one shot

    Several police patrols were just called to the police station in Norrköping.

    The police write that they were alerted “due to a crime”. According to the headline, it should be a serious assault.

    – I will form an idea of ​​what has happened before I can tell you more, says Johnny Gustafsson, press spokesperson for the police in the eastern region.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, two people are said to be injured.

    The place is cordoned off. According to a witness, three ambulances have left the area and the entire entrance to the police station is blocked off.

    The text is updated here.

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  • Is the war in Ukraine over? Minimal news from there! Perhaps more important with the melody festival?

    Otjonsson Otjonsson

  • Hi Anna! Where and how do you see that the electricity subsidy is on its way? Who leaves a message that you wrote that you received? Thanks in advance!


    It seems that the companies do things a little differently, but many seem to be able to see the electricity subsidy when they log on to their supplier’s website.

  • In the article about the police officer Erik and his attitude to cannabis, I think a small mistake has been made.

    In the headline (before you click on the article) it says that he thinks cannabis should become legal. But when you then read the article, it is about decriminalization, which is a completely different matter!


    Good point Caroline. We’ll take a look at that headline.

  • Hello. We moved from Enköping to Västerås on 15/12 2021 and in connection with that changed electricity supplier from Eon to Mälarenergi. The support would be based on the customer in November 2021. Then I wonder how things are going for us? Do we get support for our old house, which we left on Dec 21 and the seller support gets our new house? That would be absolutely crazy.


    Maybe it’s just so completely giddy Roland…

    The easiest is probably if you check directly with the electricity companies, what applies to you.

  • Easy to say that the electricity support is on its way. But after a week, still no one has received it. Is it still late because it would be a million they sent it out to who should then have it on the 23rd? But still no one who has received it or can see that it is coming.


    Hey Skeptic! I have been notified and have been able to see that it is on its way and also know that friends and acquaintances have also received it. However, it has been flagged that not everyone will get it at the same time.

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