Latest news – Eleven people arrested in child pornography scandal

Eleven people arrested in child pornography scandal

today at 09.35 Anna Sjögren

The police in Stockholm have raided eleven addresses in connection with a child pornography scandal.

– The matters have arisen through reconnaissance and monitoring of both the open internet and the darknet. The suspects are men of varying ages and, as far as we know, have no connection to each other, says Maria Cederborg, coordinator for internet-related sexual abuse against children at the police in the Stockholm region in a press release.

Eleven people have been arrested on suspicion of child pornography offences.

The operation was carried out in the last two weeks of April.

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    Ulf Erlingsson Photo: Private

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    Elsa Widding. Photo: JONAS EKSTRÖMER/TT

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    Photo: Fredrik Sandberg /TT

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    – There is damage to a door and also to an elevator on the third floor, says Thomas Paulsson at the police.

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  • Sharp increase in the import of drug plants

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    The plant is legal and can, among other things, be used in soap production. But it also contains the narcotic substance mitragynine, which can produce opioid-like effects.

    – 39 tonnes, that’s a huge amount. There will be a lot of soap if soap is to be made from these plants, says Jenny Åberg, an expert at the Swedish Customs Service, to the radio.

    – We at the Customs are not allowed to do anything about it because at the time of import it is a plant and not classified as a drug, she continues.

    According to Joakim Strandberg at the Public Health Authority, several authorities and even the government have discussed how the plant can be regulated. (TT)

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  • Why don’t you write anything about food prices? Are you bought by the food companies?

    The cucumber

    Hello cucumber! We have done that, both here and in Aftonbladet Direkt.

  • Why don’t you write anything about shooting in Belgrade????


    We certainly haven’t missed that! Here you can read a whole article about the event in Serbia!

  • Interesting, I had no idea they make champagne in Kalix…

    Always learn something new from you Ab..



    Huh! Don’t you know the famous Kalix champagne?!

    Joking aside. Have changed the notice so that it will be clearer what is meant ;)!

  • What are the rules now with loose dogs?

    Saw on my walk a dog running around in a paddock and a bird flying around and screaming. It probably has young or eggs in the grass.

    Isn’t it tethered now?

    Was it the case that the incredibly obedient dogs are allowed to go loose but then at most one leash length from the owner?

    Want to be able to show the owner the correct letter when it happens again.


    Here can you see what applies.

    Here you can read what the police have to say about the matter.

    And here is a link to the Act on supervision.

  • Can you write about Tove’s killers Johanna and Maja about their upbringing and adolescence? Were there any classmates who thought they behaved in a creepy way when they were growing up? Did they have problems at home?


    Hi Charlotte!

    Here you can read about them. And here you will find all the reporting on the murder of Tove.

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