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Electricity prices further down in the south
today at 14.09 Johanna Sundbeck
The daily price of electricity will be the same throughout the country on Wednesday – 78 öre per kilowatt hour, according to pricing on the Nord Pool electricity exchange, writes TT.
This means a reduction in electricity areas 3 and 4, i.e. southern and central Sweden, from 87 öre per kilowatt hour on Tuesday to 78 öre per kilowatt hour on Wednesday.
For electricity areas 1 and 2, however, the prices rise from 76 öre to 78 öre per kilowatt hour.
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Lack of volunteers for helplines
The non-profit organization Mind is losing volunteers who can chat or answer the phone on its helplines, it reports P4 Västernorrland.
As of November 30, 500,000 contact attempts had been made, but Mind was only able to respond to 100,000 of them.
“We thought we had an increase in volunteers during the pandemic, more people signed up. This year it has been a little worse. You can do many other things than sit and receive calls in a helpline,” says Karin Schulz , general secretary of Mind, to the radio.
Extra meeting about electricity emergency
On January 3, there will be an extraordinary meeting of the Riksdag’s finance committee, TT reports.
Then the Social Democrats’ proposal for an emergency electricity bill must be discussed.
The emergency would make it easier for customers who receive extra high electricity bills this winter to pay in part or postpone the bills.
Since the electricity subsidy from the government will not come until the end of February, you need to look at other possibilities for relief in the meantime, the finance committee believes.
More people are skipping dental care
Dental care is prioritized less when people have less money. Folktandvården in Västra Götaland can see that, reports P4 Gothenburg.
– We receive signals that there are patients who are happy to postpone their visits for a few months because they are a little worried about the economy and it is a somewhat new phenomenon that iv has not noticed before, says Ann-Charlotte Sundelin, director of dental care in Region Västra Götaland.
Shot himself in the hand with a butcher gun
A man has been taken to hospital in connection with a workplace accident in Sandviken during the morning.
According to the police, the man has shot himself in the hand with a slaughter gun.
The incident is being investigated as a workplace accident.
Suspected attempted murder in Södermalm
At 10.39 the police were alerted to Södermalm in Stockholm, regarding an ongoing assault outdoors on Wollmar Yxkullsgatan.
When the police got there, there were no perpetrators left. The victim, a man in his 40s, was taken to hospital by ambulance.
– A patrol is at the hospital and will talk to him when possible, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson in the Stockholm police region.
Three people allegedly beat the man with a stick, and the police also suspect that the man was injured by a sharp object.
The police are investigating the incident as attempted murder.
Car has driven into house wall
Emergency services on site. Photo: JOAKIM ERIKSSON
A motorist has driven into a stone barn in the municipality of Marks.
Police, emergency services and ambulance are on the scene.
One person was traveling in the car.
– It is a serious accident and we have medical personnel still on the scene, says Tommy Lieback, officer on duty at Södra Älvsborg’s rescue service.
The extent of the injuries is currently unknown, according to the police.
Obesity among children increased during the pandemic
Overweight and obesity increased among three- and four-year-olds in three Swedish regions during the pandemic.
It shows a study that SR Ekot reports on.
According to the researchers, it may have to do with children moving less during the pandemic, when many were home from preschool more.
The greatest increase was seen among children in vulnerable areas.
Car overturned in Laholm: Very slippery
A passenger car has overturned on a minor road in Laholm municipality.
Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been sent to the scene.
The extent of the damage is unclear.
According to the police, there are “very slippery road conditions” at the scene of the accident.
Cod recovers in Öresund
Thanks to trawling bans and restrictions on all cod fishing, there are a record number of cod fry in Öresund this year, reported TT.
In the past, the decline in the cod stock has been so noticeable that this year a total stop was introduced for cod fishing during the fish’s spawning period. During the rest of the year, anglers were only allowed to take one cod per day. And in Öresund, the measures seem to have had the desired effect:
“In the last 25 years, I have not seen as many cod fry in the Øresund as this year,” says Jens Peder Jeppesen, marine biologist and director of the Øresund Aquarium, in a press release, writes TT.
Taiwan extends conscription
Taiwan extends mandatory military service in the country from four months to one year, reports SR Ekot.
The announcement came from President Tsai Ing-Wen at a press conference on Tuesday, the day after China flew fighter jets into Taiwan’s air defense zone.
The decision applies to all men, as of January 2024.
The police warn after a single accident on the E22: Very slippery
A passenger car has driven into a central barrier on the E22 in Söderköping at around 9.30 in the morning.
The car has been left on the side of the road at the crest of a hill and may be difficult for other motorists to spot.
The police are warning other motorists of the road conditions.
“It is very slippery at the scene!”, the police write on their website.
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check Ask your questions to the editors here!
What happens in the Tove case?
Katarina Berglund
Hi Katarina,
The last thing we reported on in the Tove case was that one of the young women suspected of murdering the 21-year-old has asked to change lawyers.
You can read more about the case here.
Why don’t you write anything about all the chaos in Paris?
Swedbank works again, I see!
T Thiger
Ah! Wonderful to hear! ?
When are you fully vaccinated? Took 2 doses, should I take more?
Good continuation!
Mr. Viktor
It depends a little on how old you are, and if you are otherwise perfectly healthy.
Here you can read what the Public Health Agency recommends.
Why don’t you write anything about what is happening in Nagorno-Karabakh and that Azerbaijan has closed the road there for supplies?
Hello Erik,
We have noticed this and you can read more here.
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