Latest News – Details: Russia Prepares 500,000 New Soldiers

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Details: Russia prepares 500,000 new soldiers

today at 1:02 p.m. Amanda Hällsten

Ukrainian intelligence says Russia plans to mobilize up to 500,000 conscripts in January, reports The Guardian.

In October, 300,000 soldiers were called up.

Vadym Skibitsky, Ukraine’s deputy head of military intelligence, says he believes the new conscripts will be part of a series of Russian offensives in the spring, in both eastern and southern parts of Ukraine.

Russia has so far denied preparations for a new mobilization.

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    Photo: Robert Betzehag / Rescue Photo

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    South Sudan President Salva Kiir Photo: Brian Inganga

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    and continues

    – The authorities should unconditionally release these six SSBC employees and ensure that they can work without further threats or arrest.

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  • Now that the snow and wind are blowing outside, it suits me to surf around and plan the spring plantings! Think how much money you save by cultivating yourself for the whole year’s use. Now I have the privilege of having my own land, but in the past I have had to cultivate a plot of land both with relatives and friends. Take care of the people and then enjoy what you have grown.


  • It is not only infants who are at risk of becoming seriously ill from the RS virus, even the elderly >65 years of age can be severely affected. Why is nothing mentioned about it. The weekly report from the Public Health Authority on the number of cases is terrible.

    26% of them are >65 years and older.

    Emergency care is hard hit!

    Stay home if your child is sick, is my advice. Don’t go to work and leave a sick child with grandparents…


  • Why do you go to the emergency room if you have the flu?

    How was it with the thing where you are they if in the past you get sick call 1177 in the first place and ask for advice. Hope our evening and weekend ends like they had at some health centers will come back.

    Ingalena Eriksson

    Hey! You’re right about 1177. The regions still urge people to first call 1177 for advice and guidance – unless it’s a life-threatening case.

  • Martin Melin very dear. Reading value????

    Who cares????


    Bernt Thuresson

    Hi Bernt,

    Quite a few actually! Everyone is interested in different articles and topics, you might find something else that you want to read instead 🙂

    Nice weekend!

  • When you write that a wolf has been shot in Västmanland, why not mention that it is only western Västmanland where the hunt is ongoing?

    Berndt Ahlm

    Wolves may be hunted in Västmanland, Örebro, Gävleborg, Dalarna and Värmland.

    If you want to follow the wolf hunt, Swedish hunting has a good article where they update with the latest news, here is a link to it.

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