Latest news – Danes collided with whales – rescued by fishing boat

  • Danes collide with whales – rescued by fishing boat

    Eight Danish citizens have been rescued in the Pacific Ocean after their sailboat capsized, TT reports.

    The sailboat had collided with one or two whales. For two days the sailors had to huddle together in a rescue raft before they could be rescued by a fishing boat.

    Via a satellite phone, one of the sailors contacted his father in Denmark, who in turn contacted the maritime rescue in Honolulu.

  • Latest news

  • EU stops car exports to Russia

    A stop on the sale of both new and old cars with engines over 1,900 cubic centimeters is part of the EU’s eleventh sanctions package against Russia.

    All the capitals have now said yes.

    The package was preliminarily approved by the EU countries’ ambassadors on Wednesday, but was definitely nailed down on Midsummer Eve.

    Above all, the eleventh package includes a threat to take measures against companies or countries that are used to circumvent the many export and import bans that the EU has imposed on Russia.

    Vessels used in this context must also be able to be refused access to EU ports.


  • Peter Madsen is charged with illegal exchange of letters

    Peter Madsen Photo: AP TT

    Peter Madsen, who is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Kim Wall, has been charged with illegal correspondence, the Danish news agency Ritzau reports.

    Madsen is accused of having sent four letters from prison to Danish authorities.

    Letters to authorities can be sent without being checked, but in the letters Madsen must have attached letters to various women.

    In court, Madsen admitted that he broke the rules, which he believes are against human rights.

  • Collision between two cars

    Two cars have collided at an intersection near Salem, south of Stockholm.

    The accident has a major impact on traffic, according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

    At the moment, there is no information on the state of the damage.

  • Fire in silo

    Heavy smoke from the site. Photo: Reader picture

    There is a fire in a silo in Slagsta south of Stockholm.

    – There are pellets in the silo and there seems to be some risk of spreading, says Patrik Svensson, team leader at SOS Alarm.

    According to a witness that Aftonbladet spoke to, there was a smell of burnt plastic in the area.

    – I saw a large black column of smoke and alerted the emergency services, says the witness.

    Emergency services and an ambulance have been sent to the scene, no one has been taken to hospital at the moment.

    – According to the forecast, the fire should be out around 12.30, says Patrik Svensson.

  • Piles at the swimming area

    Two poles have been found in the water at a bathing jetty at Tenhult’s bathing area in Jönköping.

    The person who discovered the piles alerted the police and emergency services, who went to the scene.

    Divers from the rescue service have removed the piles.

    The incident is being investigated as causing danger to others because the piles could have injured people bathing at the jetty.

    The police also want to get in touch with people who may know more about the case. If you have tips or have made observations, you are asked to call 114 14.

  • All set for the next sanctions package

    The EU countries’ eleventh sanctions package against Russia for the war in Ukraine is now completely clear, after approval from all capitals.

    “Today’s package increases the pressure on Russia and Putin’s war machine. By targeting circumvention of the sanctions, we maximize the pressure by depriving Russia of the resources it so desperately needs,” writes the EU’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell in a press release.

    Above all, the eleventh package includes a threat to take measures against companies or countries that are used to circumvent the many export and import bans that the EU has imposed on Russia. Vessels used in this context must also be able to be refused access to EU ports.

    More people and companies, including five more Russian media companies, are also being punished for their actions.

    In total, there are now well over 1,000 people on the list of those who are to be refused entry visas and have their possible assets in the EU frozen.


  • Drivers have crashed into several cars

    A motorist has driven into one or more other cars on county road 222, near Gustavsvik in Stockholm.

    The police and ambulance have been called to the scene.

    There is currently no information on the extent of the damage, but according to the emergency services, the accident must have been caused by a case of illness.

  • Details: Turkey wants to see more deportations

    Before the NATO summit in Vilnius, Turkey wants Sweden to expel and extradite more Kurdish separatists, otherwise they cannot support Sweden’s NATO membership, sources told Bloomberg.

    Both the Turkish government and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs have chosen not to comment on Bloomberg’s information.

  • Train chaos in Germany after severe storm

    A strong storm has knocked out large parts of German rail traffic, TT reports.

    According to Germany’s national railway operator, Deutsche Bahn, the railway between Hamburg and Berlin is closed due to damage caused by the storm.

    Other routes are also affected. Among other things, the one between the cities of Kassel and Göttingen in central Germany.

    In addition to train derailment, there have been reports of flooded roads and blown trees.

    There are no reports of personal injuries.

  • Victims from the submarine may be left on the bottom

    An investigation has been launched into what went wrong when the submarine Titan disappeared.

    But the work to find the five people who died in the accident may come to an end, reports Sky News.

    “The decision may well be that we leave them alone where they are,” says Captain John Noble of the British Navy.

  • Ukraine: New robot attack last night

    According to TT and AFP, Ukraine states that during the night it has shot down 13 Russian cruise robots aimed at a military airfield in the region of Khmelnytskyi, in western Ukraine.

  • Great Britain: Russian investment in “marine mammals”

    The satellite images released by British intelligence on Midsummer Eve

    British intelligence today publishes new satellite images from the Russian naval base in Sevastopol.

    According to their report, the images show how the number of “trained marine mammals” has almost doubled since last summer.

    The images show what appear to be floating cages, according to the British intelligence service.

    It has previously been reported that the Russian Navy is using dolphins trained to detect underwater threats. During the spring, there were also reports about the whale Hvaldimir being singled out as a “Russian spy”.

  • Furby is back


    The toy Furby will return during the summer, the toy company Hasbro announced in a press release.

    The toy doll that was introduced in 1998 has now evolved and reigns over hugs, shakes and tickles. The figure also has 600 different ways to answer.

    “Over the past few years, we’ve done a lot of research to understand what kids want to see in a new Furby,” said Hasbro Vice President Kristin McKay.

    The sale starts on July 15.

  • Injured man found at apartment building

    The police were called on Thursday evening to an address in Skäggetorp in Linköping due to a fight.

    An injured man was found at the entrance to an apartment building. The man was taken to hospital, he is said to have been awake and able to speak according to the police.

    A 25-year-old man was arrested in connection with the incident, suspected of aggravated assault.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Why is there nothing in the newspaper or about the possible strike that could affect Arlanda?


    Yes! You can find it here and here, among other things.

  • How is it that when I want to follow up your note about Russia sending wounded to the front with your reference to the magazine “The Insider” I don’t get a Google hit at all on any such magazine?



    It is probably because the article from The Insider is actually in Russian. But if you want to take a look at it, you will find it linked in the notice or here.

  • what kind of weather will it be in midsummer


    Hey Gunnel! It looks like it will be sunny in some parts. Here you can read more!

  • Someone asked what TT stood for?

    Maybe they wanted to know that TT stands for Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå

    and has been a reliable news agency in Sweden for over 100 years.


    Hello all readers 🙂

    There seems to be a lot of interest and divided opinions about what TT stands for, whether it is “Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå” or “TT Nyhetsbyrån”.

    So we clear it up once and for all.

    This is how TT writes on its website.

    “Our independent news agency saw the light of day under the name Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå in 1921. Today we are called TT Nyhetsbyrån and we make news that is read by almost all of Sweden”

  • What type of aircraft is the B-1 from the United States? When I worked at Skavsta, we had a lot of airplanes from the USA, including the ones that had a big “radar” on top! Be on board yourself and watch!


    The B-1 is one of the US Air Force’s three types of strategic bombers. This particular model has been around since 1985.

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