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Dagbladet: Prostitution in Norway is controlled from Russia

today at 18.24 Emil Forsberg

Prostitution in six Norwegian cities has links to Russia, reports The daily newspaper.

With the help of traced phone numbers, the newspaper has been able to link people within the Lola pimp network to Russia.

Between June and August, the network was behind almost 70 sex-buying ads in which 50 phone numbers, registered to 20 names, appeared.

In March, the police in Bergen also started an undercover investigation against another pimp network.

A young Ukrainian woman was arrested, and according to the police, she may have played an important role in organizing the operation.

– The woman has probably been a so-called operator, had contact with the sex workers and customers. She is connected to a device behind the scenes in Russia, says investigation leader Bjarte Schrøenn to Dagbladet.

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  • How can the electricity be knocked out by 5-10 cm of snow as you write? Isn’t that a very common amount of snow in winter? Exactly what is the problem for our power grid this year with those kinds of normal snow amounts?


    It can be due to a few different things.

    If the snow is wet and heavy, trees can fall and tear down power lines, for example.

    If it is cold, high electricity consumption can cause the electricity networks to become overloaded.

    Slippery and a lot of snow on the roads also make it more difficult for the electricity companies’ staff to get there to repair things that have broken.

    Here you can read more.

  • What happens in the Tove case?

    Katarina Berglund

    Hi Katarina,

    The last thing we reported on in the Tove case was that one of the young women suspected of murdering the 21-year-old has asked to change lawyers.

    You can read more about the case here.

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    T Thiger

    Ah! Wonderful to hear! ?

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    Good continuation!

    Mr. Viktor


    It depends a little on how old you are, and if you are otherwise perfectly healthy.

    Here you can read what the Public Health Agency recommends.

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