Latest news – Charlotte Kalla ready for “Let’s dance”

Latest news Charlotte Kalla ready for Lets dance
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Charlotte Kalla ready for “Let’s dance”

today at 10.45am Amanda Hällsten

Skier Charlotte Kalla is ready for TV4’s “Let’s dance”.

She is the first name presented in this year’s season.

Latest news

  • Two detained for explosion in Stockholm

    Two people have been detained on suspicion of an explosion that occurred on Södermalm in Stockholm earlier this fall, TT reports.

    The one person is a boy under the age of 18. He is suspected of aggravated public destruction. The other person, a man, is suspected of aiding and abetting the crime.

    It was on the night of September 24 that an explosion occurred at an apartment building. The building was heavily damaged and residents had to be evacuated.

  • Iran shuts down morality police

    Protests in Iran against the regime. Photo: AP TT NEWS AGENCY

    Iran’s Prosecutor’s Office announces that it is disbanding the country’s morality police, Norwegian news agency NTB and AFP report.

    The announcement comes after months of protests in the country.

    The demonstrations erupted after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died after she was arrested by the country’s morality police. Subsequently, over 14,000 people are said to have been arrested in connection with the protests.

  • Four people executed in Iran

    Four people have been executed in Iran, TT reports and refers to a statement from the country’s judiciary.

    The four people are accused of having had contact with Israel’s intelligence service Mossad.

    According to Iran, the people must have “stolen and destroyed private and state property”. They are also accused of kidnapping and interrogating people.

    The Swedish-Iranian doctor and researcher Ahmadreza Djalali is imprisoned in Iran and sentenced to death five years ago.

    According to the news agency, he is not one of the four people executed.

  • Smoked a cig – got stabbed

    The police have been called to Lysekil because a man has been stabbed in the stomach.

    The injured man states that he was standing outside his home smoking when several people walked past him and stabbed him.

    The police searched the area and found a knife.

    The injured man, who is in his 60s, has been taken to hospital.

    The incident is being investigated as aggravated assault. No one has been arrested.

  • Chinese provinces ease restrictions

    A girl buys a bouquet of flowers at a shopping mall that has reopened after restrictions were eased in Beijing. Photo: Ng Han Guan/TT News Agency

    Several Chinese cities now state that they will ease some corona restrictions, Reuters reports.

    The restrictions are now to be more targeted, something that comes after strong protests from the country’s population.

    Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang region where the protests started, is set to reopen shopping malls, markets, restaurants and other public places starting Monday, after months of closures.

    According to Reuters, protests are still ongoing, although the unrest has calmed down in recent days.

  • Volcanic eruption in Indonesia – people are evacuated

    A 15 km high ash cloud is visible at the volcano in Java. Photo: AP/TT

    The volcano Semeru on the island of Java in Indonesia erupted on Sunday, The Guardian reports.

    Smoke rises 15 kilometers into the air, according to Reuters.

    Hot lava flows along the mountain. According to early reports, no one was injured in the incident.

    Authorities have warned that the outbreak could have major consequences for residents in the area. People living near the volcano have begun to be evacuated, according to local media.

    The country’s disaster agency BNPB has warned people to be closer than eight kilometers from the volcano, according to AFP.

    Authorities in Japan have warned of the risk of a tsunami as a result of the eruption.

  • Ukrainian forces are said to have crossed the Dnieper

    Ukrainian forces are reported to have crossed the Dnieper River at the now-liberated city of Kherson this weekend.

    According to war analysts at the American think tank Institute for the study of war (ISW), they should have raised a Ukrainian flag on the eastern side.

    The soldiers have also released pictures where they are seen crossing the river in boats.

    According to ISW, a Russian military blogger predicts that the Ukrainian advance in the Kherson region will accelerate to the northeast as it becomes easier for vehicles to drive over the frozen fields. The Ukrainian governor of Luhansk, Serhiy Hajdaj, made a similar forecast on Friday.

  • Russia seizes Ukrainian wheat – worth billions

    According to Nasa, this year’s wheat harvest in Ukraine has been better than expected. But a large part of the harvest is in areas that Russia has occupied since the start of the war, TT reports.

    With the help of satellite images, researchers have analyzed the harvest in Ukraine and found that it is 26.6 million tons of wheat.

    22 percent of the harvest is on land occupied by Russia. This means that Ukraine lost almost six million tons of wheat worth one billion dollars (ten billion Swedish kronor).

  • Highest support for S in nine years – SD backs the most

    Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson. Photo: LOTTE FERNVALL

    The Social Democrats have great support among Swedes, according to a new voter barometer for December which SVT/Novus done.

    The party gets 34.2 percent, which is the strongest rating in the survey since December 2013, writes the channel.

    The Sweden Democrats fall behind the most in the survey with minus 1.6 percentage points compared to the election in September.

  • State of emergency in Peru after drought – danger for potatoes and alpacas

    Residents of the Apurimac region harvest potatoes. Photo: Guadalupe Pardo/TT News Agency

    An extensive drought in the Peruvian part of the Andes mountain range is causing major problems in the country, TT reports.

    The situation has led to poor growth in the potato crop, dried up lakes and a difficult situation for the alpacas.

    On Saturday, the government declared a state of emergency for 60 days in 100 districts due to water shortage.

    Food shortages are also feared to become a reality in the coming months.

    The drought is the worst in at least 50 years, according to the news agency.

  • Man beaten unconscious by gang

    A man in his 30s was severely beaten in the western Swedish town of Vara just after midnight. He was jumped on by several people and had to receive several punches in the face. The man was unconscious when he was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

    Read more in Aftonbladet’s article.

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  • Hi, is Turkey in the EU and if so how can they go against the rest of the EU when it comes to imports and price caps on Russian oil


    Hi Margaret!

    Turkey is a member of NATO – but not of the EU.

  • Why is Erdogan’s first name always printed? This does not happen with other world leaders.


    Hi Bjorn!

    I actually disagree. The first names of other world leaders are also printed at regular intervals.

  • How far along is the investigation into the election fraud in Gothenburg? When will we know more?



    What we do know is that the incident being investigated is about a fight between two people in connection with a polling station. The suspect is said to have threatened the other person to vote a certain way.

    We follow the development!

  • Why so hard to read plus articles, have asked for annual subscription but never received

    Leif Anders Andersson

    Hey Leif!

    It does not sound good. Of course you will enjoy Plus. Contact customer service digitally or call customer service on 08-799 62 80 a week.

  • Curious, those of you who work here in the chat, are you like me in customer service or are you reporters 🙂 Have a nice weekend!


    Hi Hilma!

    We who answer are reporters and editors. Nice weekend!

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