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Charges against R Kelly dropped

today at 02.46 Johan Edgar

A Chicago prosecutor drops sexual assault charges against R’n’B singer R Kelly. The decision comes the day before he was to be heard in the case.

The 56-year-old singer has already been convicted of a series of crimes in various courts – which guarantees that he will be locked up for decades.

The current charges concern that he allegedly sexually assaulted four people – three of whom were minors.

R Kelly has, among other things, been convicted of child pornography offenses and grooming. (TT)

Latest news

  • Croatian anger at tanks to Ukraine

    The president of NATO country Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, criticizes the decision of Western nations to provide Ukraine with heavy tanks.

    – It is madness to think that Russia can be defeated in a conventional war, he says.

    – I am against sending lethal weapons there. It prolongs the war, Milanovic said at a press conference on Monday.

    The role of the president in Croatia is largely ceremonial.

    Zoran Milanovic has a reputation for being pro-Russian and having a pro-Russian attitude towards the war in Ukraine – but he himself denies these claims. (TT)

  • Death of actress Cindy Williams

    Cindy Williams, best known as Laverne in the popular television comedy “Laverne & Shirley” has died after a short illness.

    This is stated by her children in a statement to the news agency AP.

    In addition to the role in the popular series that aired in the USA from 1976-1983, Williams also appeared in the film “American Graffiti” from 1973.

    She was 75 years old.

  • Was going to feed fish – burnt kitchen

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    The kitchen was completely destroyed and the man is now obliged to pay SEK 633,000 in compensation to the property owner, following a decision by the district court.

    The owners believe that the fire was caused by negligence and have tried to demand compensation. But the man has not paid the invoice that the company sent out. (TT)

  • The fetus was left in a box outside the hospital

    A shocking discovery was made outside Barnet Hospital in north London on Monday morning.

    In a box was an approximately 16-week-old fetus.

    According to the police, a dark-clad man in his 30s had been seen leaving the box at the scene.

    They are now appealing for the mother to come forward, as they are concerned about her well-being.

    – This is probably a traumatic time for her and I would ask her to contact either us, her GP or the hospital, Detective Inspector Matt Coad told Sky News.

    He also calls on the man who left the box with the fetus to come forward.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Trump sues well-known journalist for multi-million sums

    Former US President Donald Trump is suing journalist Bob Woodward, after Woodward published “The Trump Tapes” in audiobook version last year, reports Bloomberg.

    The audiobook is based on 20 interviews with the ex-president. Trump claims he gave permission to record their conversations but only for the purpose of publishing the material in book format — not that the audio files would be shared with the public in an audiobook.

    Trump is suing Woodward, who was one of the journalists who exposed the Watergate affair, for 50 million dollars, which corresponds to approximately 520 million Swedish kronor.

  • Bolsonaro doesn’t want to go home

    Brazil’s ex-president Jair Bolsonaro is in Florida, USA, and does not want to go home.

    Now he has applied for a tourist visa for six months, reports Financial Times.

    Bolsonaro will remain in the United States while his application is processed.

    – He wants to take some time off, clear his head and enjoy tourist life in the United States before deciding what his next step will be, writes his lawyer Felipe Alexandre in an email to Reuters.

    Bolsonaro flew to Florida two days before his term expired and successor Lula da Silva took over the presidency.

    Before leaving Brazil, Bolsonaro called the election results unfair.

    Just over a week later, his supporters stormed Congress and two other important buildings in the capital Brasilia.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Biden says no to warplanes to Ukraine

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    The president says no to the US sending fighter jets to Ukraine.

    The Netherlands has previously opened up to possibly sending the same type of plane.

    Earlier in January reported The Wall Street Journal that the US was approaching a sale of the aircraft model to Turkey.

  • Jip van der Tang Eliasson

    Several perpetrators are being hunted after the assault

    A person has been abused in Fruängen in southern Stockholm. The alarm was received by the police at 20.26.

    The police are looking for 4-5 perpetrators, at the beginning of the search a police helicopter was used.

    – At the moment no one has been arrested, says Pia Glenvik press spokesperson at the police.

    The person who was assaulted is said to have managed with minor injuries.

    – I see that the ambulance has been recalled, so I interpret that as there were no serious injuries, says Pia Glenvik.

  • Three injured in knife attack

    Three people have been injured in a knife attack near the European Commission’s headquarters in Brussels, writes TT.

    One must be critically injured.

    The attack took place at the subway station Schuman on Monday afternoon.

    It is supposed to be a perpetrator armed with a knife. He was arrested shortly after the attack.

    According to a source with insight, he is already known to the police due to his “mental problems”.

  • Villa on fire – “flames shoot out from the roof”

    There is a fire in a villa in Molkom outside Karlstad.

    The alarm came in at 8:45 p.m. Eight units from the rescue service have been alerted to the scene.

    – Two have already arrived. They have reported back that they see flames shooting out from the roof and attic of the villa, the rescue service tells NWT.

    According to the police, there is a fire upstairs. All residents are said to have gotten out and no one appears to have been injured.

  • Man beaten with affection – taken to hospital

    A man has been beaten by three perpetrators in Älmhult, according to the police.

    – He must have been beaten with some kind of affection, says Jimmy Modin, at the police command center.

    The alarm came in at 6:22 p.m. and the man was taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is still unclear.

    A report of serious assault has been made.

    No one has been arrested and the circumstances surrounding the assault are still unclear.

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  • If I don’t want to open an account in Swedbank, will I still get the money?

    Nathalie Thor

    You do not need to open an account with Swedbank, just register your bank account (regardless of which bank you have), to receive the electricity subsidy.

    If you do not want to register your account, and do not receive a general pension from the Pensions Authority, you will receive a payment notice sent home.

    You can read more about it here!

  • Is it true? Noticed that an account with the pension authority is ok?


    That’s right, if you have an account with the Pension Authorities, the electricity subsidy is paid out in connection with the pension.

    “You who receive a general pension from the Pensions Authority do not have to do anything, you receive the money into your account as you usually receive your pension,” Swedbank writes on its website.

  • Yes, so I’m going to register in Swedbank’s account register for electricity support, but how do I do it then?

    Lillemor Gunnarsson

  • Amanda Hällsten wrote that Handelsbanken works now but it doesn’t


    Hey! It worked temporarily, but as you write, the bank’s services seem to be down again. We are looking for Handelsbanken’s press service and hope to be able to update you soon on how things are going.

  • Do you have to have an account with Swedbank in order to be paid out?


    No, but you must register your account, depending on which bank you have, in Swedbank’s account register if you want the electricity subsidy money as soon as possible.

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