Latest news – Case of deadly virus detected in Spain

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Case of deadly virus detected in Spain

today at 12.43 am Amanda Hällsten

Spain has detected its first suspected case of the deadly infectious disease Marbug’s disease, Reuters reports.

A 34-year-old man has been admitted to a private hospital in Valencia after testing positive for the disease.

Between 24 and 88 percent of those infected die from the disease.

Earlier in February, the WHO announced that cases of the virus had been detected in the West African country of Equatorial Guinea, where nine deaths have been reported so far.

Latest news

  • New earthquake in Turkey

    Another earthquake has been measured in central Turkey during Saturday morning.

    According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, the quake had a magnitude of 5.5, it writes SVT.

    The earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers.

  • Ukraine: Doubling of Russian ships in the Black Sea

    “In the Black Sea, the fleet of warships has doubled compared to this morning – it is now eight ships,” writes Ukraine’s military commander in the South region in a Facebook post, reports The Guardian.

    According to the post, it is about ships in active service and the Ukrainian military suspects that it could be a sign that a robot or drone attack is being prepared.

    One of the ships is to be a frigate equipped with eight cruise robots of the Kalibr type. According to Ukrainian data, Russia launched four such robots from the Black Sea last Saturday, two of which were reportedly shot down.

  • Jonson on Finland going ahead of Sweden: Complicating Nordic cooperation

    Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) was interviewed in Ekot’s Saturday interview where he discussed potential consequences if Finland joins NATO before Sweden.

    – Prolonged Swedish exclusion at the same time as Finland becomes a NATO ally would partly complicate the Swedish-Finnish cooperation, says the Minister of Defence.

    He continues:

    – It would also have a negative impact on Nordic cooperation.

  • ESC tickets are reserved for Ukrainian refugees

    About 3,000 tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest are to be reserved for Ukrainian refugees, The Guardian reports.

    This year, Great Britain will host the competition after Ukraine was unable to take on the task due to Russia’s ongoing invasion.

    The British government has also set aside the equivalent of SEK 125 million to “help ensure that the event truly showcases Ukrainian culture”.

  • Pollen season is here

    The pollen season has already started, writes the National Museum of Natural History on its website.

    Low levels of alder and hazel pollen have been measured all the way up to Gävle.

    – Birch pollen doesn’t start until April. But if you are allergic to birch, you can also react to alder, says Didrik Vanhoenacker, on-call biologist at the National Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, to TT.

    Normally, the pollen season starts in March. However, the mild winter has led to it starting unusually early this year, reports P4 Blekinge.

    – There is a risk of high levels in Skåne and Blekinge. But as spring comes, pollen from alder and hazel spreads further. But it depends on how the weather turns out, says Didrik Vanhoenacker.

  • Woman poisoned by ricin

    A woman has been poisoned by the substance ricin in Gloppen in Norway.

    The alarm came in on Saturday morning.

    – We received a message at around 08.30 that a woman may have been exposed to the substance. It is a substance that can be developed via some special seeds or beans, which if produced in the right way is very toxic. The woman has been taken care of by healthcare staff and the apartment in question is cordoned off, says operations manager Tore Andre Brakstad, to VG.

    The woman was reportedly conscious when she was taken to hospital.

    The police do not believe that more people were involved in the incident.

  • Data: Russia has run out of kamikaze drones

    Russia may have run out of kamikaze drones, writes the British intelligence service in its latest report.

    Russia has so far used drones made in Iran, but since February 15 they have not been seen – suggesting that the stockpile may have run out.

    However, the British predict that Russia will try to get new supplies.

  • LO: The most difficult negotiations since the post-war period

    At the end of March, trade unions and employers will have decided on the first wage agreements in industry that govern wage increases in the entire labor market. But the representatives of the parties now state for Echo that they find it difficult to agree.

    – Fairly tough and extensive negotiations are underway at various unions. The situation is, like this a month before, worrisome, says Mattias Dahl, vice president of Swedish business.

    LO’s agreement secretary Torbjörn Johansson also expresses concern about the negotiations.

    – It is a very difficult situation. I want to state with the utmost certainty that it is the most difficult negotiation since the post-war period, says Johansson and points out that the members’ demands are high.

    The union demands 4.4 percent wage increases in one-year contracts, while the employers’ counteroffer is 2 percent plus a one-off payment of SEK 3,000.

  • Road closed after accident – two to hospital

    Two people have been taken to hospital by ambulance and ambulance helicopter after a collision between two cars on county road 274 in Vaxholm municipality.

    There is no information about the injuries of the people other than that both were awake when they were taken away, the police write on their website.

    The road is closed because the cars have to be recovered. According to the Swedish Transport Agency’s forecast, the road should open at 10.15am.

  • Border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan reopens

    The Torkham border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan will be reopened today after the border was closed by the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, TT reports.

    On Monday, there were reports of a shooting between turf guards at Torkham. A Pakistani soldier was reportedly injured, which led to the two countries holding talks on reopening the border.

    The border crossing has been closed since Sunday, which has led to people being stranded. Before the Taliban decided to close the border, they accused Pakistan of violating an agreement between the two countries to allow sick Afghans to freely enter Pakistan for medical care.

  • Two arrested after shop robbery with weapon-like object

    The police received an alarm on Saturday morning about a robbery in progress in a shop in Säter.

    Two people allegedly entered the store and threatened the staff with a weapon-like object. Then the suspected perpetrators fled the scene by car.

    – They have robbed some kind of grocery store. They have a lot of goods with them, but I can’t estimate the value, says Lars Hedelin at the police.

    Several police units chased the suspected robbers and were soon after able to arrest them.

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  • His name is Lukashenka or Lukashenko

    Klas Bergström

    Hello! In Sweden, we spell his surname as Lukashenko, but it should be pronounced with an “a” at the end.

  • Have you heard anything more about what happened in the Uppsala mall

    Tobias Ljungberg

    A suspected dangerous object had been found and the mall was evacuated. The national bomb disposal unit was called to the scene and it was later determined that the object was harmless.

    Read more here.

  • Why haven’t you written anything about the Russian ship that docked in Nynäshamn with Russian gas today??

    It is a bigger scandal when all EU countries including Sweden have to follow the sanctions!!!!

    LL Lindqwister

  • Hello, enter the Gym murder and they are released. Is the 17 year old who shot released too?


    Hello! All suspects have been released pending sentencing on March 10.

    The suspected shooter has been placed in SIS home.

  • Hello Hello!

    Why did you remove the post about the police going up with a large number of drones over Sthlm to monitor serious crime/gang criminals? Was the news not true? In that case, it was a great pity.

    Nice weekend!


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