Latest news – Car has run off the quay in Norway

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Car has driven off the quay in Norway

today at 10.51 Anna Sjögren

A car has driven off a quay in Haugesund in Norway, Norwegian media reports.

According to the police, they are on their way to the scene.

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  • Motorist hit by police car

    A person traveling in a car was hit by a police car in Helsingborg during the night of Saturday. It happened when the motorist stopped at a red light.

    – This patrol has a pursuit of a car that tries to drive away from it. In connection with that, another car is there, says Sara Andersson, press spokesperson for the police in the South region.

    No one is said to have been injured in the accident. The incident will now be investigated.

    – There are special investigations that will investigate whether it went right and proper, says Sara Andersson.

    The car that was being chased got away.

    No one is said to have been seriously injured in the collision.

  • Fight at a nightclub in Sälen: Several handcuffed

    A fight broke out at a nightclub in Lindvallen in Sälen during the night of Saturday. A number of people have been handcuffed due to violent behaviour, the police write on their website.

    A 25-year-old man has been detained, suspected of being under the influence of drugs. Another man in his 20s was handcuffed and suspected of money laundering as he had a large sum of cash on him.

    The man was also taken into custody in accordance with lob, the law on the handling of an intoxicated person.

    A security guard has been subjected to violent resistance and assault by an official, the police write.

  • Nuns refute accusations of support for the Russian army

    Selänger parish in Sundsvall. Photo: Google.

    Belarusian nuns were supported by a parish in Selånger to collect money for orphans. But according to Sundsvall’s newspaper, the money probably went to the Russian army in Ukraine.

    Now the nuns are fighting back against the accusations, which they say are false.

    – Obviously not! We are an orthodox church. None of the Orthodox churches or monasteries ever collect money for the army, for the violence, says Sister Anastasia to SVT Västernorrland.

  • One person stabbed – bloodied man arrested on bus

    One person was stabbed during Saturday morning in Skövde. The extent of the injuries are unclear, but the person is said to have been injured in the back.

    An ambulance was sent to the scene and took the man to hospital.

    At the same time, the police receive an alarm about a bloody man on a bus. When the bus is checked, the police find the man, who can be linked to that incident.

    He knows the injured person from before, and is arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

    The injured person and the arrested man will now be interviewed by the police.

  • A man came into the emergency room with a gunshot wound

    Just before midnight, staff at the emergency room call the police after a man with gunshot wounds enters the emergency room.

    – The injury is not life-threatening, but it is still a gunshot wound, says Sara Andersson, spokesperson for the police.

    The police are investigating the incident as attempted murder and aggravated weapons offences.

    – But the plaintiff does not want to participate, he says nothing, says Sara Andersson.

    There are no suspects at this time and the police do not know where the crime was allegedly committed.

    – We assume that it has happened somewhere in Malmö, says Sara Andersson.

    The police cannot currently see if there is any connection between the various events in Malmö during the night.

    – There is nothing obvious to indicate that, but of course something we are looking at and will dig deeper into, says Sara Andersson.

  • Residence shelled with several shots

    An apartment at Limhamn in Malmö was fired upon during the night. The police found several bullet holes in a window pane.

    – We receive several calls about loud bangs that don’t sound like fireworks, says Sara Andersson, press spokesperson at the police.

    The site was cordoned off and a technical investigation is underway. The police announce that some findings have been made at the scene.

    – But we cannot go into what type of find it is, says Sara Andersson.

    There are no suspects in the shooting at this time, and the police do not yet have a criminal classification.

  • Li Qiang elected as new Prime Minister of China

    Li Qiang, 63, a former party secretary in Shanghai, was named China’s new premier on Saturday, Reuters reports.

    Almost all 2,900 participants in China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) voted for Li Qiang.

    But he has not been an obvious candidate as he was, among other things, responsible for the two-month covid shutdown in the spring of 2022, which, among other things, led to food shortages for the residents.

  • The MP votes no to the government’s NATO proposal – submits its own

    Per Bolund says no to the government’s proposal in Ekot’s Saturday interview Photo: Tim Aro/TT

    The Green Party will vote no to the government’s proposal to enable Swedish membership in NATO, says Per Bolund, the Green Party’s spokesperson in Ekot’s Saturday interview.

    The Green Party will put forward its own proposal that prohibits bringing nuclear weapons into Sweden.

    – We want it to be enshrined in law, as it is in Finland, says Per Bolund.

    In the government’s bill it is stated that there is no reason for Sweden to have any nuclear weapons or permanent bases in Sweden in peacetime.

    – What happens if the next government has a different opinion, will they be allowed to open up for Sweden to have nuclear weapons on Swedish soil? We have no guarantees for that, says Per Bolund.

  • The costs of hired healthcare staff are increasing sharply

    The regions’ costs for hired healthcare personnel increased by 25 percent in 2022 compared to 2021, TT reports.

    Of the total rental costs, it made up 4.8 percent last year, according to Sweden’s municipalities and county councils (SKR).

    “There have never been more employees in healthcare, while the demand for healthcare personnel has never been greater. The pandemic has put pressure on the operations for a long time, which has affected the employees’ work environment and made it even more difficult for the regions to staff,” says Fredrik Lennartsson, head of the department for care and social care at SKR in a press release.

  • Plow truck crashed into police car

    A plow truck drove straight into a police car in central Bålsta outside Uppsala at 02:00 last night.

    The driver is suspected of having been drunk behind the wheel.

    – He has removed the entire front of the police car, says Viktor Åkring Dicksved, commander of the police in Region Mitt.

    The police car was parked next to a shopping center when it was hit.

    The collision was powerful.

    – He has had a lower speed, but it has been enough, says Åkring Dicksved.

    A preliminary breath test showed signs that the exhaled air contained alcohol, so the driver was accompanied to the police station for further control.

    The police car could be driven there, where it was taken out of service. The police patrol escaped unharmed and was able to continue its shift. (TT-Aftonbladet)

  • Sterile mosquitoes are supposed to help against diseases

    Ecuador is to release 100,000 sterile Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Galapagos Islands to reduce the prevalence of the mosquitoes that spread zika, dengue and yellow fever.

    The measure should give residents better health and reduce the transmission of diseases to tourists. In addition, the use of chemical pesticides can decrease, the responsible authority states.

    The project has been going on for six years and included laboratory breeding of mosquitoes and sterilization by radiation. (TT)

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  • The post about a man with a gunshot wound who came into the emergency room. Where did it happen?


    Hi Janne!

    The police do not know that at the moment. But they assume that it happened somewhere in Malmö.

  • Can the media call our king the king? I think it is bad and frivolous done by our local newspaper, how does the media react to nicknames for example the king? The king feels like the shanbanan stuck…

    Eric Andersson

    Each newspaper makes its own decisions. We wouldn’t call him that.

  • Has anything new come up about the Hagen case in Norway?


    Not recently, as far as we know.

    If you are interested in the case, I can advise this solid reportage in Der Spiegel from earlier this year.

  • Why don’t you write anything about the plagiarism accusations against Loreen?


    Hey Boss! Our entertainment reporter Tobbe Ek knows this very well and has written a lot about it on the hit blog! Here can you read about the allegations against Loreen!

  • How many shootings have there been this year where people have been killed and does it look brighter now compared to last year?


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