Latest news – Car has overturned – ambulance helicopter on site

Today it is Nivette Dawod and Niklas Gustafsson that you will find here. We are of course still monitoring the accident at Gröna Lund, but are also following what is happening in Russia now after the weekend’s turbulence when the paramilitary Wagner group started and then ended an uprising against the Russian military.

  • Car overturned – ambulance helicopter on scene

    A car has overturned on the E18/E45 outside Grums.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance helicopter are on the scene.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The road is completely closed in the southbound direction.

  • Latest news

  • Ikea evacuated

    Ikea in Barkarby has been evacuated.

    According to Louise Ridell Ehinger, press contact at Ikea, it must be smoke developing under an escalator in a nearby store.

    – We have evacuated for safety reasons. It is not our store that is affected and as I understand it, there should not be any major danger for any guests, she says.

    After the emergency services investigated the matter, Ikea was able to let customers into the store again shortly after the alarm.

  • Stoltenberg: Sweden in a new meeting with Turkey

    There will be an extra meeting between Sweden, Finland and Turkey in Brussels ahead of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Norwegian TV2 reports.

    – I spoke with President Erdogan on Sunday. I am also in contact with Sweden and Finland, we have agreed to hold a new high-level meeting before the NATO summit, Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Vilnius.

  • Ikea recalls fishing games

    Ikea recalls the game Blue Winged due to choking risk Photo: Konsumentverket/Ikea

    Ikea is recalling fishing games due to suffocation risk, the Swedish Consumer Agency announces.

    It is the Blue Winged toy that is being recalled due to the fact that there are small rivets in the game that can come off.

    It can pose a suffocation risk for small children.

    Those who purchased the game are asked to immediately stop using it and return it to any Ikea store for a refund.

    No receipt needed.

  • Large search effort for missing children

    During the afternoon, the police searched for two five-year-old children who had disappeared from a preschool in Sölvesborg.

    – We receive the alarm at 12.30, says Patric Fors, press spokesperson at the police.

    The children were found later in the afternoon and were doing well.

    Among other things, a helicopter is used in the search.

    – We have searched in and around the school, now we have extended the search to the nearest area, Patric Fors.

  • New humanitarian aid to Ukraine

    The government has today presented a new package of humanitarian aid to Ukraine of SEK 380 million, it says in a press release.

    The support targets the most urgent needs and emphasizes the role of civil society organizations. Among other things, the Ukrainian Red Cross receives money.

    – The needs in Ukraine are enormous and even more urgent after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam on June 6. As the fighting now intensifies along the front, it is central that aid actors are ready to back up and provide support to civilians in need of assistance. Sweden’s support helps our partners to be on the ground and to act in the short and long term where the needs are the greatest, says Minister for Aid and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell (M) in the press release.

  • Bus and truck in collision

    A small bus and a truck have collided south of Stockholm.

    – It is about a side impact, everyone is not out of the vehicles yet. We don’t know how many are affected, says Daniel Lundin, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The emergency services also do not have any information on the state of damage at the moment.

    The road is completely closed at the moment.

  • The Russian Prime Minister: “Gathering around the President”

    Russia has faced a challenge to the country’s stability and must unite behind President Vladimir Putin, says Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Misjustin after the weekend coup attempt.

    Misjustin appears at a televised government meeting, according to the Reuters news agencyand says there:

    – We must act together, as a team, and maintain unity and gather around the president.

    President Putin has also spoken out for the first time since then speech on Saturday. However, he has not commented on the coup attempt, but instead is said to have congratulated the participants at an industrial forum, the Kremlin says according to the Norwegian Dagbladet.

  • SR: Authority stops payments to MUF

    The authority for youth and civil society issues is stopping payments to the Moderate Youth Union, MUF, reports Swedens radio.

    It is also considering claiming back already paid support of just over SEK 2.7 million.

    The authority has reviewed the MUF after TV4’s revelation that a top MUF tried to decide an internal district election by buying votes, Sweden’s radio reports.

  • The police went out with a wanted list – father was shot

    Last winter, the police issued an appeal in the media for a suspect.

    Four hours later, his father was shot dead in Tullinge.

    Now the JO has started an investigation against the Public Prosecutor’s Office about the incident.

    The incident was reported, and the reporter then said that the murder took place because of the wanted information in the media.

    According to the complainant, the relatives of the suspects did not receive any information in connection with the publication, nor were they offered any protection.

  • Man in his 30s murdered

    A man in his 30s was found injured this morning in a small town north of Gävle. The police now announce that the man has died.

    At first, the police stated that it was a serious crime of violence, and later on Tuesday it was announced that the injured man’s life could not be saved.

    – We are investigating what has happened, but the person has likely been injured with an injury, says Pelle Vamstad, press spokesperson for police region Mitt, earlier today.

    The crime took place outside and the place has been cordoned off.

    – We knock on doors and talk to witnesses. We will also carry out a technical investigation with the ambition of securing findings, says Pelle Vamstad.

    A man in his 30s has been arrested.

    Relatives are informed of the death.

  • High-rise buildings have collapsed in Alexandria

    A high-rise has collapsed in the city of Alexandria in Egypt, local media reports.

    Several people are said to be stuck in the crowd after the building, which has 13 floors, collapsed on Monday morning.

    Rescue work is underway at the site.

  • Four people remain in hospital after the accident

    At the moment, a total of four adult patients are being treated in hospital after the accident at Gröna Lund, Region Stockholm announces.

    Two people have serious but not life-threatening injuries, two are said to have less serious injuries.

    All the children have left Astrid Lindgren’s children’s hospital.

    After the accident, nine of the 14 people who were in the carriage were treated in hospital.

  • Investigation against Prigozhin not closed


    Russian media write that the FSB security service has not closed the criminal investigation into mutiny regarding Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin.

    At the weekend, the Kremlin said the investigation would be closed after Prigozhin agreed with Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko to stop the military convoy heading towards Moscow.

  • 34-year-old man charged with murder of his mother

    A 34-year-old man is charged with murdering his mother.

    It was in February that the mother was found dead in her apartment on Hisingen in Gothenburg.

    The man was found in the same residence and arrested on the spot.

    – It has been a special case to work with, given that a mother was murdered by her son, says Mikaela Gustafsson, investigator at the section for crimes in close relationships in Greater Gothenburg.

    On June 28, the trial begins.

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    Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • From how high a height did those who were injured at Gröna Lund fall?

    And has there been no update whatsoever on the condition of the injured yet…?

    Crisis meeting

    At between six and eight meters altitude, the Jetline derailed. You can read an updated version of the event here.

    We are working on updates 🙂

  • Will Gröna Lund’s press conference be broadcast live?


    Hello! Yes, we will broadcast it live here.

  • How do you get robbed of your contacts? Is someone forcing you to open your phone copy your contacts? Or was he old-fashioned and kept everything in a notebook?


    Heh. Cash, of course, it would be. Thanks!

  • What do the martial laws introduced today in Russia mean?


    Here you can read a little about what the martial laws meant.

  • Why is there nothing in the newspaper or about the possible strike that could affect Arlanda?


    Yes! You can find it here and here, among other things.

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