Latest news – Biden sends military to border with Mexico

Biden sends military to border with Mexico

today at 20.57 Nelly Kronstrand

The US will send 1,500 soldiers to the border with Mexico, TT reports.

The announcement comes in a statement from the defense headquarters, the Pentagon. The reason is said to be an expected wave of migrants. The idea is that the soldiers will relieve the existing staff and assist in administrative work for 90 days.

Latest news

  • Train has derailed after detonation

    A Russian freight train has derailed after an “explosive object” detonated. The train derailed in the Bryansk region of Russia, which borders Ukraine. This was stated by the local governor on Tuesday evening, AFP reports.

    According to the train company, both the locomotive and around 20 carriages have derailed. No one is reported to have been injured or killed.

    This is the second train clock derailment in a short time. On Monday, a freight train, which was carrying oil, among other things, derailed in the same region.

    Read more here.

  • Dog abused for hours – woman taken into care

    The police were alerted about a small dog that had been abused and dragged onto the asphalt in Kristianstad.

    According to witnesses, the beating must have gone on for several hours.

    A suspicious woman has been taken into custody, according to the LOB (Act on the handling of intoxicated persons), the police write on their website.

    She is also suspected of animal cruelty.

  • Widding refuses to leave the Riksdag

    Sweden Democrats’ party leader Jimmie Åkesson firmly believes that Riksdag member Elsa Widding should give up her seat in Riksdag after she decided to become a political savage.

    – She should leave her seat in the Riksdag, he says to SVT Nyheter.

    Widding says to TT that she will not do it.

    – Here and now I don’t see that there is any reason to vote against the Tidö parties, confirms Widding, who is not ready to leave his seat in the Riksdag.

    Read more here.

  • Several bodies found on sex offender property

    Several bodies have been found on the property of a former convicted sex offender in Henryette in the US state of Oklahoma, AP reports.

    According to Police Chief Eddy Rice, the bodies must undergo a forensic autopsy before the identities of the people can be determined. And that two of the bodies are suspected to be teenage girls who disappeared this weekend.

    – We think we have found everything we were looking for. Our thoughts go out to families and friends, classmates and everyone else, he told AP.

    According to information to the news agency, it is also believed that the man was found dead together with a 35-year-old woman and the woman’s three teenage children.

    Police searched the man’s property after he was seen with the girls a few days earlier. He was previously convicted of rape in 2003 and was now charged with possession of child pornography.

  • Åkesson on Widding: “Not a good recruitment”

    Is a political savage in the Riksdag. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

    Elsa Widding left SD yesterday and became a political wild.

    Now Jimmie Åkesson (SD) wants her to leave the Riksdag, reports SVT.

    He has not spoken to her since her decision to leave the party, but says he views her employment negatively.

    – With hindsight, it was of course not a good recruitment, because she is now no longer in the party, says Jimmie Åkesson.

  • Two cars in an accident

    Two cars are involved in an accident at Nosaby in Kristianstad, the police announce.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been called to the scene. There is no information on the state of the damage.

    The accident affects traffic in the area.

    The police previously stated that there were four cars in the collision. This was later changed to two cars.

  • Man killed in traffic accident

    A man in his 90s who was seriously injured after a traffic accident outside Linköping on Thursday has died of his injuries, reports P4 Östergötland.

    Several cars were involved in the accident. The 90-year-old man was taken to hospital together with a 95-year-old woman. The woman escaped with minor injuries.

  • 288 caught in darkweb tangle

    More than SEK 50 million in cash and virtual currencies, over 800 kilos of narcotics and 117 firearms have been seized in an international raid coordinated by Europol.

    A total of 288 people have been arrested on suspicion of having bought and sold drugs in the form of amphetamine, cocaine, MDMA, LSD and ecstasy on the dark web.

    Europol’s police operation goes by the code name “SpecTor”. The people arrested come from different countries. Including the USA, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France.

    The authority has also gained access to the arrested suppliers’ extensive lists of buyers. Which means that thousands of customers worldwide are now at risk of prosecution.

  • Tinder is leaving Russia

    Russians looking for a date can look elsewhere. Photo: Patrick Sison/AP

    People in Russia will no longer be able to find love by swiping through the dating app Tinder.

    This is announced by the owner company Match Group, BBC reports.

    The plan is to leave the Russian market as of June 30. It was announced in connection with the company’s interim report. Then they stated that they are “determined to protect human rights”.

  • Seko announces a train strike

    Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    Seko announces a train strike, Ekot reports.

    If no settlement is reached, around 1,200 members will be taken out on strike in three different stages.

    The strike may take effect from May 11.

    The notice concerns members of Öresundstrafiken, SJ, Green Cargo and MTR in the subway in Stockholm.

    – This is nothing more than a more modern form of serfdom. A large majority of our members in rail transport find it difficult to reconcile their work with leisure and family life, says Seko’s union president, Gabriella Lavecchia.

    SEKO believes that they have been pressured to give notice of a strike.

    – Our counterpart, Almega Tågföretagen, has said in the negotiations that they do not want to discuss and negotiate more if we do not give a notice. Now it’s up to proof, says Seko’s agreement secretary, Ulrika Nilsson.


  • Disruptions on the Riksdag’s website

    The Riksdag’s website is down and has not been accessible during the afternoon.

    A press spokesperson for the Riksdag announces that they are aware of the problem.

  • Fire in industrial area

    There is a fire in an industrial area in Taberg outside Jönköping.

    The alarm came in just after 1 p.m. and the ambulance and emergency services are on the scene. The police are also on site and help direct traffic.

    According to the management operator of the rescue service, there is a fire in an industrial building. There are no injuries at this time.

  • The number of applications for dropout activities quadrupled

    Compared to 2021, the police received four times as many applications for state funds for defector activities.

    In 2021, 28 people applied, last year the number of applications had increased to 113.

    – The dropout activity is an important crime prevention effort. It is crucial to be able to offer criminals a way out and show alternatives, says Sofie Holmqvist, deputy head of unit, Investigation Unit, National Operational Department.

    In total, the police paid out 58 million kroner to municipalities linked to dropout activities in 2022. This, too, is an increase from 2021 when 12 million kroner was paid out.

  • Man found dead – police investigate murder

    A man has been found dead in a home in Sandviken.

    The police were called to the scene at 11.13 today. As they cannot rule out that the man has been the victim of a crime, a preliminary investigation into murder has been launched.

    The police are now awaiting answers from the forensic examination.

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  • What happens to paid tickets that cannot be rebooked?

    Leif Lowendahl

    If you are referring to the trains and the possible strike, we are waiting for a response from the train companies now. All have announced that they will return and hopefully we can give you more information about that soon.

  • Hello, all you literate readers and others 🙂

    Everyone knows that there are good and bad men in shoes! But who & with what right think that wolverines, loons, wolves, bears, moose etc. large carnivores and herbivores are not allowed to spread out like men in shoes? It would be best if men in shoes became food in the ditch branch & clothes without bullet holes for rag collection, i.e. used for recycling (panta more) as with many others, is there labor or are they too educated? Someone with knowledge might be able to see into the future?

    😿 Anders 🌹 Walsås 💨™®©

    Hello Anders! Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to tell the future about that!

  • Does Johan Pehrson have language problems or is he misquoted?

    Evaluating is not the same as reconsidering.

    Claes Nilsson

  • Why do you have a question column when you barely answer questions you get anyway?

    Or is it that only subscribers get a reply?

    Claes Nilsson

    Hello! We answer the questions we can answer. 🙂 A lot of what comes in is mainly opinions – which can also be accommodated sometimes, but it is difficult for us to answer such things and it is perhaps more suitable for other forums.

  • Hello. The boy who disappeared yesterday in Strömsnäsbruk, has he been found?

    Kjell Johansson

    Hi Kjell!

    Yes, he was found about 2 hours after he went missing.

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