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Bald woman – locked herself in toilet

today at 15.43Beri Zangana

The police were called at 1pm to central Varberg due to a fight in a park.

There, a man had scalped a woman and kicked another woman.

– When the police arrived, the man had a dog that he bussed towards the police. Then he locked himself in a public toilet together with the dog, says Peter Adlersson, press spokesperson for the police in the West region.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, it is a fighting dog.

Both the man and the dog have been secured, according to the police.

– Everything is calm at the site.

The man is currently suspected of assault and violence against an official.

The extent of the police’s injuries is unclear.

– A police officer may have been injured, but I have not had it confirmed yet, says Peter Adlersson.

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  • You write that “At the Sunes Elefant restaurant in Visby, Nooshi Dadgostar eats steak and fries drenched in a brownish semi-transparent sauce”, but what did she drink with the food…? It does not appear.

    Pelle brokers peace


    You cannot include everything in your text. In the documentary, it appears to be carbonated water in the glass. It could also be Sprite. But now I fall into speculation.

    Pleasant evening!

  • What happened to Tove who was murdered? No newspaper writes more about the murder that I can find.


    Hi Pia! The police and prosecutors have announced that they will wait to say more about the case while the investigation is ongoing. Both women are still in custody and on December 15, prosecutor Adam Rullman is expected to request that they be re-arrested, if nothing else happens.

  • Hi, is Turkey in the EU and if so how can they go against the rest of the EU when it comes to imports and price caps on Russian oil


    Hi Margaret!

    Turkey is a member of NATO – but not of the EU.

  • Why is Erdogan’s first name always printed? This does not happen with other world leaders.


    Hi Bjorn!

    I actually disagree. The first names of other world leaders are also printed at regular intervals.

  • How far along is the investigation into the election fraud in Gothenburg? When will we know more?



    What we do know is that the incident being investigated is about a fight between two people in connection with a polling station. The suspect is said to have threatened the other person to vote a certain way.

    We follow the development!

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