Latest news – Ambulance flight crashes – five dead

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Ambulance flight crashes – five dead

today at 22.06 Lukas Jacobson

An ambulance flight crashed in Nevada in the USA early Saturday morning, Swedish time.

The plane was to transport a patient and a total of five people were on board. All died in the accident, reports Daily Mirror.

The cause of the crash is unknown and will be investigated.

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  • Big hooligan brawl after martial arts gala

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    About 20 people collided.

    – There was a martial arts gala and there were hooligans who smoked together, says police spokesperson Ola Österling.

    No one is said to have been seriously injured.

    – We have had an operation at the scene with police officers with ear tags. We have a number of assault cases, but no information that anyone was injured, says Ola Österling.

    Three people have been checked at the scene. There is no information that anyone has been arrested.

  • Person found at the bottom of the pool

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    According to the police, it was an accident or a case of illness, and the person received CPR on the spot.

    The person was taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Large protests in Germany against arms support

    Saturday’s demonstration in Berlin. Photo: Markus Schreiber/AP

    On Saturday, around 10,000 people gathered in the German capital Berlin for demonstrations, the second day in a row.

    They demonstrated for immediate peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and against Germany’s arms support to Ukraine, reports say Echo.

    Left-wing politician Sarah Wagenknecht, one of the organizers of the protests, believes that Germany’s arms support is escalating the war, writes Reuters.

    The protests have received criticism from the government, including from German Finance Minister Christian Lindner.

    “Those who do not stand with Ukraine are on the wrong side of history,” tweeted Lindner.

  • Stockholm gets European patent court

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  • Kitchen hood on E20 –11 involved

    An accident has occurred on the E20 south of Vara.

    Four passenger cars must be involved.

    – There are five units from the rescue service and then we have four ambulances and an ambulance helicopter on site, says SOS Alarm’s management operator.

    According to the emergency services, eleven people are involved in the collision.

    At least one person has been taken to hospital, according to SOS Alarm.

    E20 is switched off during the rescue work.

    – There are lots of units on site, says SOS Alarm’s line operator.

  • 19 runners injured after explosions during race

    19 runners have been taken to hospital after several small explosions at a running competition in Cameroon on Saturday, write Reuters.

    A total of 529 runners participated in the “Mount Cameroon Race of Hope”, where you run up the country’s highest mountain.

    A separatist militia from the breakaway republic of Ambazonia has claimed responsibility for the blasts.

    – Our main target was Cameroon’s elite forces protecting the runners, a spokesperson for the group told Reuters.

    The condition of the injured is stated to be stable.

  • The Wagner manager: We have taken over the village

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    The news agency has not been able to confirm the statement from Prigozhin.

    More than 70,000 people lived in the area before the war began. Now there are only around 12,000 left.

    In recent months, fighting has intensified, with residents forced to take shelter underground in freezing conditions.

  • Scooter and car in collision

    A snowmobile and a car have collided in Borlänge.

    – The resources are already in place, says the commanding officer of the rescue service, Daniel Holmstrand.

    The police have also been on the scene.

    – The status we received is that the driver must have passed out, but is now awake and able to speak, says officer on duty Matilda Borgström.

  • Over 100 detained in Turkey after the earthquake

    More than 600 people are suspected of crimes in Turkey after the earthquake on February 6, TT reports.

    The suspicions against the accused mainly concern construction fraud and wrongly issued building permits, which is believed to have led to many buildings collapsing in connection with the earthquake.

    Around 173,000 buildings are believed to have collapsed or been destroyed in the quake.

    In total, 184 of the 612 suspects included in the investigations opened in Turkey have been detained.

    – We find new evidence in the buildings, which forms the basis for the criminal investigations, says Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag at a press conference, according to TT.

  • Woman dead in fire

    The police were alerted earlier on Saturday due to a fire that broke out in a villa in Mörbylånga on Öland.

    Now the police announce that a 65-year-old woman has been found dead in the villa. The woman’s next of kin have been notified.

    The police have drawn up a report of arson.

    – There is nothing to suggest that a crime has been committed. The classification of arson is because we cannot rule out crime, says Richard Lundqvist at the police.

  • Hungary can postpone the NATO vote

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Photo: Szilard Koszticsak

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s chief of staff hinted on Saturday that the ratification of Sweden and Finland’s NATO applications could be postponed, Reuters reports.

    According to the chief of staff, it may take until the end of March.

    Orbán has previously said he supports Sweden and Finland joining NATO, but recently announced that Turkey’s concerns must be listened to.

    – When it comes to Turkey, they are also our allies and that is why we need to hear their voices.

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  • His name is Lukashenka or Lukashenko

    Klas Bergström

    Hello! In Sweden, we spell his surname as Lukashenko, but it should be pronounced with an “a” at the end.

  • Have you heard anything more about what happened in the Uppsala mall

    Tobias Ljungberg

    A suspected dangerous object had been found and the mall was evacuated. The national bomb disposal unit was called to the scene and it was later determined that the object was harmless.

    Read more here.

  • Why haven’t you written anything about the Russian ship that docked in Nynäshamn with Russian gas today??

    It is a bigger scandal when all EU countries including Sweden have to follow the sanctions!!!!

    LL Lindqwister

  • Hello, enter the Gym murder and they are released. Is the 17 year old who shot released too?


    Hello! All suspects have been released pending sentencing on March 10.

    The suspected shooter has been placed in SIS home.

  • Hello Hello!

    Why did you remove the post about the police going up with a large number of drones over Sthlm to monitor serious crime/gang criminals? Was the news not true? In that case, it was a great pity.

    Nice weekend!


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