Latest news – Alert about powder letters

today at 21.19 Nelly Kronstrand

The police have been alerted to an address in Norrköping due to a suspected dangerous object that arrived via letter with powder to a person.

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  • Several arson fires near Motala

    The police were alerted to several locations outside Motala. Three abandoned houses have been set on fire and several ground fires have been discovered.

    – There are a little too many fires in the same area in a short, very short time for us not to suspect any connection, says Johnny Gustavsson at the police.

    The police also cannot see any natural causes for the fires.

    There is no information that anyone is injured.

    – We are interested in all observations made by the public in the area, says Johnny Gustavsson.

  • The “Women’s Prison” actor dead

    Maxine Klibingaitis in “Neighbours”.

    Actor Maxine Klibingaitis has died, reports say Daily Mail. She was 58 years old.

    The Australian became known for his roles in the TV series “Women’s Prison” and “Neighbours”.

  • Pro-Russian hacker attack on Europe’s air traffic control

    The cyber attack started on Thursday against Eurocontrol. The organization coordinates Europe’s air traffic control, it writes wall street journal.

    – Since April 19, Eurocontrol’s website has been under attack from pro-Russian hackers. The attack creates disturbances on our website and accessibility on the web. There is no impact on European aviation, a Eurocontrol spokesperson told the paper.

  • Villa caught fire – extinguishing in progress

    Emergency services and police are on the scene at a house fire in Rättvik municipality.

    – There are several people who call in and say they see smoke and flames, says Gabriel Henning, press spokesperson at the Bergslagen police region.

    According to the police, the villa is on fire and extinguishing work is underway.

    Residents were outside the house when the emergency services arrived.

    – It is a person who has been checked by an ambulance. No one has been taken to hospital at the moment, says Gabriel Henning.

  • Man beaten after car crash

    Two people have been arrested on suspicion of assault in Ale municipality.

    According to the police, the men allegedly assaulted a man in his 20s after a car crash.

    The 20-year-old was taken to hospital for treatment. The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Shooting in Växjö

    The police have been called to a location in Växjö after reports of loud explosions.

    Findings at the scene indicate that a shooting took place.

    “According to what is currently known, no one is injured,” the police write on their website.

    An area has been cordoned off and forensics and special search dogs are on their way to the scene.

    Read more here.

  • Two children to hospital after “incident” at school

    Two children have had to be taken to hospital after an “incident” at a school in Luleå.

    One of the children is seriously injured, while the other is said to have minor injuries.

    – We were on site at a school in Luleå, but it was nothing police but a case of illness, says police spokesperson Maria Linné.

    The police are otherwise tight-lipped about the incident.

    Luleå municipality has called a meeting regarding the event to be held on Thursday evening.

    The region has also been alerted to the incident and states that parents at the affected school have been contacted.

  • Suspected workplace accident in Skurup – one crushed

    The police have been called to a workplace in Skurup due to a suspected workplace accident.

    One person has had to be taken to hospital after what is initially deemed to be a crushing accident.

    There is no information on the state of damage.

  • Elon Musk’s rocket exploded

    Elon Musk’s rocket exploded over the Gulf of Mexico just minutes after launch.

    – Starship just experienced what we call a rapid unplanned disassembly, said a representative of SpaceX in the live broadcast, writes CNN.

    This means that the rocket failed to reach orbit. Something Elon Musk warned before the launch could take several tries before succeeding.

    But just that the rocket made it off the launch pad is seen as a great success. According to New York Times the engineers at SpaceX celebrated by spraying each other with champagne and shouting “Go Starship”.

  • Stoltenberg: “Ukraine’s rightful place is with NATO”

    Jens Stoltenberg (left) with Volodymyr Zelensky. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky

    – Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference on Thursday.

    In connection with his first visit to the country in over a year, he invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the NATO meeting in Vilnius in July, reports The Guardian.

    He said that the defense alliance has so far contributed over SEK 730 billion in military support to the Ukrainian defense.

  • 10 school children taken to hospital after suspected candy poisoning

    It was on Thursday afternoon that the police were alerted about 10 school children who had to be taken urgently to hospital in Linköping for a check-up.

    The children are said to have found something similar to “rainbow candy” near their school which they ate. After that, they allegedly fell ill with vomiting and nausea, reports Corren.

    – According to the information I have received, the children are doing well under the circumstances, says Johnny Gustafsson.

    The students are in grades 4 and 6 at a school outside central Linköping and are said to have been out on their lunch break when they found the candy.

    The police have now seized parts of the candy to check the contents. They have also drawn up 10 reports of abuse.

    Read more here.

  • Norwegian general strike over

    The Norwegian general strike is over. The parties must have agreed on a new agreement, sources told Norwegian Tv2.

    It began on Monday when almost 25,000 went on strike.

    On one side stood Norwegian LO together with YS (Yrkesorganisasjonenes Sentralforbund), on the other employers in the form of Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (NHO).

    The announcement of the general strike came on Sunday afternoon, after fruitless negotiations that took place over the weekend.

    The Norwegian unions demanded wage increases of at least 5.0 percent for wages to increase more than consumer prices in 2023.

  • Man stabbed in Gothenburg – one person arrested

    A man in his 30s has been stabbed in central Gothenburg.

    The man was taken to hospital in an ambulance and is said to have been injured in the abdomen, among other things. His injury status is currently unclear.

    – The police are on the scene just a few minutes after the alarm comes in, says Jens Andersson, press spokesperson at the police.

    Shortly afterwards, a suspected perpetrator in his 20s was arrested.

    – He was arrested in close proximity to the crime scene, says Jens Andersson.

    A knife is also found near the crime scene and confiscated. The police have now drawn up a report of attempted murder.

    – We will also secure surveillance footage from the area to see if the whole thing has been caught on film, says Jens Andersson.

  • Man dies in workplace accident

    A man in his 50s died after he was run over by an excavator in Vetlanda during the morning.

    The incident is handled as a workplace accident and causing the death of another.

    Relatives have been notified.

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  • Ven to take out the ramp for wheelchair users when the train attendants disappear? They unlock it and put it between the platform and the train

    Train traveler with patience


    That responsibility should instead lie with the station attendants instead according to MTR.

  • Will you watch the verdict on those who murdered Tove?



    Yes, our reporter Amanda Hällsten is there and will cover the verdict, which will come at 2 p.m.

  • Isn’t there a subway in Huddinge???

    Dan Söder

    Hello Dan! Yes, there is, both Vårby farm and Masmo are located in Huddinge municipality. But it’s a bit confusing, there are three municipalities that have metro stations in the area: Stockholm, Huddinge and Botkyrka.

  • Where can I find today’s electricity prices?


  • Will there be any egg recalls?

    You become a little hesitant if you want to eat the eggs you have at home.


    According to the information that has gone out, there should be no danger.

    To be on the safe side, you can make sure to fry the eggs properly. Salmonella bacteria die at temperatures above 70 degrees.

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