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Outdoor rape alarm

today at 10.26am Amanda Hällsten

At 01.30 the police were alerted to a rape that took place outdoors in central Norrköping.

The woman who raised the alarm is in her 30s, and there is no information on the extent of the injuries.

Police technicians have been on site during the morning. No one has been arrested so far.

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  • Climate action at parliament – “oil or fundamental rights?”

    Climate activists in The Last Generation sprayed down an artwork when the German parliament in Berlin. Photo: Sven Kaeuler/TT

    Climate activists from the group The last generation sprayed down a work of art near the German parliament in Berlin, TT reports.

    With black liquid, which would symbolize “soaking in oil”, they sprayed down the work of the artist Dani Karavan “Grundgesetz 49”. They also put up posters with the text “Oil or fundamental rights”.

    Bärbel Bas, spokesperson for the German parliament, stated that the work of art is about respecting and protecting fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, and hoped that the work did not suffer permanent damage.

    In a statement, the climate activists responded, writing that “the German government does not protect our fundamental rights”. The activists pointed to the continued burning of oil as an example of that.

  • David Lindley is dead – aged 78

    David Lindley performs in Sweden in 1984. Photo: ROONY JOHANSSON

    The American artist David Lindley has died, reports Rolling Stone.

    He was 78 years old.

    “This is a great loss to our culture and our society. He contributed so much as a person and a musician. Rest in peace,” writes Lindley’s manager on Facebook.

    Lindley is best known for his collaborations with artists in the 70s and 80s. Including Dolly Parton, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Toto and Rod Stewart.

  • Man stabbed – two arrested

    Shortly after 03:00, the police were alerted about a man who had been stabbed in Östermalm in central Stockholm.

    The man was taken to hospital by ambulance with minor injuries.

    A couple of hours later, the police were able to arrest two men in their 20s.

    – We must interrogate the perpetrators. It is unclear what relationship they have to the victim. I don’t have more information, says Mats Eriksson, police spokesperson.

  • Woman suspected of assault

    The police were called to an address in central Luleå due to an assault on the night of Sunday. At the scene, the police receive information that a woman allegedly hit a man and then fled the scene.

    Later, another call comes in to the police about an assault at another address in central Luleå. There, the same woman is said to have beaten a man.

    The woman was arrested by the police and is suspected of two cases of assault and illegal threats. She is also suspected of violence against an official in connection with the arrest.

    The woman will be questioned when she has sobered up, the police write on their website.

  • Woman shouted at cyclist who died – convicted of manslaughter

    It was three years ago that a 49-year-old woman had an outburst and swore at a cyclist on a sidewalk in Huntingdon, England. The 77-year-old cyclist was then forced to steer into the street, where he was hit and died.

    Now, despite her denial, the woman is sentenced to three years in prison for murder, reports BBC.

    The woman claims that the situation arose because of her cerebral palsy and a visual impairment. But the judge doesn’t buy it, who believes that the woman behaved “territorially when it comes to the sidewalk”.

    – The lesson that can be learned from this tragic case is to respect others on the roads, said the judge in his final plea.

  • Detonation at home

    Something has detonated at a residence in Helsingborg.

    At 01.35 the police were alerted to a loud bang heard in the area.

    On the spot, the police find that a detonation took place at the front door of a residence.

    No one should have been injured.

    The national bomb disposal service has been alerted to the scene and the police have opened an investigation into public danger devastation.

    No one has been arrested.

  • The Vasaloppet is threatened by environmental activists

    Police at the starting area. Photo: Ulf Palm/TT

    Vasaloppet’s collaboration with the oil company Preem has sparked anger and protests. The organizer now fears that Sunday’s race will be influenced by environmental activists, TT reports.

    “By sponsoring the Vasaloppet, the oil company Preem is helped to reach a large audience and associate its brand with winter sports. At the same time, all skiers are getting fewer and fewer ski days due to the same company’s activities, which we know are driving climate change and snowmelt. They shouldn’t get away with that without it being noticed,” writes Daniel Bengtsson, head of communications for Greenpeace.

    But according to Johan Eriksson, CEO of Vasaloppet, they are prepared for possible sabotage.

    – We have a plan and are reviewing how likely it is. We collaborate in various roles with authorities in society. I trust that the other authorities will do their part, he says.

  • China is arming the military

    China is to invest the equivalent of approximately 2.3 trillion kroner in its military this year. This is announced by the country in connection with the annual National People’s Congress, which began today, several news agencies report.

    This means an increase of 7.2 percent in the defense budget. According to the country’s outgoing Prime Minister Li Keqiang, the country is facing “escalating” threats from abroad, AP writes.

    – The armed forces should intensify military training and preparedness across the board, he says.

    The country already has the world’s largest army with two million soldiers. China recently launched a third aircraft carrier and also has a large inventory of robots, fighter jets and bombers capable of handling nuclear weapons.

  • Shooting at residence

    A police patrol heard gunfire on Skallberget in Västerås late on Saturday evening, reports VLT.

    It turned out that someone shot at a gate in an apartment building.

    Several patrols and special search dogs were called to the scene.

    – We are carrying out customary investigative measures such as door knocking, questioning witnesses et cetera. We have special search dogs that can search for weapons and casings, says Anders Holm, commander at the regional command center, to the newspaper.

    No injuries have been reported. Despite the fact that the first patrol was quickly on the scene, no suspect has been found.

  • The UN agreement on the deep sea is ready

    Coral reefs in the Mediterranean. Photo: David Salvatori/VWPics via AP Images

    The United Nations has agreed on an agreement to protect the deep sea after a decade of negotiations.

    – The boat is in port, said a teary-eyed Rena Lee, president of the UN Deep Sea Conference, and was greeted by a prolonged standing ovation in New York.

    The deadline was set for midnight on Friday, Swedish time. Just over 21 hours later, Rena Lee announced that they have agreed on a text.

    – It feels like a lifetime since I came to the plenum, she said.

    (TT, Aftonbladet)

  • Police hunt for attempted robbery

    Two perpetrators are being hunted after an attempted robbery in Handen, south of Stockholm. The police were alerted at 02:00 and have, among other things, searched the area with a helicopter.

    – It was still up and flying, says Mikael Pettersson, commander at the police’s regional command centre.

    A man in his 30s was the victim of an attempted robbery where one of the perpetrators was allegedly armed with a knife.

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  • What is required for a country to be excluded from NATO?

    Boss Lind

    Hello! It is a bit unclear if and, if so, how it can happen, because since NATO was formed in 1949, no country has been excluded. There is also no exclusion clause.

    On the other hand, it has been discussed in and between the countries how to approach if a member clearly violates its commitments or the principles of the treaty. On FOI’s website you can read more about it.

  • Why hasn’t Aftonbladet written about what happened in Bryansk-Russia?


    Here you can find three articles about it Samir (two were written on March 2 and then one more yesterday).

  • Hello!

    This, like any other question, will not succeed, BUT how did the women’s biathlon go?


    In the ladies’ pursuit start, it was double Norwegian at the top.

    Marte Olsbu Röiseland won a sprint battle against Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold and thus took her second straight victory.

    France’s Anaïs Chevalier-Bouchet came third.

    Julia Simon finished fourth and thus extends her lead in the overall World Cup.

    The best Swede was Hanna Öberg in tenth place.


  • What is the percentage distribution of men and women who answer the questions from the readers? It should probably be about the same. It is mainly important when it comes to the selection which questions are answered.


    We who answer your questions are Aftonbladet’s reporters and editors on duty. The gender distribution varies and does not matter.

  • Who is leading the investigation into Nord Stream?

    Jenö Barany

    Hello! In Sweden, it is Säpo that handles the investigation. It is led by Mats Ljungqvist, chamber prosecutor at the national unit for security cases.

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