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Musk hits back at suicide prevention claims

today at 1.56pm Jacob Ruderstam

During the day Reuters has reported that the suicide prevention feature disappeared from Twitter.

According to two sources to the news agency, the decision must have been made by Elon Musk himself.

Now Elon Musk hits back after the reporting and refers to the news as incorrect.

“False, it’s still there,” he writes in response to Reuters’ link to the article on social media.

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    The increased consumption is mainly due to the restricted supply of Russian gas and reduced imports of French nuclear electricity.

  • Lack of electricity in Ukraine on Christmas Eve – power plants are stopped

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    Ukraine’s national energy company Ukrenergo writes on Telegram that an important power plant has had to be stopped due to damage.

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  • Man shot by police in Vimmerby has died

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    Relatives have been notified, the police write on their website.

    The incident is said to have occurred after the police were called to an apartment due to a fight during the Friday evening.

    A policeman was injured during the intervention but has been able to leave hospital.

    Read more about it here.

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    The alarm should have gone off in 13 of the country’s regions, including in the capital, Kyiv.

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  • Birds have stomachs full of plastic

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    This is because plastic waste from Europe has traveled north with the ocean currents and has now reached the Arctic.

    – Of the animals we have autopsied, it is now more than 90 percent that have plastic in their stomachs to the extent that we believe it affects their nutrient absorption, says Kim Holmén at the Norwegian Polar Institute, to the radio.

  • Man shot – no one arrested yet

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    Hans-Jörgen Ostler, press spokesperson for the police in the West region, says that they are working on the investigation. No one has yet been arrested.

    – We have worked with door knocking in the area and carried out a technical investigation. We are working with internal and external reconnaissance to locate this perpetrator or perpetrators, we cannot rule out that it is more than one.

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    – It is too early to comment on that at the moment, but we do not dismiss such investigative thoughts, says Hans-Jörgen Ostler.

  • Grain harvest in Ukraine 40 percent less

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    – We expect a grain harvest of around 65-66 million tons, says Sergiy Ivashchenko, who heads Ukraine’s trade association for grain farmers.

    Last year’s harvest in Ukraine was 106 million tons.

  • The world’s trash has reached the Arctic

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    The trash travels from Europe and with the ocean currents, the air and ships to the north.

    The petrels on Svalbard have their stomachs largely filled with plastic and many animals come into contact with the rubbish, writes the Norwegian Polar Institute on its website.

    – Of the animals we have autopsied, it is now more than 90 percent that have plastic in their stomachs to the extent that we believe it affects their nutrient intake, says Kim Holmén at the Norwegian Polar Institute, to Sveriges Radio.

  • Several dead after tanker explodes

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    – I have never seen anything like this before and I cannot believe the trauma that happened like this the day before Christmas, he says.

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    Videos are circulating on social media showing a violent explosion followed by flames rising into the sky.

  • Person walked through the ice at Årsta holmar

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    The person has been taken to hospital.

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  • Are you working tomorrow?

    Merry Christmas!


    Here at the editorial office, there is someone who works every day, all year round! Merry Christmas, Harald! ?

  • Are price increases on food habits reasonable in relation to inflation or are the stores salting the prices to make more profit? Think, for example, butter prices!


    Hey! The Norwegian Institute of Economic Research has investigated this, and concluded that prices did not rise unreasonably much. However, I don’t know how it is with butter, and of course there can be exceptions.

  • What is happening in Vetlanda – the case?

    New tasks? Are both women still in custody?

    Bert ove

    Hey! Yes, they are still in custody.

    In our last article about the case, we wrote that one of them wanted to change lawyers. Here you can take part in our entire reporting.

  • Finished with electricity support for Norrland?



    The government has not yet given any clear information about it. In an interview with The Express however, says Oscar Sjöstedt, economic policy spokesperson for SD, that an electricity subsidy should also be given to Norrland.

    – It must be done and we are working together with the government there, he tells the newspaper.

    However, when that will happen is unclear.

  • Read that they were convicted of the hairdresser’s murder (execution) in Gothenburg.

    Why aren’t both sentenced to life in prison?

    Is it because they were young when the crime happened?

    Is this the District Court’s judgment, and will it be appealed?

    Hasse Gustafsson

    Hey! The penalty value is assessed to be life imprisonment for the murder. However, the court has decided that the shooter was 18 when the murder was committed, which thus led to a lighter sentence.

    The other person is convicted of aiding and abetting.

    The penalty value for his act is considered lower than for the two shooters, but the assessment is still that it is equivalent to life imprisonment. There, too, age is taken into account, according to GP.

    It is the district court’s verdict and the newspaper writes that it will be appealed.

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