last tribute, the causes of the drama

last tribute the causes of the drama

This Friday, July 29, a final tribute was paid to Chief Warrant Officer Martial Morin. Two days ago, the Drôme firefighters announced his death after an operation in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

[Mis à jour le 29 juillet 2022 à 13h33] This Friday, July 29, 2022, a final tribute was paid to Martial Morin, a volunteer firefighter whose death was announced on July 25. Stationed in Tain-L’hermitage, the chief warrant officer had been hospitalized since July 15 after an intervention on a major fire in the Bouches-du-Rhône. The tribute ceremony took place from 11 a.m. at Chayla Park in Tain-l’Hermitage. It was chaired by the Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Communities, Caroline Cayeux who did not fail to recall that “with his relatives, all of France is in mourning for Pascal Morin”. To honor the memory of Martial Morin, a volunteer for 24 years in the fire and rescue centers of Chanos-Curson, Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, Chatelard and Tain-l’Hermitage, around 300 firefighters move. One of his friends, Bruno, expressed his sadness: “He is a friend, I am very saddened. I knew him many years ago. I shared many things with this generous committed man. It’s tragic what happened and I find it hard to accept that he is gone. He was an extraordinary man who we miss,” reported France 3.

The death of Chief Warrant Officer Martial Morin, a member of the Drôme departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS 26), was announced on Wednesday July 27 in a press release from the Drôme firefighters. The 54-year-old man died Monday July 25, after several days of hospitalization in intensive care following a malaise due to an operation. He had been sent to the Bouches-du-Rhône on July 14 to fight against the fire in the Montagnette massif, in the municipalities of Tarascon and Graveson, near Avignon. After participating in the defense of several sensitive points, the firefighter had complained of significant fatigue and severe pain in the throat, according to information from the Dauphiné liberated. Martial Morin, married with two children, had been a volunteer firefighter for twenty-four years. A national tribute will be paid to him.

Once his pain was reported, the firefighter was immediately placed under surveillance, but his condition deteriorated rapidly, while he fell ill on July 15. Martial Morin was transported to the Avignon hospital center, which revealed that the firefighter suffered from a “bacterial infection of the epiglottis”, reports The world. After several days in intensive care, the firefighter died of a heart attack on Monday July 25. His death provoked the reaction of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, who indicated, Wednesday, July 27: “I bring all my support to his family, his relatives and his comrades.” That same day, before the Senate, the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, addressed “all [ses] condolences to his family and loved ones”; in addition, she praised “the commitment of our firefighters, soldiers, law enforcement officers, community agents, who are our everyday heroes”.

Martial Morin joined as a volunteer firefighter at the Chanos-Curson center on July 1, 1998, 24 years ago. He continued his commitment there until 1er January 2008 where he joined the emergency center of Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, which became CIS Le Chatelard. On July 1, 2019, he became chief warrant officer at the Tain-l’Hermitage Fire and Rescue Center. Aged 54, he was married and the father of two children aged 30 and 31, a daughter and a son, who is also a volunteer firefighter in Drôme.

“Martial Morin was recognized for his kindness, his dedication and his unfailing commitment to the firefighters”, indicates the site of The gallery. Since the announcement of his death, many colleagues have paid tribute to the firefighter, as well as the departmental fire and rescue services throughout France, such as that of the Alpes-Maritimes or that of Bouches -du-Rhone. Many MEPs also paid tribute to the deceased firefighter, recalling the general interest mission of firefighters, who save lives every year.

On July 14, Chief Warrant Officer Morin went on a mission to the neighboring department of Bouches-du-Rhône and intervened with other firefighters on “La Montagnette”, in the towns of Tarascon and Graveson, in a few kilometers from Avignon. The next day, he joined a defense column which intervened as reinforcements on the fire of “La Montagnette” in the communes of Tarascon and Graveson. He was then “responsible for the Tain truck in this column”, explained Comptroller General Amadeï.

If the intervention had gone well, the same evening, Martial Morin had shown sore throats to the nurse. “He then asks him to rest, his group leaves without him on the intervention. An hour later, he has breathing difficulties, the nurse takes him to the command center so that he can see a doctor. He decides to send him to the hospital in Avignon. When he arrives at the hospital, he has a cardiac arrest. He is immediately taken care of and put under sedation and respiratory assistance, “reported the General Controller.

The doctors then tried three times to wake him up, without success. The analyzes carried out lead to the conclusion of an inflammation of the epiglottis, a gland in the throat which makes it possible to make the difference between air and food. The inflammation he suffered led to insufficient oxygenation of the brain. The last neurological examination shows irreversible sequelae, before the death of Martial Morin is recorded on July 25 at the hospital in Avignon.

To pay tribute to this volunteer firefighter for 24 years already, the Drôme Departmental Fire and Rescue Service, his friends and colleagues from the Tain l’Hermitage rescue center have decided to hold a ceremony on Friday July 29. at 11 a.m., Parc du Chayla in Tain-l’Hermitage, before the family ceremony. A national tribute should also be paid to him, with the presence of a member of the government. The head of government made a point of saying a few words in tribute to Martial Morin during questions to the government by the Senate: “I would like to pay tribute to him, send all my condolences to his friends and relatives, and once again salute the commitment of our firefighters, soldiers, law enforcement, community agents, who are our everyday heroes,” she said. Applause resounded in the hemicycle.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin had expressed his condolences and his support to “his family, his relatives and his comrades”. Other political figures have also expressed their sadness at the announcement of the death. The deputy LR of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti wrote in particular on his Twitter account: “I learn with great sadness, the death of Chief Warrant Officer Martial Morin, firefighter of the Drôme. He died fighting against the flames in Tarascon. Thoughts for his family, loved ones and brothers in arms”.
