last straight line of the election campaign

last straight line of the election campaign

In Benin, the campaign for Sunday’s legislative elections ends this Friday at midnight. All observers agree that these legislative elections are more inclusive with seven parties in the running, three of which claim opposition. On the logistics side, the teams of the Autonomous National Electoral Commission (Cena) are hard at work. The electoral material is ready to be transported everywhere in the country, in particular in the zones where the armed groups have raged in recent months.

In Benin, the 7 parties in the running continue their campaign before the legislative elections on Sunday. Voters will choose the 109 members of the National Assembly for a three-year term, until a general election is held in 2026.

Cena’s material director gave an update on preparations to the press in a huge room where all election material is stored. The entire perimeter is cordoned off by armed soldiers, reports our correspondent in Cotonou, Jean-Luc Aplogan.

He spoke in the midst of thousands of canteens, jute bags and boxes stored in batches, intended for the 17,749 polling stations. On each package a complete identification sheet. Inside, indelible ink, the sheets of minutes of the conduct of the ballot, the ballot papers, the electoral lists…

Send election materials

Outside, hundreds of trucks are waiting to load this material and transport it throughout Benin, including places like Karimama in the North, where terrorist groups have carried out attacks.

On this point, the Cena wants to be reassuring, as Ruffin Domingo explains to us. ” In this room, you have seen, all of Benin is planned, all the canteens will be deployed. There’s no fear, we’ll deploy. The security aspect is taken into account at a higher level. »

Mr. Domingo talks about the Ministries of Defense and the Interior. According to our information, on Sunday, military police pairs will provide security at the polling stations. No security wants to give the workforce that will be deployed. ” He’s got enough for the vote “Answers a high-ranking officer expeditiously.

The presidential party campaigning in Abomey

Unlike 2019, three parties claiming to be opposition are participating in this election. In the department of Zou, stronghold of Patrice Talon, UP Le Renouveau (party of the presidential movement), held a meeting Tuesday evening in Abomey, in the presence of its president Joseph Djogbenou. Listen to the report of our special correspondent.

In Abomey, meeting of Union populaire le Renouveau a few days before the legislative elections

►Also read: In Benin, in the street, limited interest in the legislative elections
