last straight line… news and poll results

last straight line news and poll results

THE PEN. Marine Le Pen’s campaign is coming to an end. After her trip to Pas-de-Calais, the far-right candidate begins Friday at midnight the reserve period during which she is no longer authorized to make electoral propaganda, pending the verdict of the ballot boxes, this Sunday April 24.

6:29 pm – Marine Le Pen: “The question is quite simple: Macron or France?”

In Arras during her last meeting, Marine Le Pen lambasted her opponent. Criticizing both her record and her attitude during the debate, she launched: “Since Emmanuel Macron wanted to reduce this ballot to a referendum: banco! The question is quite simple: Macron or France?”. Implied therefore, France would be Marine Le Pen.

18:11 – Who would be Marine Le Pen’s ministers?

Marine Le Pen jealously guards the secret of the names of those who will make up her future government if she is elected to the supreme office, in particular that of her eventual Prime Minister. The silence can be taken as an admission of the isolation of the candidate on the political scene but for Louis Aliot, it is not so. In defense, the mayor of Perpignan made a comparison on France 2 with certain ministers of Emmanuel Macron: “Listen, no one knew Christopher Castaner before he was a minister, obviously not.”

6:02 p.m. – Marine Le Pen pins a last tweet

Marine Le Pen, traveling to Pas-de-Calais, land of choice for the RN, has just pinned a video on her Twitter account. A final message for his constituents and supporters before the weekend. Marine Le Pen will have to respect the reserve period this weekend which is incumbent on each candidate not to speak about the election or to carry out propaganda work from midnight this evening.

17:52 – Marine Le Pen: “It’s out of envy that the French choose my project”

“In the first round we choose, in the second round we discard”, explained Marine Le Pen this morning on Europe 1, and she judges that in this game she has her chances of winning. “I have met tens of thousands of French people and I can tell you that it is out of envy that they choose my project”, she adds immediately as if to convince that her project unites and seduces the majority of voters.

17:28 – Misappropriation of public funds? “Stink Bombs”

A week before the election, Marine Le Pen had been plunged into turmoil while Mediapart revealed a new legal case concerning her. A new report from the European Union accuses the far-right candidate of embezzling 137,000 euros from the European Parliament. “Marine Le Pen disputes the facts. She had no documents, Mediapart did. It’s just called stink balls,” Philippe Ballard, communications director for Marine Le Pen, told FranceInfo.

5:13 p.m. – “We are the only alternative to the system”, says Marine Le Pen

“Since Emmanuel Macron wanted to reduce this meeting to a referendum, banco! The question will ultimately be quite simple: Macron or France?”, Launched the RN candidate during a meeting in Arras. “In this election, we are the only alternative to the system, a popular and social alternative to this oligarchic power, this power of the few for the benefit of the few,” she said.

16:59 – Last smiles and last selfies for Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen publishes on her Twitter account the latest images of her meetings with her constituents. The RN candidate, all smiles, takes a break on the selfies demanded of her by her supporters. In particular, Marine Le Pen sends a message to young people: “During this whole campaign, I have seen courageous, strong and patriotic French youth. It is with these living forces of the nation that I want to straighten out our beautiful country! “

4:42 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron responds to pro-Marine Le Pen activists

Emmanuel Macron began his speech in Figeac, in the Lot, where he is giving his last campaign meeting this evening. Questioned on the spot by pro-Marine Le Pen activists, he replied: “Congratulations on being in a democracy, I hope it can continue, because on April 24, if it is not the case, it will be another choice.”

16:37 – Marine Le Pen president? The concern of the French

According to a BVA poll published this Friday, if Marine Le Pen were elected President of the Republic this Sunday, April 24, 56% of French people would be worried. It is very exactly the same score as a week ago (but nevertheless 7 points more than before the 1st round), notes the polling institute.

16:13 – Poll: Marine Le Pen 12 points from Emmanuel Macron

YouGov UK today reveals its latest barometer of voting intentions, two days before the second round of the 2022 presidential election. Emmanuel Macron is credited with 56% of voting intentions, and Marine Le Pen with 44%. If these figures were confirmed during the second round of the presidential election this Sunday, April 24, Marine Le Pen would therefore lose the election a second time, but with ten points more than in 2017, since she had collected 34% of the votes. voice.

4:04 p.m. – Marine Le Pen: “That Emmanuel Macron despises me, I don’t care”

During her trip to Berck, Marine Le Pen again tackled the president-candidate. Comments taken from his Twitter account: “That Emmanuel Macron despises me, I don’t care, but that he despises the French, that he brutalizes them, that he treats them as he treated them, with disdain, Arrogantly, that’s unacceptable.” Marine Le Pen only has a few hours left to speak before midnight, when her reserve period will begin.

15:17 – In case of victory, Marine Le Pen will survey Paris with her campaign buses

Information from the Parisian was confirmed by an RN executive. “The idea is that the thirteen buses each represent a French region and that they follow Marine Le Pen’s car, following a planned route around the major Parisian and therefore French monuments of the capital,” a party member told France Info.

14:33 – Marine Le Pen: what program for health?

Traveling to Berck for this last day of the campaign, Marine Le Pen went to a private clinic and took the opportunity to reaffirm her proposals for the hospital: “Our caregivers have often been despised and forgotten by public policies. Elected President , I will devote 20 billion euros to the health system, including 2 billion over 5 years to raise their salaries,” she said on Twitter.

14:08 – The possibility of a “surprise” in the second round?

The polls all give Emmanuel Macron the winner of the ballot, with a gap that widens over the days. However, according to political scientist Jean Petaux, guest of FranceInfo, we must not “exclude a surprise”. “The risk is to think that the mass is said, that the match is played, and that, on the contrary, demobilizes the voters of whoever is in the lead,” he says.

13:45 – Marine Le Pen criticizes Emmanuel Macron’s pension plan

Marine Le Pen described the pension reform project as “economic absurdity”. According to her, this reform “is a profound social injustice for the French”. The French with Emmanuel Macron will therefore take it for life,” she said this afternoon during her trip to Pas-de-Calais.


At the end of the first round of the 2022 presidential election, Marine Le Pen came second with 23.15% of the vote, behind Emmanuel Macron with 27.85% of the vote. The National Rally candidate only obtained 420,000 votes more than Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who failed in third place with 21.95% of the vote. Marine Le Pen nevertheless obtained a better score than in 2017 (20.3%) and won almost 500,000 more votes (8.1 million voters against 7.6 5 years ago). Its best results are recorded in the departments of northern and eastern France. The candidate came first in 20,000 municipalities out of the approximately 36,000 in the country.

Numerous polls have punctuated the 2022 presidential campaign, until Friday, April 22. All gave Emmanuel Macron in the lead, ahead of Marine Le Pen, but the poll results cannot be interpreted as forecasts for this Sunday’s votes. The polls have already strayed from the actual results. And the polls are only a photograph of opinion at a precise moment, so they do not record the ultimate dynamics, that of the undecided nor that of the extent of mobilization and abstention. Here, as a simple reminder, is an update on the polls published during this campaign, in our article published last Friday.

Marine Le Pen has promised to “put France back in order by ensuring the protection of the French”. Several axes were put forward in his program during the campaign such as a “progressive system” allowing retirement from the age of 60, a triptych “protect, plan, transmit”, the superiority of constitutional law over European law to “restore the EU in its place”. It also intends to stop immigration, fight Islamism and raise purchasing power, with the aim of “giving back their money” and “their country” to the French.
