last straight line for the choice of running mates

last straight line for the choice of running mates

In Kenya, there are only ten days left for the presidential candidates of August 9, 2022 to choose their running mate. In other words, the name of the one would automatically become vice-president in the event of victory. A very strategic choice, since it is a question for the candidates, of managing to identify the one who will be the most able to arouse the vote of the communities of which they do not already have the favors. And it’s not always easy. Negotiations are therefore in full swing.

With our correspondent in Nairobi, Florence Morice

Perhaps this is for Raila Odinga that the equation is the most difficult to solve. ” It’s even a nightmare said Kenyan analyst Dismas Mokua.

The candidate is caught between two fires. On the one hand Kalonzo Musyoka, already vice-president, and twice his running mate in the past believes that the ticket is rightfully his. Otherwise, he threatens to withdraw the significant support of his community at the risk of breaking up their coalition.

At the same time the candidate knows that to win he cannot do without the central region of Mount Kenya, the country’s main reservoir of votes. It is the stronghold of outgoing Uhurura Kenyatta, who is calling for people to vote for him, but whose supporters believe that the post of vice-president would represent the least of the rewards in exchange for their vote.

► To (re) read: Presidential candidates flirt with Mount Kenya voters

In the camp of William Ruto, the other great candidate, there is no lack of suitors either and the negotiations become more complicated as his coalition expands. The recent rallying of the President of the National Assembly Justin Muturi could, for example, change the situation.

Be that as it may, in the opinion of many analysts, the choice of running mates has rarely seemed so decisive on the outcome of a presidential election in Kenya. Because for the first time in decades, the central province of the country, Mount Kenya, kingmaker, does not present its own candidate.
