Recently, many people have started to complain by associating various health problems, especially heart attack, brain hemorrhage and rhythm disorders with vaccines. Prof. Dr. Medipol Mega University Hospital. Dr. Muhammad Emin Akkoyunlu, contrary to the common claims that vaccines have negative effects on health, said that the association of such disorders with vaccines is not based on a scientific basis. Extensive research has shown that vaccines do not cause such diseases, but rather benefit such health problems.
Effects on vaccines and health
In recent years, in contradiction with traditional medical knowledge, many patients have attached their health problems directly to the vaccine. Dr. Akkoyunlu said, “Especially in social media and among the people, Vaccine There is a widespread opinion that people who are experiencing health problems such as heart attack and brain hemorrhage. One of almost every three patients asks us such questions. This is also a subject that we encounter on social media. Scientific studies refute these claims. ”
Research on millions of people
Referring to the comprehensive research on the effects of vaccines on health. Dr. Akkoyunlu, especially on 10 million people, then 8 million, 45 million and ultimately 100 million people, including many important data were obtained, he said. In these studies, there was no serious difference in health problems such as mortality rates, heart attacks and brain hemorrhage between groups that are vaccinated and non -vaccine, and even these possibilities were less in people who were vaccinated. ”
As a result of these studies, the outcome of vaccines directly prevented brain hemorrhage and heart attack, but Kovid-19 Stating that it is effective in protecting from complications that can be created by viral diseases. Dr. Akkoyunlu said, “Kovid-19 provides a very effective protection in reducing complications against diseases. Conditions such as clotting and embolism are less common in people who are vaccinated. ” In addition, non-vaccinated individuals experienced more serious complications in case of caught KOVİD-19, he added.